I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2512: Purple Moon (Part 1)

Liu Mingyu quickly dismissed the idea.

From this life simulation, although the necessary conditions for the emergence of the new world space portal were not found, judging from the occurrence, it has a lot to do with the mother nest.

If the space portal in the new world cannot be solved and the mother nest is solved in advance, the most likely possibility is that the space gate in the new world will appear in advance.

That would be more than worth the gain.

Now, let's take the lead in getting Silver Moon on the planet carrier.

I wonder if there is a more advanced combat spacecraft, preferably one that can fit in Liu Mingyu's storage space.

Liu Mingyu's storage space has always been sufficient, so he did not strengthen it too much.

But now it seems that the original storage space is no longer enough.

Liu Mingyu decided to spend points to continue expanding his storage space.

In the early stage of storage space, the points required to enhance it were not very many.

But as the storage space increases, the points required for each enhancement become a terrifying number.

Even though Liu Mingyu is rich now, he doesn't dare to spend points to strengthen easily.

Without affecting the use of points, Liu Mingyu used points to extend the side length of the storage space to 500 meters at one time.

This volume is enough to accommodate many large spaceships.

Except for some special spaceships that cannot be put in, almost all spaceships have been included.

If you need to continue to strengthen the storage space in the future, you can only do so through tasks.

Fortunately, the enhancement of storage space is not so rare, and it is relatively easy to obtain.

It's just that the speed of this strengthening is slightly slower.

Liu Mingyu once again returned to the planetary mothership in the real world.

This time, Liu Mingyu did not say hello to Ma Tianming and others, but directly contacted Feitian.

After a brief understanding, Feitian came up with the most suitable new combat spacecraft.

This is a new fighter spacecraft named Ziyue.

According to Feitian's introduction, this new fighter spacecraft named Ziyue is actually an upgraded version of Silver Moon.

Both in appearance and internal performance, they are completely different from Silver Moon.

No wonder it is an upgraded version of Silver Moon.

The reason why Ziyue appeared actually had a lot to do with Liu Mingyu.

It is precisely because Liu Mingyu lit up a large number of technology trees that they have achieved further research and development here.

More importantly, Liu Mingyu needed a small and exquisite combat spacecraft.

Ziyue has become the focus of research and development at this stage.

Although Ziyue is an upgraded version of Silveryue, it is only half the size of Silveryue.

In terms of performance, it can reach five times that of Silver Moon.

This is definitely a new type of combat spacecraft with extremely high cost performance.

Liu Mingyu was very excited after seeing the information provided by Feitian.

In the past, Silver Moon was able to easily kill the Brood, but now that there is an upgraded version of Zi Yue, it is even easier. ...Even if the space portal of the new world cannot be closed temporarily, with Ziyue, I can still be invincible.

I just don’t know how much Ziyue’s output is?

Can you provide us with your actions in the apocalyptic world?

Thinking of this, Liu Mingyu immediately asked: "Feitian, if I need a thousand Ziyue ships, how long will it take to complete it?"

“Because it has just been developed and the production lines are still being renovated, it consumes a lot of time in the early stage.

Calculating from now on, it will take about a month to complete.

It's because half of the time is spent renovating the production line. "

Feitian opened his mouth to explain.

"It's too slow. Please think about it and think of ways to increase the speed. I hope you can complete it within half a month. I will need more Ziyue in the future."

Liu Mingyu didn't give Feitian that long time.

In fact, even if it takes a month, Liu Mingyu still has time.

But Liu Mingyu already knows that the subsequent nest may accelerate!

The mother nest must be intercepted as far away as possible. Even if it cannot prevent the arrival of the new world space portal, it must be as far away from the earth as possible to ensure the safety of the earth.

"No problem, Master, I will complete the mission of 1,000 Ziyue ships within half a month."

For Feitian, there is actually not much difference between one month and half a month.

As long as there is enough energy and the process can be kept up with, let alone half a month, there is still a chance to complete it even if it is compressed to ten days.

It's nothing more than adding some production lines.

Liu Mingyu nodded slightly: "In addition to Ziyue, please bring me another 20,000 ships from the previous Silver Moon."

Although he already owns Silver Moon's upgraded version Zi Yue, it does not mean that Liu Mingyu has to give up Silver Moon.

Facing the space portal of the new world and the new monsters teleported from the new world's space, Liu Mingyu certainly felt that the stronger he was, the better.

Silver Moon seems to have been replaced, but UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com actually plays a much more powerful role than imagined.

"No problem, Master, it's ready for you."

Feitian responded quickly.

Silver Moon is also an obsolete product in the real world. The 20,000 ships Liu Mingyu needs are already in the warehouse, and there is no need for additional production.

Although Silver Moon is large in size, Liu Mingyu's storage space has been strengthened many times, and its side length has reached 500 meters.

Liu Mingyu became a porter between two worlds, traveling back and forth between the real world and the apocalyptic world.

Because all the Zerg in outer space around the earth in the apocalyptic world have been wiped out, Liu Mingyu directly set the teleportation point on the moon.

Then 20,000 Silver Moon ships were arranged in a straight line directly on the surface of the moon.

In order to transport the 20,000 Silver Moon ships, Liu Mingyu took nearly an hour to complete.

This is because Liu Mingyu can absorb the silver moon within his sight, otherwise it will take more time.

The arrival of 20,000 Silver Moons made Liu Mingyu more confident.

over the next week.

Liu Mingyu makes Zhao Ziliang the object of life simulation almost every day.

However, no matter how he changed his appearance, it seemed that he could not change the outcome of Zhao Ziliang's death.

Because Liu Mingyu used Zhao Ziliang as the object of life simulation, Liu Mingyu didn't know whether Ziyue would play its due role in the follow-up?

Liu Mingyu also once asked Zhao Ziliang not to think about going to the new world on the other side for the time being.

But it seemed as if there were a pair of hands that wavered Zhao Ziliang's lifeline.

No matter how Zhao Ziliang changes, even if he doesn't get over it, he will always die due to various accidents. .

The starry sky under fantasy reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it