I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2536: Illusion (Part 1)

The black hole is still spraying all kinds of energy, as if it is endless.

But the only good thing is that the black hole is no longer expanding during this time.

If it continued to expand at the previous rate of expansion, it would probably have covered the entire solar system.

Although Liu Mingyu has tried his best to move the battlefield to other places, if the previous expansion rate is maintained, even moving farther away will be useless.

That is an exponential rate of increase, and it may not feel like much at first.

But when it comes later, the speed of growth is simply terrifying.

Simply, after growing to a certain extent, it finally stopped.

No one needs to worry that the situation here will affect the other side of the earth.

No, just by promoting this method of spraying energy, I am afraid it has already had an impact on the earth.

It can only be said that the impact of the sprayed energy on the earth should be weakened as much as possible.

The earth is so far away that it will be affected by energy radiation.

What's more, what about them who are so close?

Even if there are spacecrafts that can block most of the energy radiation, there is still a small amount of energy radiation that affects everyone's bodies.

This is inevitable.

Liu Mingyu also thought about whether he should choose to escape?

But he quickly dismissed the idea.

Now that the space portal in the new world has taken shape, monsters will soon be transmitted from the space portal.

If no one is here to stop it, I am afraid that it will not only affect the few people around, but also the entire solar system and even the wider Milky Way.

If the entire solar system was destroyed, it would basically spell the end of the world.

Liu Mingyu didn't want to ignore the world and cause the entire army to be annihilated for this reason.

Moreover, Liu Mingyu has new concerns in this world. He is no longer the same Liu Mingyu.

No matter which aspect is considered, the monster must be suppressed as close to the portal as possible.

The best way is to go through the portal, travel to the other side of the portal, and contain the source. This is the key to solving the problem.

But now, the situation is unknown, and Liu Mingyu does not dare to act rashly.

I can only wait obediently.

This wait was another full week.

"Ziliang, can you take a look at what's going on over there?"

Liu Mingyu was impatient to wait. If he continued like this, who knows what would happen.

Experiencing a large amount of energy radiation every day, Liu Mingyu is worried that some problems will occur, no matter how good his physical fitness is.

Of course, so far, nothing unusual has occurred.

But no one is sure how long this normal state can last.

Just hold on for one more day.

But stick to it for a month.

Or maybe longer.

All this is unknown.

No one knows how long it can last.

However, judging from the feedback from other soldiers, according to the current situation, I am afraid that I can only continue for about another week.

It doesn’t matter if you leave, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t leave.

Now Liu Mingyu and others are in an embarrassing situation.

We can only ask Zhao Ziliang.

Now only Zhao Ziliang can see the situation on the other side of the black hole.

In fact, this is not the first time Liu Mingyu has asked.

Asked almost every day.

No, it was indeed asked once a day in the beginning.

In recent days, the frequency of inquiries has reached almost once an hour.

"Boss, judging from the current situation, the black hole is still ejecting matter, and it seems that it will never stop."

Even though he had answered the question several times, Zhao Ziliang still answered it patiently for Liu Mingyu.

Zhao Ziliang could indeed see the specific situation of the black hole, but he could only see a large amount of material ejected from the hole in the center of the black hole.

As for how long it can last, that's not something he can tell.

Maybe if we get to the end, we can see it.

But definitely not now.

Because the situation observed now is no different from the situation observed at the beginning.

In other words, during this period of time, the black hole has been continuously ejecting various materials at the same frequency.

There is no intention of weakening at all.

This means that this situation will continue for a long time.

Although Liu Mingyu couldn't see the black hole, he could feel the energy radiation emitted by the black hole. There hadn't been much change during this period.

Through this change, some situations can be roughly inferred.

But he couldn't help but want to ask.

Liu Mingyu couldn't help but ask again: "Where did these substances come from? The substances left behind by the death of the mother nest are not enough to sustain the ejection of substances for such a long time.

The material ejected during this period may have already exceeded the overall mass of the mother nest, right?

Where does this energy come from?

Is it the other side of the black hole? "

Liu Mingyu has roughly guessed ~lightnovelpub.net~ the source of these energies, but he is not sure. After all, he only deduced it from some small information provided in the previous life simulation. What is the actual situation? Completely confirmed.

You can believe some things in the life simulation, but you can't believe it completely.

After all, the information given in the life simulation copy is too brief.

There are many things that are not described in detail.

Sometimes even if the result is the same, the process may not be the same.

Liu Mingyu feels like this now.

What I experienced was completely different from what I had seen in life simulators before.

Of course, it is also possible that these are the simulated situations that I did not fully observe at the beginning.

However, due to limited space, more details were not described.

Liu Mingyu seemed to be asking, but in fact he was already somewhat certain in his heart.

Zhao Ziliang nodded slightly and said: "Based on the situation in the past few days, it is indeed the case.

Now it can basically be confirmed that this is a space portal.

In our impression, the space portals transport zombies or Zerg and all kinds of creatures.

But it is also possible that what is transmitted through this space is just some material energy. "

Zhao Ziliang said what he was thinking.

The more he explained, the more likely Zhao Ziliang felt that this was possible.

Otherwise, after the space portal was successfully constructed, not a single creature appeared for half a month.

Some people once speculated whether there might have been a creature teleported here, but no one knew it.