I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2486: Cooperation (Part 1)

The objects of life simulation will change accordingly after the simulation ends.

It turns out that this is the change.

fair enough.

It is equivalent to saving a talent card.

If Liu Mingyu wants someone to obtain other talents, he can completely let the other person be the object of life simulation. After the simulation is over, he will obtain the corresponding talents.

However, because there is so little data now, there is only one Zhao Ziliang available for comparison.

According to Liu Mingyu's understanding of the system, it is very likely that it is not 100% obtainable.

It may be related to the final evaluation after the simulation of the number of people.

It may even be related to the simulated object and its own strength.

In short, there are many influencing factors, and you cannot think that it is a theorem just because of one success.

But no matter what, at least Liu Mingyu already knew one of the possibilities.

In the end, Zhao Ziliang was sent by Liu Mingyu to work with Sun Wenhao's team.

As for Wang Huairu, Liu Mingyu did not leave her idle. He originally wanted Wang Huairu to cooperate with Zhao Xuekun.

However, when Liu Mingyu brought Wang Huairu to Zhao Xuekun, although Zhao Xuekun did not explicitly refuse, Liu Mingyu could clearly feel that Zhao Xuekun did not want to cooperate with Wang Huairu.

However, if Liu Mingyu spoke up, even if Zhao Xuekun had some reluctance, he would not show it openly.

Liu Mingyu knew that if one party slacked off in this kind of research work, then cooperation between the two parties would be worse than no cooperation at all.

At that time, it will make everyone unhappy.

Liu Mingyu actually knew in his heart that the reason why Zhao Xuekun refused to cooperate with Wang Huairu was because he felt that he seemed to be belittling the other party's strength.

Zhao Xuekun may have had a thorn in his heart as early as when he formed four weapons research teams.

Now that Wang Huairu suddenly joined, the thorn pierced deeply into his heart.

All the energy weapons currently used in the company were developed by Zhao Xuekun. He has the strength to simply say no.

The reason is to simply say no.

It's because Zhao Xuekun also knows very well that he cannot leave the company.

So even though I felt a little unhappy, I already planned to cooperate well with Wang Huairu.

But in his heart, he may invest more energy in independent research and development.

It was precisely because Liu Mingyu saw Zhao Xuekun's thoughts clearly that he ultimately did not let Wang Huairu cooperate with Zhao Xuekun.

Liu Mingyu still admires Zhao Xuekun very much.

He is very powerful and has provided a lot of help to the company.

It is impossible for Liu Mingyu to affect the other party just because of the other party's inner intention to refuse cooperation.

Even before leaving, Liu Mingyu comforted Zhao Xuekun.

"Director Zhao, the research and development of the eighth-level energy missile will be left to you. I hope you can complete it as soon as possible."

When talking about his major, Zhao Xuekun seemed very confident. He patted his chest and said, "Boss, don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

Zhao Xuekun's promise to complete the mission is much better than Zhao Ziliang's promise to complete the mission.

Basically, everything Zhao Xuekun verbally promised could be completed in the end.

He will not be like Zhao Ziliang, who promised well in words, but in fact the work completed was a mess.

Even in these jobs and tasks, there are many reasons, all of which are external.

But facts are facts.

This cannot be changed.

Liu Mingyu created four weapons research teams. In addition to Sun Wenhao's team cooperating with Zhao Ziliang, and Zhao Xuekun's team refusing to cooperate, there are two other teams that can provide choices.

They are the Cabron team and the Clemons team.

Originally, Liu Mingyu thought that it would be easier for Chinese people to cooperate with each other, but now it seems that this is not the case.

The remaining two teams are both foreign teams.

A team with extensive experience.

One is a newly formed team.

After thinking for a while, Liu Mingyu felt that it would be better to choose the Clemons team.

The Cabron team is already a mature team and has its own pride in its heart.

Just like Zhao Xuekun, he has his own pride in his heart.

Even if they are forced to cooperate, it is because of Liu Mingyu's order. The actual cooperation efficiency can be imagined.

Therefore, choosing the Cabron team is not as good as choosing the newly created team of Clemons.

Because Clemons and his team are all people who have transitioned from other industries, their own knowledge of weapons research comes from data.

I won’t be too resistant to cooperating with others.

Cooperating with Wang Huairu can enhance their horizons and increase their knowledge.

In the end, Liu Mingyu chose to let Wang Huairu and Clemons team up.

When Liu Mingyu brought Wang Huairu to the Clemons team, he announced that Wang Huairu would join their team and cooperate with them.

As expected, I received a warm welcome from the Clemons team!

The current Clemons team is still in a newly created state ~lightnovelpub.net~. The information on weapons research comes from the database provided by Liu Mingyu, and he does not know much about weapons research.

Even the aspects of weapons research have not been decided yet.

Now that the boss has personally sent someone here, it means that the boss has seen their difficulties. The direction of future weapons research should be based on this new partner.

After the two parties had a friendly understanding, they turned around and plunged into intense research and development work.

Clemons didn't even know that it was precisely because of his idea that he unexpectedly embarked on what seemed to be the right path.

The addition of Wang Huairu made great progress in the research work of Clemons' team.

Because of Liu Mingyu's points, the Clemens team is actually very familiar with weapons research.

The only thing they lack is the direction of follow-up weapons research.

Wang Huairu's joining allowed them to see the direction of their research.

Liu Mingyu did not tell Wang Huairu directly, asking her to conduct research on space while participating in weapons research.

But Wang Huairu is very smart, especially when she knew that Zhao Ziliang, like him, had joined another weapons research team, Wang Huairu already understood why her boss asked her to join the weapons research and development team.

Obviously, the boss wants to connect his spatial abilities with weapons research.

See if there can be a chemical reaction between the two parties?

Wang Huairu doesn't know much about weapons research, but when it comes to space superpower research, Wang Huairu can be said to be an expert among experts.

The space reinforcement currently used in Bagua City was completed by Wang Huairu in just one day.

I believe it can also provide effective insights in weapons research.