I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2869: No need to bother, let me do it (Part 2)

Chapter 2867 There’s no need to go to so much trouble, let me do it (Part 2)

Liu Mingyu remembers clearly that in the real world, when the space portal in the Bering Strait appeared, Zhao Xuekun had not yet developed a seventh-level energy missile.

It seems that the seventh-level energy missile was studied later.

Now it seems that the system has advanced Zhao Xuekun's research ability to the beginning of the mission.

It is estimated that it is based on the system's clearance strategy, and it should be as discussed by the people below.

First, use the secret passage leading outside the city to collect enough energy crystals to create high-level energy missiles to launch a fatal blow to those enemies.

"Minister Zhao, I have a way to turn low-level energy crystals into high-level energy crystals.

As long as you have enough low-level energy crystals, you can still obtain high-level energy crystals even if you don't kill high-level zombies. "

Liu Mingyu said with a smile.

Here, according to what Zhao Xuekun said, they should not have mastered the energy crystal purification technology yet.

If there is energy crystal improvement technology, they will not be limited by the lack of high-level energy crystals and cannot create high-level energy missiles.

Zhao Xuekun was overjoyed when he heard Liu Mingyu's words, and quickly asked: "Really? If there is really a way to turn low-level energy crystals into high-level energy crystals.

Then I can definitely let all the brothers use high-level energy missiles.

Those enemies outside will no longer be opponents.

No matter how many enemies come, they are only there to deliver food. "

Zhao Xuekun has always been limited to high-level energy crystals, and he has to be careful when researching, for fear of wasting a little bit of energy crystals.

If what the boss said is true.

Then he can truly create high-level energy missiles.

What he said before about being able to create high-level energy missiles was actually simulated in the virtual world and has not been truly tested in the real world.

This is mainly due to lack of resources.

Seventh-level energy crystals are not something that can be obtained casually.

And if you want to make a seventh-level energy missile, the number of seventh-level energy crystals required is not a small amount.

For Zhao Xuekun, it is actually just a theoretical thing, and it has not been actually produced yet.

But even so, Zhao Xuekun is very confident that as long as he is given a little energy crystal, he can make it in the shortest time.

"Of course this is true. Where is the person in charge of cultivating energy crystals? I will send you the energy purification information later, and you can try to make it."

Liu Mingyu stored relevant information on energy purification technology in the storage space.

The main reason for storing this data is to be able to use it in the real world.

I didn't expect it to come in handy in this copy.

Soon, the person in charge of energy cultivation stood up, and Liu Mingyu transmitted the relevant information to the other party.

"Time is running out. Master the energy purification technology as soon as possible. I'll give you three days."

After purification, some time needs to be reserved for Zhao Xuekun, so the time for energy purification is very tight.

"Okay, no problem, I promise to complete the task."

The person in charge also knows that now is a very important period and must race against time.

Liu Mingyu continued: "Before Minister Zhao develops the seventh-level energy missile, we must also launch an early attack against the enemies outside according to the previous plan.

Energy purification technology refers to the purification of energy crystals.

The basis for purification requires a large amount of energy crystals.

Therefore, the zombies outside are still our primary target of attack. "

Liu Mingyu then said to Zhao Xuekun: "Minister Zhao, it will take some time to cultivate the seventh-level energy crystal.

During this time, I think you can make all existing resources into energy missiles to provide as much firepower as possible for the soldiers.

As long as we kill enough zombies, we can obtain enough energy crystals.

Thus forming a beneficial cycle. "

Zhao Xuekun nodded and responded: "Understood, our department will immediately start research and development work, and strive to enable all soldiers to obtain more than one third-level energy missile."

At this stage, the number of energy missiles inside Bagua City is still too scarce.

Even less than one was divided evenly.

However, don't underestimate the third-order energy missile.

The power produced by the explosion of the third-level energy missile is also very terrifying.

In the early stages, it should be enough to kill those zombies.

Liu Mingyu was a little worried whether the Zerg and zombies outside would continue to increase in strength as time went by.

This possibility is still very high.

After all, those bugs and zombies besieged Bagua City for a full 30 days.

Judging from the situations encountered before, as time goes by, we will inevitably encounter more and more powerful enemies.

So by all means, strike first.

It would be best to destroy all the space portals before the opponent sends out more powerful enemies.

But this is only a preliminary plan.

Liu Mingyu is also worried that even after all the space portals are destroyed, new space portals will still appear due to lack of time.

So to be precise, Liu Mingyu made two preparations.

On the one hand, it is to destroy the space portal as much as possible.

On the other hand, it is to enhance the strength of the guards as much as possible.

Even if those space portals will appear again in the later stage, there will still be enough power to kill them.

Following Liu Mingyu's orders one by one, the entire Bagua City was running rapidly like a sophisticated machine.

Various strategic materials are increasing at a rapid rate.

The soldiers also made preparations during this time.

After collecting the supplies, we were ready to head out of the city through various passages.

Lu Bu, the super hero~lightnovelpub.net~, stood beside Liu Mingyu the whole time and did not speak.

When others saw Lu Bu, they were just curious about his attire and did not make too many inquiries.

Liu Mingyu let out a long sigh.

"I don't know what their strength is? I hope they can win the first battle."

Lu Bu suddenly said from the side: "Boss, if it's just the enemies outside, why don't you let me out?

There's absolutely no need to bother. "

"There are so many enemies outside, even if you are at the tenth level of strength, you will still be hurt, right?

I still want to rely on you to deal with the enemies behind me. "

It was not that Liu Mingyu had never thought of letting Lu Bu deal with the enemies outside.

But Liu Mingyu is also worried about whether Lu Bu's strength can really defeat ten thousand people, or even more terrifying.

This mission lasts for 30 days.

Whether more powerful enemies will appear in the future must be considered properly.

(End of chapter)