I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2419: Upgrade completed (Part 2)

Most people's talents are like this, and being able to reach 40 points is already quite remarkable.

This score is the talent of most ordinary people.

A talent that can reach 60 points is already a qualified talent.

But many people find it difficult to find a career that matches their talents throughout their lives.

If Liu Mingyu now has a controllable nuclear fusion technology skill card worth 90 points, and throws it to Mr. Huang to learn, it will cost 1 million points.

After spending 1 million points, Mr. Huang's talents in the field of controllable nuclear fusion were immediately increased from the original 40 points to the current 90 points.

This is the effect of new character talents.

Of course, skill cards are also divided into levels. ..

If the skill card used by Mr. Huang is just a passing skill card worth 60 points, then the points spent will be even less.

You only need to spend 100,000 points.

The points for the call charges are not static.

It depends on the talent you have and the value of the skill card you are about to learn.

The higher the value of the skill card you are about to learn, the higher the points it will cost.

The lower your talent, the higher the points spent.

So it may seem like a lot of points are spent, but if you spend millions of points just to obtain a certain kind of talent, it doesn't mean anything.

If you spend 1 million points, you can get a talent.

That's definitely a pretty good deal.

To take a step back, if you only need to have basic talent in a certain aspect.

You don’t need to spend 1 million points, you only need to spend 1/10 of the points to obtain relevant talents.

What is most important in this world?

Talent is the most important.

Especially top talent.

That is even more of a priority.

Being able to spend 1 million points to artificially create a talent is quite cost-effective.

However, Liu Mingyu was only happy for a while, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Because if you want to cultivate a talent, you need the most basic thing.

That's the skill card.

And it is a high-value skill card.

So far, Liu Mingyu has not found where to obtain skill cards in the system update.

Isn't it?

This is playing with me.

Liu Mingyu searched several times but could not find a way to obtain the skill card.

However, Liu Mingyu probably guessed that if you want to obtain a skill card, you may need to complete a certain task to obtain it.

Liu Mingyu turned his attention to the technology tree system again.

The technology tree system has also been revamped.

The original technology tree system can only light up a certain technology to level five. If it exceeds level five, it can only be activated through self-development and certain conditions are met.

It's different now.

Now it's directly on the table.

As long as you have enough points, don't say you are level six.

Even if it is level seven, level eight, or even level nine, or level ten.

It's not a big problem.

But when Liu Mingyu casually clicked on the points required for the subsequent six-level skills of one of the skills, he was immediately frightened.

To light up the level 6 technology, the points required are already as high as 10 million points.

This is a bit cheating!

Previously, the points required for levels one to five were 100,000, 200,000, 400,000, 800,000 and 1.6 million respectively.

According to this increase method, the points required for level six should be 3.2 million.

This time, it has more than doubled on the original basis.

So how many points are needed to light up the seventh-level technology?

Because there is currently no level 6 technology, Liu Mingyu doesn’t know how many points are needed to light up the level 7 technology?

According to the nature of the system, the points spent will never be too low.

It will most likely be 20 million points, or even higher.

The points required to light up the level 6 technology are indeed a lot.

But don't say it.

The effects brought by level six technology are also obvious.

Liu Mingyu took a look at the six-level technologies currently mastered by the company, and the only one was communication exploration technology.

This is the only technology that breaks through level five and reaches level six.

In fact, strictly speaking, communication exploration technology has not really reached level six, but is on the road to level six.

Even so, the help that less than six-level communication exploration technology brought to Liu Mingyu was huge.

There are many more technologies, and each one of them can make Liu Mingyu drool.

However, Liu Mingyu doesn't have enough points to light up related technologies now.

There are thousands of branches in the current technology tree system, all kinds of branches, all kinds of weird and weird branches.

Liu Mingyu once again set his sights on the mission system.

The mission system can be said to be the system that brought the greatest benefit to Liu Mingyu after he obtained the mission.

Almost most of the good stuff comes from the mission system.

The mission system still maintains its previous attributes.

Regardless of whether it is zombies or Zerg killed by Liu Mingyu himself, he can get points.

Zombies or Zerg killed by the forces under his command can also earn points~lightnovelpub.net~ However, the zombies or Zerg killed by the forces under his command in the past will be attenuated to a certain extent.

This attenuation is now cancelled.

Liu Mingyu can get enough points for the zombies killed by others.

There is another very important thing.

In the past, when a large number of zombies or Zerg were killed, the points provided would be greatly reduced when the number reached a certain level.

But this time, this reduction has also been cancelled.

In other words, as long as you can kill, no matter how many zombies or bugs you kill, you can get enough points.

This surprised Liu Mingyu.

Although the conflict on the Bering Strait some time ago caused Liu Mingyu to lose a lot of points.

However, after the system is upgraded, this restriction is removed, and it will become much easier to obtain points in the future.

Liu Mingyu suspected that the reason why the system canceled the points reduction this time was probably because the talent system and technology tree system required a large amount of points, so the restrictions were relaxed.

Regardless of whether it is the talent system or the technology tree system, the points required are an astronomical number.

A number that was unimaginable before.

But this is a good thing for Liu Mingyu.

In addition to canceling the points reduction, Liu Mingyu also noticed that challenge tasks that had disappeared before appeared again in the task system.

However, Liu Mingyu didn't care too much. Regardless of whether he had a challenge system or not, as long as he could get rewards, there was no big problem.

In addition to these system upgrade contents, Liu Mingyu also checked other upgrade-related contents.

They were all trivial matters, and they did not have a great impact on Liu Mingyu.