I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2413: Companion City (Part 2)

Everything has been built, so there is no need to stick to one city.

Bagua City serves as the city center.

Other cities serve as auxiliary cities to assist Bagua City.

And between cities, an underground passage can be built to connect them.

Thinking of this, Liu Mingyu felt that his idea was absolutely acceptable.

With the energy defense shield provided by controllable nuclear fusion, even if it is attacked by Zerg or zombies, it can still last for a period of time.

How to give enough time to eliminate them.

There is no need to passively fight back when surrounded by zerg or zombies like before.

If we really encounter such a siege next time, even if one city is besieged, we can still fight back through another city.

Moreover, even when fleeing, there are more routes to escape.

Liu Mingyu feels that it can be built into an interconnected city.

The more Liu Mingyu thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was very good, but to build this kind of interconnected city, a certain degree of transformation was needed.

The drawings of city fortresses provided by the previous system were only drawings for a single city.

Now that the urban fortress needs to be interconnected, local modifications must be made.

Liu Mingyu immediately informed Feiyun of his ideas and asked Feiyun to make relevant optimizations based on his needs and the drawings of the city fortress.

Feiyun is indeed an intermediate artificial intelligence, combining the drawings of major cities around the world and the drawings of urban fortresses, plus Liu Mingyu's needs.

It only took less than a minute for a new drawing to appear in front of Liu Mingyu.

Liu Mingyu took a cursory look at the drawings. The plans were very exquisite. Looking down from above, it looked like a beautiful picture.

The new city drawings re-planned this time are not just about building energy crystal manufacturing plants, but there are eight different plans based on different production capacities.

Such as weapons manufacturing plants.

No, it shouldn’t be called a factory.

Instead it should be called a city.

Weapons manufacturing city.

Spaceship manufacturing city.

Resource recycling city.

Various exclusive cities.

These are only the eight cities currently divided by Liu Mingyu based on the existing division of labor.

New cities will be gradually added in the future based on demand.

Each city has its own unique characteristics.

Building eight exclusive cities at the same time is definitely not a small project.

Even with the help of intelligent engineering robots, it is not a small project.

This is not building a factory, nor is it building an industrial park.

Instead, build a city.

The area of ​​each city can reach nearly tens of thousands of square kilometers.

This area has already exceeded the original area occupied by Hangzhou.

The eight cities, with Bagua City as the center, have already spread to all directions.

This is definitely a massive project.

Liu Mingyu immediately held a high-level meeting of the company that afternoon.

Everyone attended the meeting on time, except for a few others who did not arrive.

Liu Mingyu expressed his idea of ​​building a new companion city at the meeting and distributed the drawings to every management team.

Liu Mingyu said: "Although Bagua City is large, as our needs are increasing, the resources we obtain are also increasing. Without expansion, there will no longer be enough land to use.

There is plenty of land out there for us to use.

I decided to take Bagua City as the center and build companion cities radiating around.

In the future, Bagua City will serve as the company’s main living and entertainment venue.

The remaining companion cities serve as cities for various resource processing or other needs.

This is the first batch of companion cities I plan to build, with a total of eight.

More cities will be built in the future based on demand.

What do you think? Any ideas? You can bring it up and discuss it with everyone. "

"Fully support the boss's idea."

"Boss, what do you say we should do?"

"Boss, just give the order to start construction."

Everyone agreed.

Mainly, no one dares to disagree.

The boss has already prepared the drawings.

This shows that it must be built.

Although they also feel that so far, there is still a long way to go before the full capacity operation mentioned by the boss.

But since the boss has already spoken, all they need to do is follow suit.

Besides, it’s not like there are no resources to build it.

With so many resources nearby, building eight new cities would be a piece of cake.

Liu Mingyu glanced at everyone and felt clearly about their support.

Liu Mingyu nodded and responded: "In that case, I announce that starting from today, the construction of the first batch of companion cities will begin.

I hope to see the completion of the construction of a new batch of cities within half a year.

Liu Yanhong, this construction task will be left to you.

I hope you can arrange it well. "

"Make sure to complete the mission."

Liu Yanhong stood up and answered respectfully.

Liu Yanhong succeeded Ye Qingxuan and was the main person in charge of the company, in charge of various resources in the company.

Except for some important matters~lightnovelpub.net~ that require Liu Mingyu to make decisions, Liu Yanhong handles the rest by herself.

Liu Yanhong is a strong business woman. The company she founded has reached the top of the world's top 500 companies. Her management capabilities are far beyond what others can compare with.

Even Zhao Qingsong, formerly of the Panda Group, may not be Liu Yanhong's opponent.

Panda Group is very famous in China, but internationally, it is a little bit behind.

Liu Yanhong, on the other hand, managed her own company and became one of the top 500 companies in the world. Her highest name even reached the 29th place. She is definitely a strong woman among strong women.

With Liu Yanhong helping to manage, Liu Mingyu can be a hands-off shopkeeper.

If Ye Qingxuan was not Liu Mingyu's wife, I'm afraid this position would have been given to Liu Yanhong long ago.

But this is just talk.

After all, Liu Yanhong's appearance was relatively short, and it was not too late to replace her now.

Judging from the current situation of Liu Yanhong's control of the company, the management is very good and everything is progressing in an orderly manner. .

After the meeting, the company immediately released information to every employee about the simultaneous construction of eight companion cities.

When everyone received this information, there was a hint of disbelief on their faces.

"Is this too exaggerated by the company? Building eight cities at the same time? How much labor and resources will this require?"

"Oh my God! Build eight cities at the same time, the boss is so powerful and domineering."

"The city we live in now is not even 1/3 full, so we have to build a new city. Wouldn't it be a bit wasteful?"

"What's so wasteful about this? Apart from our city, is there any other city on earth where people can live?

How many more should be built? It’s also good for everyone. "