I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2656: Is the construction speed too fast? (sup

Chapter 2657: Is the construction speed too fast? (superior)

Both parties are very fast, and they are led by the government. Xingchen Group can be considered a big company.

The most important point is that the prices offered by Xingchen Group are very favorable, the required quantities are very large, and the winning bidders can make a lot of money.

The cooperation agreement was signed very quickly.

In less than two days, all the resources purchased by Xingchen Group were ready.

The resources required to build a space elevator are a very large amount of data.

In addition to signing some contracts with China, Xingchen Group has also signed related orders with some overseas companies.

Overseas companies are not as good as Chinese companies. Xingchen Group has money, but where it should be fought for, Xingchen Group still tries its best to fight for it.

The legal department of Xingchen Group is not a vegetarian.

A huge group needs countless legal consultations.

Many large companies will recognize their own legal groups.

For example, Penguin Group is called Nanshan Pizza Hut.

This title also proves the power of Penguin Group’s legal affairs.

Although the Star Group has not been established for a long time, the legal department it established is no weaker than the Penguin Group, or even worse.

In contrast, most of Penguin Group's legal department has contact with Chinese companies or business in China.

Most of the companies that Xingchen Group comes into contact with are international companies, and despite its strong strength, Xingchen Group has never failed.

Some of those overseas companies are doing it to build the company's reputation, and some are doing it to make money, but no matter what the purpose is, the ultimate goal is to make money.

Obviously, by cooperating with Xingchen Group, they not only have a reputation, but can also make a lot of money.

Because of Xingchen Group's requirements, they quickly signed a cooperation agreement with Xingchen Group.

What the situation is, it depends on the beholder and the wise.

Thanks to the fact that Xingchen Group has always reserved a large number of legal staff, otherwise, signing such a huge contract in such a short period of time would be very challenging.

Although a large number of contracts have also been signed with international companies.

But the contracts between Chinese companies and international companies are different.

The services provided by the two are completely different.

Perhaps it was Liu Mingyu's previous suggestion that Mr. Zhao heard. When he later provided a list, most of the selected lists also selected suppliers of manufacturing spare parts. Instead, overseas companies became suppliers of raw materials.

China has a vast land and abundant resources. It sounds like it has huge resources, but in fact, due to reasons in the last century, a large number of rare resources have been transported abroad.

This has resulted in China entering the 21st century with scarce resources and a large amount of resources that need to be purchased externally.

Under similar price conditions, is it better to choose overseas resources or give priority to overseas resources?

The contract prices signed by Xingchen Group and overseas groups are basically preferential prices below the market price.

The resources required to build a space elevator will be very huge.

There will definitely be discounts for large quantities.

There is no need for Xingchen Group to look for this by itself. Companies from other countries will automatically look for Xingchen Group.

The price obtained is even much lower than that of Chinese companies.

In this case, of course, priority is given to overseas companies.

However, Mr. Zhao was previously promised to select some companies in China.

So Liu Mingyu handed over some simple spare parts to Chinese companies for processing.

The processing of these simple spare parts is not very difficult. With the current level of Chinese enterprises, it is completely sufficient to provide qualified or even excellent spare parts products.

Don’t underestimate spare parts processing.

The spare parts Liu Mingyu needed came from the construction methods of the Babel Tower left behind by the Bolan Star people.

The technology contained in the spare parts inside is also very superb.

It can be said that if we can master the manufacturing of spare parts, it can also help Chinese companies improve their manufacturing level by a large level.

Say something unpleasant.

Only a small number of companies may be able to innovate, but if there is a sample for Chinese companies to manufacture, Chinese companies will be able to produce higher quality products in minutes.

The Chinese people are definitely the best in copycatting or imitating.

Liu Mingyu had heard of such a thing before.

The counterfeit cigarettes produced by a certain company are even better than genuine cigarettes and are more popular among the public.

Even the genuine cigarettes are manufactured according to the cigarettes designed by the copycat companies.

From this short story, we can see that Chinese companies are imitating, and they have always been very powerful on the road from imitation to transcendence.

This can be regarded as the little help Liu Mingyu left for Chinese enterprises.

As long as they sincerely provide the Xingchen Group with the spare parts needed for the space elevator, they will definitely be able to make a lot of money in such a huge bidding section.

When signing cooperation agreements with Chinese and overseas companies, Xingchen Group had already dispatched a construction team to start construction in Qingzhou Province.

No matter what kind of project it is, whether it is a big project or a small project.

Three connections and one leveling are the first things that need to be solved.

With the cooperation of the full-time staff of Qinghai Province, all the required procedures were given green light all the way, and many procedures were even completed in advance.

The space elevator project is not only related to the development of Qinghai Province, but also related to the development of several neighboring provinces, and can even affect the development of the whole country.

It's an iconic project, it's a high-profile project.

A single move affects the whole body.

That's it.

As usual, Xingchen Group promptly announced the progress of building a space elevator on its official website.

In the past few days, news about space elevators has already exploded across the Internet.

When most countries on earth do not yet have the ability to enter space ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Xingchen Group has begun to build a space elevator.

You know, even Sam State, a long-established technological power, cannot transport large amounts of materials to the International Space Station.

Not to mention other countries.

China's aerospace industry has also developed very rapidly in recent years.

Not only has it established its own space station, the development of spacecraft is also progressing very quickly.

But it is still quite far away from building a space elevator.

However, I never expected it.

A private company is faster than many countries in aerospace technology.

It's unbelievably fast.

But when people knew that the name of this company was Xingchen Group, everyone was relieved.

If there is any company on this planet that can suddenly say that it can develop black technology that transcends the times, then it is undoubtedly Xingchen Group.

(End of chapter)