I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2952: The phone exploded (Part 1)

Chapter 2950 The phone exploded (Part 1)

The tourists on Tiangong-1 did not know what was being discussed on the Earth Network, nor did they know that Tiangong-1 used the latest communication method, quantum communication.

Now the only one who can get in touch with the earth is Tiangong-1 itself. Apart from this, no one can get in touch with the outside world.

All tourists are taken by Tiangong-1 to the surface of the sun.

Tiangong-1 is not very fast.

The so-called not very fast here refers to the ultimate speed compared to Tiangong-1.

Tiangong-1 is equipped with the newly developed curvature engine, and its theoretical maximum speed can reach twice the speed of light.

But there is no need to use this speed in the inner solar system.

And because the scope of the solar system is relatively small, it is relatively difficult to start the curvature engine and enter the curvature space.

The current curvature engine requires a very long run-up. Only when the overall spacecraft speed reaches a certain level can it enter the curvature space and finally achieve curvature flight.

In the future, it may be possible to develop a more advanced curvature engine that can allow the spacecraft to enter the curvature space faster.

That's all for the future.

At least the current curvature spacecraft cannot achieve this level.

But even if the curvature of space is not enabled, the pure flight speed is enough to leave other spacecraft behind.

Mercury is already very close to the sun.

Tiangong-1 did not take long to reach near the surface of the sun.

If someone is observing Tiangong-1 on Earth at this time.

Only a small black spot can be seen on the surface of the sun.

Even if you don't observe carefully, you won't be able to see any trace of Tiangong-1.

This is mainly because the size of the sun is too huge.

Coupled with the large amount of sunlight, it is quite difficult to find Tiangong-1.

Fortunately, the official live broadcast room of Xingchen Group has not interrupted the live broadcast, and can release the latest news back to the earth at the same time, and also announce the location of Tiangong-1 to the public.

This makes it easier for astronomy enthusiasts on earth to find traces of Tiangong-1.


The tourists have already brought the sunglasses prepared by Tiangong-1 in advance.

At the same time, the broadcast inside the spacecraft sounded.

"Dear tourists, we will reach the surface of the sun in ten minutes.

If you need to go in to observe the sun, please bring the sunglasses issued in advance and go to the observation room under the guidance of the staff.

The number of observation rooms is limited and the number of visitors that can be accommodated at the same time is limited.

Visitors are asked to line up to avoid stampedes.

Here I would like to warn everyone again~lightnovelpub.net~When observing in the observation room, be sure to bring the sunglasses we have prepared for you.

If you are not careful, it will cause unimaginable consequences. "

The broadcast sounded over and over again inside the spacecraft.

There are already many tourists lining up outside the observation room.

Fortunately, there are observation rooms set up at the edge of the spacecraft, with a total number of up to two hundred observation rooms.

Each observation room can accommodate two hundred visitors at the same time.

Each visitor can stay for ten minutes.

If all tourists observed it, it would actually take less than an hour.

Of course this is the limit state.

In reality it will definitely take longer than an hour.

But, it's enough.

Soon, Sky-1 had reached the surface of the sun.

The so-called reaching the surface of the sun does not mean the actual surface.