I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2826: Following the other party's path, lost i

While Liu Mingyu was discussing strategies in a low voice, the two demons leading the way were also discussing in a low voice.

It's just that the language used by these two demons is not the demon language that Liu Mingyu is familiar with, but another language that he has never heard before.

They also spoke very quietly when communicating, for fear that Liu Mingyu would hear them.

But even if Liu Mingyu couldn't hear clearly what they were talking about, he could probably guess it.

It's nothing more than wanting to use the hands of his companions to capture him while teleporting over.

Then we have to see who is more powerful.

Soon, a group of people arrived in front of the space portal.

Devil No. 1 spoke again: "Chief, we can just go through there.

It is normal to feel some discomfort during the journey.

When traveling for the first time, many people had similar feelings.

It won't be a problem if you travel a few times. "

"Okay, please."

Liu Mingyu smiled gently, as if he didn't know that the two demons in front of him seemed to be plotting against him.

The two demons walked at the front, followed by Li Zongfei and the four others, and Liu Mingyu walked at the end.

After the two demons said hello to Liu Mingyu, they stepped into the space portal without looking back.

Then Li Zongfei and four others followed closely behind, with less than a second between them.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Mingyu followed closely and stepped into the space portal.

Liu Mingyu is very familiar with things like time travel.

Whether it is this way of traveling across the world, or the way of teleportation through a space portal?

Liu Mingyu is already very familiar with them.

I thought that this time traveling would be a similar situation.

Unexpectedly, when entering the space portal, I seemed to have entered another space passage.

Inside the space channel, there is a light blue light all around.

Liu Mingyu ignored these light blue lights. There was only one way forward in front of Liu Mingyu.

Liu Mingyu looked back at the place where he was going, and when he looked back, he didn't find anything. It was the same space passage as before.

Liu Mingyu can only continue to move forward along this path.

This was Liu Mingyu's first time trying this way of time travel, and he found it very novel.

What made Liu Mingyu feel a little confused was, where did Li Zongfei and the others go?

Aren't they just one second ahead of me?

Why didn't I see them?

Liu Mingyu immediately summoned the system interface and quickly noticed the location of Li Zongfei and the others, which was more than a billion kilometers away from his own location.

What's happening here?

Why is it so far away?

Could it be that Li Zongfei and the others have arrived at Waves Star?

Moreover, Liu Mingyu noticed that Li Zongfei and the others seemed to be in a somewhat unstable state.

Before teleporting, Liu Mingyu asked Li Zongfei and others to reach their best condition.

However, it can be seen from the system interface that Li Zongfei and the others are not in very good condition.

Although it is not in a state where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, it is not much better.

What's happening here?

Did they have a fight?

Liu Mingyu couldn't help but speed up his pace.

I originally thought that I would be able to find the exit of the space portal soon.

As a result, Liu Mingyu felt that he had been walking in the space passage for nearly 30 minutes.

Still haven't found the exit.

Liu Mingyu felt as if he had disappeared into the space channel.

I hunted geese all day long, and one day I was pecked in the eye by a goose.

Liu Mingyu was almost certain that the reason why he had never left this space passage was because of the two demons.

I was already wary of the two of them messing up, but I didn't expect that they would fall into each other's trap.

It seems that we cannot let down our guard at any time.

The space passage in front of Liu Mingyu did not have any branches, but it was like walking through a maze and he could never get out.

Another half an hour had passed, and Liu Mingyu was feeling a little depressed. Why couldn't he still find the exit?

Sometimes Liu Mingyu's speed is very fast, sometimes Liu Mingyu's speed is very slow.

If this time had been placed elsewhere, Liu Mingyu would have traveled more than 100,000 kilometers.

But there is no change at all in this space channel.

The almost identical situation around him made Liu Mingyu doubt whether he had really run such a long distance, instead of staying in place, or making circles in place.

Liu Mingyu decided that he could not continue to follow the passage guided by the other party and should try to see the situation elsewhere.

Immediately, he punched the left passage wall hard and hit it hard.

I don’t know what material the wall is made of. Liu Mingyu used 100% of his strength but could not shake the passage, let alone break it.

At that moment, Liu Mingyu felt as if he was hitting steel when he was an ordinary person.

Fortunately, Liu Mingyu's rough skin and thick flesh would not cause much harm to him.

Liu Mingyu refused to give up, and then increased his intensity, attacking continuously at a point on the wall of the space.

If the strength is slightly different, if the force is continuously applied to the same point of an object, there is a chance of destroying the structure of the object.

Liu Mingyu planned to use this method to break the space channel that troubled him.

The idea is wonderful.

the reality is cruel.

Liu Mingyu kept hitting the wall of the space passage, but it had no effect at all.

It can't even cause the slightest fluctuation in the walls of the space passage.

The passage walls here are simply harder than those made of diamonds~lightnovelpub.net~Liu Mingyu doesn’t give up. Since fists can’t do it, I will try another method.

Liu Mingyu directly turned on his violent state, filled up various attributes, and reached his best state.

In the best condition, he waved his fist again and attacked the same point on the wall of space continuously.

It seems that he hopes that his method can break the defense of the space wall.

However, it is obvious that Liu Mingyu is still unable to break through the defense of the space wall at his best.

If fists don't work, then try another method.

Liu Mingyu prepared to use the charged energy ball to attack the space wall.

The main reason why it was not used before was that the space passage was too narrow.

If you use the charged energy ball, your attack power will indeed be greatly improved, but you will also be subject to a huge threat to your life.

But if you have been troubled here, there is no solution.

It's better to find a way to see if we can break the wall of this **** space passage. (End of chapter)