I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 3013: Do you want me to try it? (superior)

Everyone had no time to think about the reason, and immediately launched a detailed inspection of the energy control center.

The energy control center was dark, and staff could only conduct inspections with the help of flashlights in their hands.

In fact, they don't have much clue now.

Where exactly is the damage?

This will cause the energy of the entire spacecraft to lose kinetic energy.

Now that the entire spacecraft has lost kinetic energy, including the energy center, the range they can inspect is actually very small.

At most, it can only be observed on the surface.

Everyone observed very carefully, for fear that they would overlook some detail.

But while observing carefully, you must also speed up.

Because there is not much time left for them.

They must find the problem as quickly as possible.

Based on the current situation, the staff already have a certain judgment in mind.

I thought that the problem would be found quickly.

However, the reality is not as simple as imagined.

After half an hour of inspection, the staff did not find anything wrong.

"Captain, from the outside in Area A, we don't see anything unusual."

"Captain, there is no abnormality found in Area B either."

"No abnormalities were found in Area C either."

One after another, the staff of each division reported the situation to the captain immediately.

The captain also looked very upset after hearing everyone's report.

After a detailed inspection, no problems were found.

This is strange. The energy center cannot interrupt the supply for no reason. There must be some failure to observe it properly.

The captain said with a serious face: "Brothers, please check carefully, there must be some omissions on our part.

Be sure to check more carefully.

Although there is not enough time, if the damage is not found, our time will be wasted in the end. "

"Yes, Captain."

Everyone responded in unison.

They also know very well that if the problem is not found, no matter how fast the inspection is, it will be of no use.

The first goal now is to find the problem.

The life of the entire spacecraft was in their hands.

Suddenly, everyone felt that the burden of responsibility on their bodies was so heavy that it was breathless.

The staff immediately launched a second round of detailed inspections.

Check more carefully this time to avoid possible missed locations.

The captain is also thinking, what exactly is the problem?

If the fault cannot be seen on the surface, then there is probably a software problem.

The captain had just tried to restart the energy control center for the first time, but the equipment did not respond at all.

Therefore, the captain feels that the possibility of abnormal situations is more likely to be caused by hardware.

However, the staff's inspection results told him that there was no problem with the hardware.

At least from the outside, there is nothing wrong with the hardware.

If detailed inspection is required, only the internal condition of the device can be inspected.

But this way, it takes more time.

With the current situation of the spacecraft, he was not allowed to conduct a detailed internal inspection at all.

At the very least, he needs to find something unusual and then open his equipment for detailed inspection.

But now, the staff have not found anything unusual.

It’s too late to rummage through them one by one.

The captain has realized that this time the energy supply is stopped is an extraordinary moment.

Under normal circumstances, even if there is a problem with the energy control center, there will be backup energy to supply the spacecraft.

Judging from the current inspection by the energy control center, there are problems with both the main energy supply and the backup energy.

But no matter how they checked, they couldn't find anything wrong with it.

Everything is very normal.

When the captain led the staff to conduct maintenance, the situation on the God was also immediately reported to Liu Mingyu's side.

Liu Mingyu also rushed over from Earth immediately.

When he appears on the Godship, he appears near the central square.

There were only flashlights around and no other source of light.

Originally, it was daytime on Earth for Liu Mingyu, but suddenly it was night.

If you are an ordinary person, you may be really uncomfortable with the sudden change of scene.

But Liu Mingyu has already gotten used to it after traveling through thousands of times.

The sudden change of scene did not have much impact on him.

The person Liu Mingyu targeted this time was Dong Jianping, so he was beside Dong Jianping when he appeared.

Liu Mingyu asked Dong Jianping, "What's the situation now?"

When the zombie man reported to him before, he only briefly reported the situation encountered by the God, and did not give very detailed information.

Dong Jianping said softly: "Boss, there is still no response.

The captain and deputy captain have already led the staff for inspection.

Maybe it won't be long before they can find out what went wrong ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Captain, where are they now? "

Liu Mingyu understood that Dong Jianping and others had been busy with their own affairs and did not know the specific situation at all.

It seems that the only option is to go over and ask the captain.

"I heard they went to the energy control center."

Dong Jianping didn't answer because he didn't know it himself. Instead, another zombie standing next to him saw Dong Jianping's appearance and added.

"Don't move around here. Let me go over and check what's going on?"

Liu Mingyu nodded lightly, and then quickly left the central square.

Doors along the way have been opened.

Liu Mingyu quickly arrived at the energy control center.

At a glance, he saw the busy staff and the captain who was tinkering with the equipment in the middle.

"Captain, how is the situation now? Have you found the problem?"

Liu Mingyu came to the captain's side, patted the captain's shoulder gently, and asked in a low voice.

The captain was startled, turned around and saw Liu Mingyu, and felt much calmer.

"It's Mr. Liu. There is still no progress and no abnormality has been found."

"What exactly happened? Why did the entire spacecraft suddenly lose its energy supply? Are you sure there is a problem with the energy control center?

Is it possible that there is a problem somewhere else? "

Liu Mingyu asked doubtfully.

The captain said seriously: "No one knows what happened. Suddenly, the entire spacecraft lost power.

According to the current judgment, there should be a problem with the energy supply of the energy control center.

Includes backup energy supply.

There were problems. "