I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2524: Hesitating (Part 1)

Judging from multiple simulations, there is almost no possibility of success.

But there are no absolutes.

The situation seen in the simulated copy is only the final result, and the actual details are not shown.

And this time he also followed.

It may not be able to help, but if you believe in your own fatal weakness, it may actually be able to help.

It was precisely because of this mentality that Liu Mingyu gave special instructions.

In fact, for Zhao Ziliang and Sun Zhengkang, this is not the first time Liu Mingyu has warned them. He had warned them several times in the past.

Now before departure, they heard the boss's special instructions to them.

I had already made up my mind to pay special attention during the battle, but I couldn't help but be a little more vigilant.

This task is a task that the boss often emphasizes, and you must be very energetic.

In fact, the two people were a little strange about Liu Mingyu's instructions before.

The boss has never met the Brood, so how can he know that the Brood may summon a space portal?

But think about it, the boss also provided some detailed information about the Zerg in outer space from time to time.

And those detailed information also proved the authenticity of these information in the subsequent battle with the Zerg in outer space.

It was precisely because they could prove the authenticity of these information that they did not have any doubts after hearing Liu Mingyu's instructions this time, but wanted to find a way to solve this problem.

After the two responded and returned to their own spaceships, Sun Zhengkang found Zhao Ziliang and whispered: "Minister Zhao, the boss has asked us to do this, and you are mainly responsible for it. I am mainly responsible for the battle. , you are mainly responsible for finding ways that the other party may summon."

If you want to ask Sun Zhengkang to fight the Brood, there is no problem at all.

But if you want him to find a way to stop the space portal, it will be difficult for him.

He's simply not the material.

Moreover, Sun Zhengkang himself did not have the ability to awaken space powers. Even if he wanted to look for it, he was determined but unable to do so.

On the contrary, Zhao Ziliang is the only person in the company who has awakened the space power.

If the opponent wants to summon a space portal, it must involve space abilities.

Zhao Ziliang obviously has a huge advantage in this aspect.

It's not that Zhao Ziliang doesn't play a big role in combat.

But compared to finding a way to prevent the opponent from summoning the space portal, combat is completely unnecessary.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Everyone is good at different things.

Zhao Ziliang is obviously more suitable for the task of finding and preventing the emergence of space portals.

Zhao Ziliang also knew his position, and this time the battle mainly relied on the two combat spaceships Ziyue and Silveryue. His main purpose was to find out how the opponent summoned the space portal.

See if you can interrupt the opponent's release action when the opponent calls.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ziliang agreed.

"No problem, leave it to me to find and prevent the opponent from summoning the space portal.

The task of killing the brood is left to you. "

"No problem, happy cooperation." Sun Zhengkang said with a hearty smile.

"Happy cooperation." Zhao Ziliang also laughed.

After the two set their respective missions, Sun Zhengkang returned to his serious look and said in a deep voice on the battle channel: "Brothers, our mission this time is to build the mother nest 50,000 astronomical units away. Completely annihilate the opponent, and absolutely cannot let the opponent come to the earth again to run wild.

We have only one goal, and that is to annihilate the other party outside the solar system.

Okay, everyone's mission is already known. Let's start now. I announce, let's go! "

Give an order.

Countless spaceships took off from the moon and moved quickly towards the direction of the mother nest.

According to their current flying speed, it will take about three days.

During the flight, everyone was not idle.

Sun Zhengkang never gives up any opportunity to practice.

He specially built a virtual world for this battle.

The combat spaceships driven by everyone and the preliminary judgment of various data on the brood were placed in the virtual world.

During these three days, everyone carried out simulated clearing operations over and over again around the mother nest in the virtual world.

Because we don’t know the specific value of the mother nest, we can only analyze it through observation.

During the simulation process, the mother nest is simulated in a maximized form.

During these three days, Liu Mingyu was not idle. He also followed Sun Zhengkang and the others into the virtual world to conduct simulated suppression operations.

Even though Liu Mingyu knew that Brood could not be Ziyue Yinyue's opponent, Liu Mingyu did not explain too much.

Moreover, a life simulation copy is, after all, a life simulation copy.

Who knows what changes may occur?

There is no detailed data~lightnovelpub.net~ and the simulation is carried out in a maximized form.

Therefore, during these three days, everyone's magic power was not particularly good.

Several times it was difficult to defeat the brood.

However, it also provides them with an excellent simulation route, so that when they actually encounter the mother nest, they can react quickly.

Zhao Ziliang was also among them, and he was not idle when Sun Zhengkang was carrying out the purge operation.

Constantly simulate the methods that the other party may summon.

However, compared to simulating a spaceship or a brood, it is much more difficult to simulate space powers in the virtual world.

It's not that it can't be simulated in the virtual world, but the simulation effect is very poor, and there is a big gap with the spatial abilities that Zhao Ziliang has mastered.

Zhao Ziliang can only make guess tests based on the existing conditions.

Improve your ideas as much as possible.

Therefore, Zhao Ziliang seemed to have entered the virtual world together for simulation, but compared to the experience gained by Sun Zhengkang and others, the experience Zhao Ziliang could gain was extremely scarce.

It can even be said that there is no.

But something is better than nothing.

Even if there is no virtual world for simulation, Zhao Ziliang has simulated it many times in his mind.

There are only a few ways to summon a space portal.

According to Zhao Ziliang’s understanding of how the Zerg space portal is constructed.

If the Brood wants to summon a space portal, Zhao Ziliang should be able to sense it immediately.

But whether it can be stopped is another matter.

The method of summoning a space portal is relatively simple.

All it takes is the initial guiding energy.

But to destroy the space portal, the energy required is extremely huge.