I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 2961: Technology Sharing Platform (Part 2)

This kind of technology sharing completely abandons its own subsequent operations.

Everyone knows that Xingchen Group can be said to be the most powerful technology company on the planet.

This is true whether it is before Feitian appears or after Feitian appears.

Even various countries are working hard to develop various scientific research projects, and some scientific research projects have achieved certain results.

But compared to Xingchen Group, it is still far behind.

Not to mention the scientific research projects developed by various countries, most of them are still in the process of research and development. Even if each country successfully develops all their own projects, they may not be able to compare with Xingchen Group.

The various technologies displayed by Xingchen Group are technologies that transcend the times.

Moreover, Xingchen Group is also the spokesperson of Feitian on the earth.

Every other country can obtain the technical support provided by Feitian, doesn’t Xingchen Group not have it?

That is definitely impossible.

Xingchen Group’s approach has been recognized by quite a few people.

"Everyone knows that the mysterious power is not that weak, but if Feitian pointed it out specifically, it is definitely an existence that you cannot resist.

Now I still want to seize the time to split up and gather the scarce resources to jointly develop more advanced weapons to resist the invasion of mysterious forces.

Such a move aroused the curiosity and cold discussion of countless people.

“The so-called global unity now is just a false unity.

"Technology sharing is a bad thing. But we should also retain some specialized technologies, right? As some netizens said, all the technical information of the company should be contributed, even including those currently in progress. Technical information under development.

If other companies in other countries obtain those materials and produce products, Xingchen Group will be slightly hit. "

The so-called global efforts are just efforts within a certain scope.

I still think about cherishing my broom.

Even Xingchen Group has much more technical support than other countries.

But it's not that everyone is too disdainful of Xingchen Group's practices.

Anyone who can retreat to the technology sharing platform.

A small part of human technology has nothing to do with human war.

I really know how to evaluate that approach.

Now that we are applying for a patent, we have not directly shared the information with others.

Of course, in the past few years, Xingchen Group has never applied for any patents.

Then I applied for a patent, but I was unable to protect this information.

I thought that was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Every country and every company has shared its most advanced technical data.

"Perhaps no one will say that now the whole world is working hard to develop various advanced technologies?

Want to survive the invasion of mysterious forces in the future.

After all, everyone is convinced.

Of course, we can say that.

When the time comes, what will greet Xiaojia will be their demise together. "

"Mr. Liu is so domineering. What he did was equivalent to donating all his wealth.

"According to Feitian's reminder, you humans around the world only have four years left before the mysterious force invades.

Feitian's shared technology platform was developed, but other companies and countries still had no response. Xingchen Group responded immediately and contributed all its technical information.

Perhaps the same technological development will break out as a result. "

But this is all a matter later.

“Xingchen Group has really handed over the future of its own group to others.

Now Xingchen Group has announced that it will respond to Feitian's call immediately and contribute all the top technologies owned by its own group, including various technologies in research and development.

There are still no gaps in various countries, and it is basically impossible for them to agree. "

After all, signing up for a technology sharing platform means there are no patents at all.

But the technology sharing platform is gone.

Only by concentrating your strength and uniting as one can you survive the current difficulties. "

"Other countries and other organizations should also learn from Xingchen Group, but they should not contribute all the technical information of Xiaojia to prevent scientific researchers from developing some technologies that have not been developed long ago."

“The subsequent emergence of Feitian allowed the world to achieve global unification in another form.

In a short period of time, if all countries can achieve complete cooperation and consensus.

The technology sharing platform proposed by Feitian is undoubtedly a very good technology sharing platform.

Regarding the technology sharing platform proposed by Feitian and the immediate reaction of Xingchen Group, netizens of both primary and secondary schools were not optimistic.

Subsequently, various countries found technical data contributed by Xingchen Group on the technology sharing platform, which proved this point.

I can only say Mr. Xiaoyi. "

It is precisely because of the war that various technologies have developed rapidly.

But in reality, the situation in various countries is not visible to everyone~lightnovelpub.net~Both methods are to apply for any patent, but the final result is the same.

Except for the past 100 years, it cannot even be said to be in the past human history.

I'm afraid only Mr. Liu wouldn't act in such a domineering manner. "

A very small part of mankind's energy is put into the internal struggle of mankind, and only a very small part of the energy is put into the development of science and technology.

I feel that it is impossible for that kind of approach to make a wedding dress for me in the end.

Many people are not very optimistic about this approach.

But that's far from enough.

"The remaining time is still short. Only by gathering the strength of all mankind can we survive in the future world."

They can all use those technical data to produce their own products.

If human experience is definitely focused on internal strife, then the current level of science and technology can definitely be further developed.

"The decision of Xingchen Group was not without consideration. Even if it is to contribute to the development of mankind, it should be divided into batches to see the reactions of other countries and other companies."

We must work harder and gather the strength of everyone to work together. "

"Isn't Xingchen Group too honest? There is no movement in other countries, so I directly contributed all the technologies of the entire group company. I am sure that other companies will get those technologies to produce products. Star Group will have no advantage."

What Xingchen Group did was not to prevent other countries and organizations from obtaining corresponding technical information.

This means that other countries and organizations have no way to obtain corresponding technical information.