I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 3057: Ice Flame Behemoth (Part 1)

Chapter 3054 Ice Flame Behemoth (Part 1)

After recovering from the information transmitted back, you can see a huge ball-like thing suddenly appearing in the void.

The orb emits a faint blue flame.

The huge ball seemed like the head of some kind of creature.

How can this be?

Liu Mingyu almost subconsciously rejected his idea.

Because that huge ball is too huge.

Judging from the feedback information, the volume of the huge sphere has reached more than ten times the volume of the sun.

Could it be a spaceship from an alien civilization?

Liu Mingyu suddenly thought of another possibility.

And compared to the previous speculation, the possibility of an alien civilization's spacecraft is more likely.

I have been detecting the true identity of the mysterious force, and the huge ball in front of me is likely to be the truth I am pursuing.

Then Liu Mingyu didn't wait for too much speculation.

More and more on-site information is fed back to the lunar base.

In less than a minute.

The original huge sphere was not its full picture.

In less than a minute, Liu Mingyu finally saw its full picture.

It was a huge creature, its size was predicted to be more than 1,000 times the size of the sun.

The round ball I saw at the beginning was indeed the head of that creature.

Liu Mingyu's scalp felt numb when he saw this. This was a creature he had never seen before.

A life capable of tyrannizing the universe.

The earth and even the sun are just little gadgets next to it.

If the other party appears next to the earth, you can really feel what it means to cover the sky and block the sun.

This starry sky monster suddenly appeared, its whole body exuding light blue flames.

While just looking at the transmitted pictures, Liu Mingyu could also feel a strong pressure from its huge size and terrifying figure.

What kind of creature is this?

Judging from its appearance, it looks a bit like a humanoid creature wearing armor.

If you put aside its huge size and its head that is different from humans, its appearance is really very similar to that of humans.

Before Liu Mingyu could study it carefully, Liu Mingyu suddenly went offline again.

When Liu Mingyu exited the simulation again, his eyes still showed shock.

After a long time, Liu Mingyu finally saw the true face of the mysterious power.

Only then did Liu Mingyu have the opportunity to carefully recall the scene he saw.

He always felt that the other person's appearance was somewhat familiar. UU reading www. uukansshu.comm

Thinking back carefully, where have you seen a similar appearance?

Such a huge size has definitely never been seen before.

The only familiar feeling must be the appearance.

Liu Mingyu thought about it quickly, but no one could match the number.

The body shape of the people from the Waves Star could match the number, but obviously they couldn't be the people from the Waves Stars.

Liu Mingyu also thought about whether he could be a demon?

Because the demons he encountered also had human body shapes.

However, the appearance of the demon race also has a unique feature, that is, the demon race is a race with wings.

The starry sky beast Liu Mingyu saw in the simulator was obviously not a demon.

Liu Mingyu can almost rule out the possibility of demon clan.

The only remaining possibility is the Zerg.

But based on my experience with the Zerg, the possibility of the Zerg is not very high.