I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 313: Unexpected visitor

Liu Mingyu had always felt that he needed to protect his secrets, so everything was done by himself.

However, he felt that he wanted to fork, but he didn't need to.

When he was traveling, the time here was static and would not affect the world.

However, the only impact is the problem of unable to fix the traversal. If the problem of fixed traversal can be solved, then he can traverse at will.

For example, if he travels to the end of the world now, it will be more comfortable if he can return to his current position after he travels back to the real world next time.

In fact, this problem can also be solved now, which is to reset the current crossing coordinates for each crossing.

However, this cost is too high, and a reset requires 1000 grams of energy spar Lv1.

It’s okay to reset it once in a while, if you do it every time, it would be too wasteful.

Energy spar is now not only a task item for completing tasks, but also a must-use item for curing various intractable diseases and various terminal diseases.

According to data, 1000 grams of energy spar Lv1 can produce 1000 courses of medicine, and a person needs about 20 courses of medicine to be cured.

1000 grams of energy spar Lv1 can restore 50 terminally ill patients to health, which makes Liu Mingyu reluctant to use it like this.

If you find a substitute for the energy spar in the future, or find a lot of energy spar, you can do it like this.

However, Liu Mingyu has a faint feeling that perhaps the next time he upgrades the system, he can achieve a fixed position crossing.

For example, at the beginning, he crossed randomly.

Later, he can fix five coordinates for crossing.

Then according to this progress, it is likely that this function can be realized after the system upgrade.

Although he felt that this problem could be solved after upgrading the system, he still failed to find a way to upgrade the system.

Although there is no fixed way to traverse, the personnel can still find it. At most, when crossing in the future, they can traverse in their own homes.

But regarding what happened to him just now, Liu Mingyu told Zhang Wenkui to send some people over here to maintain order.

In fact, there are already many security personnel in the lobby to maintain order, but from the experience just now, there are still not enough personnel.

The two hundred people who came here yesterday are all on the side of Xingchen Building. I'm not afraid that there are not enough people. It's just that the people are scattered a bit, which caused this result.

He doesn't have anything to do, but there may be many companies that will send representatives later. If the same thing happens at that time, it will be difficult to do.

He doesn't refuse interviews from these reporters, but he still has to stop some unfriendly interviews. Perhaps these people are really just interviews.

After a while, there were a lot more people in the hall, and a passage was made with some fences, so that many people could no longer come here at will.

Although the addition of channels is a bit of a hindrance, the overall order is much better.

At this moment, a person wearing a security uniform ran up to Liu Mingyu and quickly said: "Mr. Liu, Alima from Ali Group is here."

"Okay, I'll go over immediately." Liu Mingyu nodded.

Later, Liu Mingyu and Huang Yu walked towards the door.

Xingchen Technology set up a sign-in wall outside the building, and Liu Mingyu saw Ali Ma signing on the sign-in wall from a long distance.

Liu Mingyu hurriedly walked over, at this time Ali Ma also just finished signing.

Liu Mingyu gave Ali Ma a big hug and laughed loudly: "A warm welcome to Mr. Ma."

The two embraced each other and separated immediately. Alima patted Liu Mingyu on the shoulder and smiled: "Mr. Liu, are you satisfied with this building?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied." Liu Mingyu smiled.

"Satisfaction is fine, Mr. Liu, let me introduce you to someone." Ali Mara smiled at Liu Mingyu.

"Oh, who is it?" Liu Mingyu asked in an interface. It might not be easy for Alima to introduce someone in person.

"Master Zhizhou, let me introduce to you. This is the CEO of Star Technology Company, Mr. Mingyu Liu." A middle-aged man living next to Ali Mara introduced, "Mr. Liu, this is Master Zhizhou from Hangzhou, said You two are still very destined, both of you are from your own family.

Huang Yu next to Liu Mingyu, Ali Ma did not introduce.

Although Arima knew that the relationship between the two was unusual, the two were not married and he was not easy to introduce, so he skipped it.

Seeing that Ali Ma did not introduce herself, Huang Yu did not look disappointed or angry, but stood quietly next to Liu Mingyu, being a well-behaved transparent person.

Liu Mingyu looked surprised, a surprised expression flashed by, and then a smile appeared on his face quickly, and he said: "Master Zhizhou, hello, welcome to Xingchen Technology to guide your work."

This middle-aged man had seen ~lightnovelpub.net before but thought it was a representative sent by a certain company, but he didn't expect it to be from the official state.

On the sign-in wall, there are about a dozen people who are signing in. This is the result of the security personnel's control. If you don’t control it, I’m afraid there will be many people on the sign-in wall.

Judging from the banners outside, we know that there will be many big companies coming from Star Technology. These companies are very rare to get together. It can be said that there are very few such opportunities except for the Internet conference.

Therefore, some companies are not only to see if there are opportunities for cooperation with Star Technology, but also to come here to find opportunities for cooperation with other companies.

He was a little surprised about Master Zhizhou coming with Alima, and then some relief.

The Ali Group can be regarded as famous in Hangzhou, and it has made great economic contributions to Hangzhou, so it is understandable that the two came together.

Perhaps, Ali Ma sold the Star Tower to Liu Mingyu, and perhaps it meant pulling him over to Hangzhou.

A discerning person at Star Technology knows that he will be a big taxpayer in the future, so as the head of Hangzhou's economy, Liu Zhizhou is also forgiven for coming here.

Liu Zhizhou looks very young, he looks like an ordinary middle-aged person, which is why Liu Mingyu did not think about the government before.

"Mr. Liu, you are warmly welcome to settle down in Hangzhou." Liu Zhizhou stretched out his hand, and the two clenched their hands.

"Mr. Ma, Master Zhizhou, let's go sit inside." Liu Mingyu suggested.

It was less than nine o'clock at this time, and there was still some time before the official relocation ceremony.

"Okay, let's go and sit inside." Liu Zhizhou smiled.

Then, the group walked to the Star Building.