I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2602: Light up front technology (Part 1)

Chapter 2603 Lighting up the front-end technology (Part 1)

Through research and explanation on the two projects, Liu Mingyu finally understood why he could not find options for related projects in the cornerstone technology tree interface before.

The current cornerstone, to be precise, is not the real cornerstone, it is just the rough cornerstone. It will take a series of means before the rough cornerstone can truly become the cornerstone in Liu Mingyu's impression.

That kind of high-quality energy ore.

Only a small cornerstone is needed to provide a large amount of energy.

In the process of searching for the original stone that dismembered the cornerstone, Zhao Ziliang and Wang Huairu unknowingly embarked on the path of making the original stone the real cornerstone.

It’s just that I don’t quite understand how to turn the rough cornerstone into a real cornerstone.

But now that related projects have emerged, Liu Mingyu can use points to let Zhao Ziliang and Wang Huairu develop the real cornerstone.

Before that, we first need to understand what the two of them are doing?

How exactly did this project get started?

Liu Mingyu quickly contacted Wang Huairu through the system's communication tools.

The main reason why he did not contact Zhao Ziliang was that Zhao Ziliang's talent in research was really poor.

Instead of contacting Zhao Ziliang, it would be more practical to ask Wang Huairu directly.

Liu Mingyu asked: "Wang Huairu, what are you two doing now?"

Wang Huairu replied with a respectful look: "According to the boss's request, we are now looking for a way to cut the rough stone. Please forgive me, boss, but we have not found a real way to cut the rough stone yet."

The two of them have tried more than a hundred substances.

None of them can react with the foundation stone, let alone to the extent of cutting it.

Liu Mingyu thought for a while and said, "Have you found any substances that can have an effect on the foundation stone?"

Liu Mingyu did not let Wang Huairu change his words, and still called the original stone the cornerstone as they called it.

Now that the pre-technology project has been triggered, they should have made a little change to the cornerstone in the process of finding methods.

Otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to trigger related projects.

Wanting to advance a project on the technology tree seems very simple, but in fact it is also very complicated.

There is no way that if you just put something on the cornerstone, it will be recognized as being able to help the original stone become the cornerstone, right?

That would be too simple.

Liu Mingyu felt that it could never be that simple.

If it were really that simple, I'm afraid there would be cornerstones everywhere in the New World.

Don't look at the volume of the cornerstone raw stone reported by Zhao Ziliang now, which is as high as millions of cubic meters, but compared to the entire planet under your feet, it is only a little bit.

Facing Liu Mingyu's question, Wang Huairu looked a little embarrassed and said: "I'm sorry, boss.

So far we have tried 123 substances with no reaction. "

no response?


Liu Mingyu's subconscious veto must be because they inadvertently caused something that was helpful to the growth of Cornerstone in the process, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to trigger the research project.

Liu Mingyu thought for a while and asked: "Try the substance you just tried again, and observe it carefully to see if there is anything missing.

Be sure to observe carefully and don't be careless just because time is tight. "

Liu Mingyu also knew that Wang Huairu, as a senior researcher, would never make this mistake, so he mainly told Zhao Ziliang.

Wang Huairu didn't know why the boss asked them to retest, but since it was a task ordered by the boss, of course he agreed decisively.

"Okay, boss, there's no problem. We'll go back to work immediately and try again."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news here.

If you find any substance that can react with the cornerstone, please notify me immediately. "

Liu Mingyu nodded gently.

Since they already know that among the more than 100 substances they tried, some of them can react with the cornerstone and even accelerate the growth of the cornerstone, it should be relatively simple to find them.

"Okay, boss."

After Wang Huairu hung up the phone, he said to Zhao Ziliang standing next to him: "We will temporarily stop testing new substances and retest the substances we just tested first.

This time we have to take a closer look and see if there's anything we're missing. "

Wang Huairu did not doubt the boss's decision. Since the boss made such a decision, he must have his reasons.

Maybe the two of them really forgot something during the testing process just now.

Zhao Ziliang didn't think too much about it. When he heard that he had to rework, he couldn't help but complain softly.

"Isn't it? We just finished the test and we need to retest it again."

"This is a task assigned by the boss, so do it quickly."

Wang Huairu rolled his eyes at him, holding the material they had abandoned before, and began to observe it carefully again.

On Liu Mingyu's side, after hanging up the phone, he immediately spent 10 million points to perfect all relevant pre-processing technologies.

But maybe it’s because I haven’t found real growth yet.

Therefore, even if Liu Mingyu spends points, it will only help Zhao Ziliang and the two find opportunities to help Cornerstone grow faster.

Just after Liu Mingyu spent 10 million points, the originally dim lightning hammer next to Zhao Ziliang once again lit up with light blue light.

Zhao Ziliang also noticed the situation on the Lightning Hammer side and muttered subconsciously.

"Where exactly is the energy provided for the lightning hammer? The surface energy of the lightning hammer seems to have increased a lot this time.

There are no charging channels around.

Could it be that it is still filled with energy from the void? "

Zhao Ziliang does know that there is a charging technology ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ that uses wireless charging.

The wireless charging system mainly uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to couple energy in front of the line to achieve energy transfer.

When the system is working, the input terminal converts the AC mains full-bridge rectifier circuit into DC power.

This charging technology only does not require lines, but still needs to provide charging power.

In the apocalyptic world, wireless charging technology has become very advanced.

But it is basically impossible to provide the energy needed by the current lightning hammer.

Zhao Ziliang's words seemed to remind Wang Huairu.

Wang Huairu seemed to have a flash of lightning in his mind. Wang Huairu had been thinking before, where did the energy of the lightning hammer come from?

Perhaps it is really like what Zhao Ziliang said, it is charging in the void.

There is also a large amount of dark matter or other matter in the void.

These energies are the energy sources that can become the lightning hammer.

(End of chapter)