I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2704: Moon Agreement (Part 1)

Chapter 2705 Moon Agreement (Part 1)

The entire content of the Moon Agreement was made public, causing an uproar on the Internet.

In fact, the agreement on the moon, or the agreement, is not the first time it has happened.

As early as December 5, 1979, there was an Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, referred to as the Celestial Body Agreement or the Moon Agreement.

The Moon Agreement will apply to the moon and other celestial bodies in the solar system, including those that orbit or orbit the moon.

The treaty states that the moon should be used for the benefit of all nations and peoples of the international community.

The general agreement is as follows:

It is prohibited to conduct any military activities on celestial bodies, including weapons experiments or military bases.

Prohibition of exploration and activities of celestial bodies without the approval of other countries or benefiting other countries based on the principle of the common heritage of mankind.

Declares that all nations have equal rights to conduct research on celestial bodies.

It is prohibited for any country to claim sovereign territory on any celestial body.

Any organization or individual is prohibited from taking ownership of any extraterrestrial property.

Waiting for a series of agreements.

So far, the Moon Agreement has 11 signatories and 16 contracting parties.

However, the "Moon Agreement" signed last century has very limited validity.

Almost none.

But this time, nine countries, led by Sam and other countries, signed a moon agreement.

This basically includes some of the most powerful countries on earth.

The scope of application is also not comparable to that of the previous "Moon Agreement".

This time the Moon Agreement directly divided up the territory on the moon.

This is also an important reason why the Moon Agreement caused an uproar after it was announced to the public.

"What is going on? The moon should belong to all mankind and should not be occupied by a certain country."

"Does this mean that other countries will not be able to go to the moon to explore and conduct scientific experiments? Or does it mean that the consent of these ten countries must be obtained."

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten. These ten countries are all countries capable of manufacturing spaceships. The territory on the earth has been divided up. They have already set their sights on the moon."

"After the moon is divided, will other celestial bodies in the solar system be far away?"

"We strongly oppose this agreement to carve up the moon. This agreement should be invalidated. The moon is a product that belongs to all mankind and should not belong to a certain country."

"Brother, are you so brave? These ten countries account for almost 80% of the world's strength.

If you oppose them, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow. "

There was a lot of noise on the Internet.

Many people have questioned the sudden moon agreement, feeling that the moon belongs to all mankind and should not belong to a certain country or company.

However, these people's doubts are of no use.

Those who raise questions are basically from outside these ten countries.

He himself does not have the ability to build a spaceship, and it is impossible to reach the moon. The so-called protests and so-called doubts are just words.

It has no real effect.

The Moon Agreement was exposed, except that it didn't look good on the bright side.

It doesn't have much impact.

But the agreement they had just signed was leaked, proving that there was an insider between them, or that someone deliberately leaked it, possibly because they were dissatisfied with the land distribution.

"Who is it? Who leaked it?"

“We had just signed the agreement and the entire agreement had already been leaked.

What do you want to do? "

In the conference group of ten countries, people kept raising questions, but no one answered.

The leaks have all been leaked.

What's the use of pursuing it now?

It won't affect their interests anyway.

Discussions on the Moon Agreement are still very popular on the Internet.

“Since they have divided up the moon, why not divide up other celestial bodies?

They shouldn't be that kind. "

"Haha, do you think they don't want to? They have no chance."

"How do you say this? Is it because their spaceships can't fly to other planets? Or maybe they don't care about the resources of other planets?

It shouldn't be.

Even if they can't arrive, they can still sign an agreement to divide the corresponding celestial body.

Just like the "Moon Agreement" signed last century. "

“It is said that within the solar system, except for our current earth and the moon, the rest of the celestial bodies have been occupied by alien civilizations who are the guardians of the earth.

Even if they wanted to occupy other planets, they would not be able to. "

"What? Are you sure? Where did the news come from? Is it accurate?"

"I heard it from my uncle's brother's daughter's father-in-law's nephew. He is a staff member of the Sam Country Space Agency. He got the latest news."

"Your relationship is too distant, right? Are you sure this is true news?"

"There is an 80% probability that it is true. You can also inquire in other countries and you will almost always get similar information.

Otherwise, do you think they are really kind?

A country that can directly carve up the moon is absolutely impossible to be kind.

And at the national level, it represents national interests and cannot be kind at all.

Kind ~lightnovelpub.net~ will be excluded like other countries. "

"No wonder, it's not that they don't want to carve up other celestial bodies, but that they don't have the ability."

"Have you noticed that among the ten countries, there seems to be no Xingchen Group.

Aren’t the aerospace technologies these people are using now all aerospace technologies contributed by Xingchen Group?

Shouldn't there be a share of Xingchen Group? "

"It seems like there really isn't?"

"It seems to be true. As expected, when it comes to the national level, nothing is simple.

If other countries are not yet capable of landing on the moon, then Xingchen Group has the capability than any other country.

Just like that, he was kicked out by them. "

"Is the Xingchen Group just kicked out by them like this? Without any resistance?"

"Resist? What can you resist? These countries are the top existences on the earth. It is simply not something that the Star Group can resist."

(End of chapter)