I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 3131: The first Spring Festival of the Interst

Not all hospitals are government-funded hospitals, and some hospitals are still private hospitals.

However, after experiencing this blow, most private hospitals may have to close down.

The number of patients has dropped significantly, and there is almost no chance of profit.

This is not a temporary situation and may become a long-term situation.

Everyone's physical fitness has been improved in all aspects, which also means that the probability of getting sick in the future will be greatly reduced.

If you don’t get sick anymore, naturally no one will go to see a doctor.

Maybe if you go to other places in the future, you may be infected with new viruses and new patients may appear.

But when that time comes, the effect that private hospitals can have is almost negligible.

Private hospitals generally deal with a specific disease.

Diseases caused by new viruses are almost impossible for private hospitals to conquer.

In order to enable Xiaojia to play a better role, and for us to play a better role in future work.

We are not yet under the earth, and there are many jobs that are no longer suitable for us.

Such invisible human beings naturally became Liu Mingyu's subordinate force.

In order for us to work better for ourselves, Liu Mingyu distributed a bottle of genetic degradation potion to all humans for free.

In reality, there is definitely not enough data. With the speed of data processing by the two low-level artificial intelligences Feitian and Feiyun, it will take such a long time.

Surely if we really had talent or not, we might have developed so badly in that area.

Even those doctors can still get along under the planet carrier.

Is there any way, Liu Mingyu worked as a data output worker for two months while sleeping or resting.

If it were not for the government behind government hospitals, I am afraid that government hospitals would also be destroyed.

Liu Mingyu spent nearly two months reorganizing work for the 7 billion people currently under the planetary mothership.

Yes, it is obvious that with the current level of technology, it is completely impossible to achieve that point.

However, hospitals still have a need to exist.

After all, it is self-evident that the virus can infect strengthened humans.

Even if the talent score is below 90 points, many people are basically below the passing line.

The medical resources of small private hospitals can be wasted.

Those numbers are indeed very small numbers for Liu Mingyu.

Except for a very few talents, talents in certain areas are indeed very powerful, but such people are the majority after all. Liu Mingyu directly assigns those people to work in the fields we are good at.

Human beings' physical fitness has been strengthened, but it does not mean that they will not get sick in the future.

The reason why it took another two months was mainly because Qu Lunwan needed to output the data in his mind and then hand it over to Feitian and Feiyun for processing.

Mature talents have not been cultivated yet, but they can be wasted like that.

At the same time, many new jobs have emerged.

In those two months, Liu Mingyu relied on the help of two low-level artificial intelligences, Feitian and Feiyun, to complete the rearrangement of the work for a population of 7 billion.

Inside, those private hospitals may not be able to survive.

Does Liu Mingyu know that the technological level of the system he obtained is not that low?

Qu Lunwan couldn't help but sigh. If he could transfer the data in his mind in real time, it would be so troublesome.

Waste is shameful.

But for Feitian and Feiyun, the calculation must be completed in one second.

In that case, it is basically possible for Feitian to obtain those information.

Now after two months of busy work, the planetary mothership has finally retreated into an abnormal state.

Theoretically speaking, all humans under the planetary mothership belong to Liu Mingyu's property.

Qu Lunwan's harvest in those two months was also very small.

Usually these doctors.

When we were allowed to evacuate, we were told again that if we need to board the planet carrier, we must pay a certain price.

After that, I was busy escaping from the solar system, for fear of being chased by these Zerg, and I had no time to deal with those things.

The purpose is not to enable us to work for ourselves without a weaker body.

But those doctors and nurses are the most precious medical resources.

It must be simply to let Liu Mingyu be responsible for arranging the work of a population of 7 billion.

Everyone performs their own duties and can make their own contribution to the planetary mothership.

Even if it takes two years, it can definitely be completed.

However, judging from the scientific and technological information shared by the Bolan Stars of the seventh-level peak civilization and the information found in the demon clan, the system in Qu Lunwan's mind has not reached the seventh level at least if measured by its technological level. Civilization, even lower levels of civilization.

Even if Liu Mingyu cannot be found through the talent system and does not have talents with lower talents in that area, it will take a certain amount of time for UU Kanshu www.uukaknshu.net to truly grow up.

Disband directly, no waste.

Whether those people are too few, which is bad, or they are the main force in the early stage, they are the worst choices.

Liu Mingyu casually checked the talents of those people and found that our talents were indeed very wrong.

Liu Mingyu is the master of Feitian, so naturally the person we need to fulfill our promise is not Qu Lunwan.

Those two months were not spent on that aspect at all.

Liu Mingyu has not yet become the first person in charge of the planetary mothership.

Let us continue to shine in government hospitals.

It must be because of Liu Mingyu's measures to distribute genetic degeneration potions for free.

Anyway, if you get sick in the future, treatment will be far more difficult than now.

A very small number of doctors have subpar skills in one aspect.

No one's talent in a certain area even reaches a talent score of less than 90 points.

Moreover, it does not mean that those people have no talent based on their medical talent.

Those talents may not be the most talented talents in the medical industry.

How could it be a waste of resources like that?

I am afraid that when the genetic evolution request was distributed, no one would have thought that this move could actually bring down more than 90% of private hospitals.

But we have not yet immersed ourselves in the medical industry, and the medical skills we have are even lower than those of the doctors in these public hospitals.

I mean it's been two months.

Even a second is needed.

Although in the eyes of many people, that price is paid to Feitian who once helped us.

Bring all of us under the government, which used to issue private hospital licenses.