I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2484: Specified Talent Card (Part 1)

"At the age of 30 and in July, in order to avoid a more serious blow and for the safety of everyone, as an awakened person with spatial abilities who is relatively talented in combat, he was appointed by the boss as a combat pioneer to go to another world."

"At the age of 30 and August, you just arrived in another world. Before you had time to react, or even before you had time to use the most skilled teleportation, you were already dead."

"Based on the results of this simulation, your life simulation score is A level."

"Congratulations on completing a life simulation and obtaining an A-level rating. Based on the rating, you can obtain an A-level designated talent card."

Zhao Ziliang's life simulation time is much shorter than Clemens's.

But the information revealed is indeed much more.

And it is more in line with the situation I am about to face now.

Judging from Zhao Ziliang's future simulation, we did not expect that Sun Wenhao's team was able to develop a weapon to destroy the brood, but it was actually related to Zhao Ziliang.

Although the specific reason for the tragic victory was not found in this simulation, the general reason can basically be confirmed.

The strength of the Zerg's brood in outer space is also higher than I imagined.

But I still don't know the specific strength of the Brood, so how can I say it is higher than I imagined.

In the life simulator, the object of simulation is Zhao Ziliang. This imagination is higher and it is also Zhao Ziliang's imagination.

However, Liu Mingyu felt that since Zhao Ziliang could become a researcher at the Weapons Research Institute, the data he obtained must have been provided by him.

So theoretically speaking, the intensity of Zhao Ziliang's imagination is the intensity provided by Liu Mingyu himself.

Liu Mingyu secretly made up his mind that if he got data about the brood later, he would have to double the data one or two times to be safer.

Things haven't happened yet, and there's still time for everything to change.

What makes Liu Mingyu more concerned is what kind of hidden dangers the Zerg's mother nest in outer space left behind before it died?

Judging from what happened later, Zhao Ziliang went to another world.

Does that mean that the Zerg's mother nest in outer space opened a space portal before it died?

And behind the portal, there is another world.

Liu Mingyu felt that his speculation was somewhat reasonable.

If it weren't for the space portal, Liu Mingyu felt that he wouldn't have sent Zhao Ziliang to carry out this task.

If it is really a space portal, and based on Zhao Ziliang's reaction before his death, the strength on the other side of the space portal must be very powerful.

It can make Zhao Ziliang, a zombie who has awakened space powers, instantly unable to fight back and be killed instantly.

It seems that in the future, if we really encounter the space portal left by the Zerg mother nest in outer space, we will definitely not be able to send people there. The space portal must be destroyed here.

Zhao Ziliang's short message, even in less than a year, brought a lot of information to Liu Mingyu.

One message after another made Liu Mingyu extremely stressed.

I originally thought that by eradicating the Zerg and zombies on the earth, we should be able to usher in a period of stable development.

I didn’t expect that the Zerg in outer space would be so powerful.

How did he lose so miserably?

Through Zhao Ziliang's life simulation this time, no specific information can be obtained.

Liu Mingyu carefully read through every piece of information to make sure there were no omissions, and then he felt relieved.

At this time, Liu Mingyu suddenly remembered his mission reward.

Although the copy time this time was short, the evaluation it received was that it reached A level.

The most important point is that Liu Mingyu obtained an A-level designated talent card.

From the literal meaning, it should be that you can designate certain talents.

Liu Mingyu immediately checked the description of the designated talent card.

Designated talent card: You can designate a certain person's talent. When obtaining the talent, it will not affect the original talent owner. Depending on the level of the designated talent card, the talents that can be obtained are different. High-level designated talent cards can obtain low-level talents. , low-level designated talent cards, unable to obtain high-level talents.

Liu Mingyu's eyes lit up when he saw this reward.

I didn't expect the designated talent card to be so effective.

I don’t know how high the corresponding talent score of this A-level talent card is?

Liu Mingyu's requirements don't have to be too high. The Arctic Talent Card can extract talents with a talent score of 90.

However, Liu Mingyu also felt that it was unlikely.

Judging from his understanding of the system.

The talent score corresponding to an A-level talent is likely to be between 80 and 89 points.

Of course, this is just Liu Mingyu’s speculation, and the actual situation is still unknown.

But even if it scores between 80 and 89, it is still a very powerful talent card.

The important thing is that acquisition can be specified.

For example, if Liu Mingyu wants someone to get the weapon research talent, Liu Mingyu can let him get it by specifying the talent card.

Of course, Liu Mingyu cannot be so wasteful~lightnovelpub.net~ There are already several candidates with weapons research talents.

There is no need to waste too many talent cards on this.

To be honest, if you can cooperate with certain people, something like weapon research talent may burst into something different.

Just like this time in Zhao Ziliang's Sims, Liu Mingyu gave Zhao Ziliang a B-level weapon research talent.

This B-level weapon research talent has played a huge role in Zhao Ziliang.

Because of the conjecture put forward by Zhao Ziliang, the weapon Liu Mingyu needed was finally realized.

Although in the end, a huge hidden danger was left due to insufficient understanding of the opponent.

But there's no denying it.

This unexpected combination can bring about unimaginable development.

Liu Mingyu didn't think about the impact that B-level weapons research talent would have at the beginning, but he didn't expect that in life simulation, the effect would be so great.

If I give Zhao Ziliang an A-level weapon research talent and make Zhao Ziliang's weapon research talent reach above 80 points, will he be able to develop more terrifying weapons?

So in the future, do we not have to worry about the back-up left behind by the mother nest?

No, it is now known that the mother nest will leave a huge hidden danger before it dies.

When fighting the opponent later, kill the opponent instantly without leaving any chance for hidden dangers.

However, in order to achieve this level, you must have crushing strength, otherwise everything will be in vain.

This idea suddenly flooded into Liu Mingyu's mind.

Since B-level weapon research talents can achieve this effect, what about A-level weapon research talents?

Or even what if it is a higher-level S-level weapon research talent?