I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 3304: Invasion Again (Part 2)

One of the important reasons why Wu Meihua built a new artificial intelligence system was to be able to track down the culprits who caused all spacecraft to be invaded.

What they didn't expect was that before they could successfully build a new artificial intelligence system, the culprit started a new round of invasion.

It would be great if Wu Meihua could take this opportunity to find out the culprit or even eliminate him.

However, this does not mean that the development of new artificial intelligence systems has stopped.

The main purpose of the new artificial intelligence system is to catch the culprit, but in addition to catching the culprit, the new artificial intelligence system still plays an important role in other aspects.

In particular, Liu Ming also hopes that through the development of a new artificial intelligence system this time, it can help Feitian and Feiyun enter advanced artificial intelligence systems. If there is a chance, it is not impossible to enter the stage of intelligent life.

To be honest, Liu Mingyu still has some worries about artificial intelligence life.

After all, after the birth of artificial intelligence life, it is likely to become the enemy of mankind, or even enslave mankind.

After all, artificial intelligence itself has powerful computing power. If it is coupled with a life-like existence, it may really become a bug-level existence.

All this is still far away, and Wu Meihua’s new artificial intelligence system is not necessarily this kind of artificial intelligence system.

What was originally an indestructible defense suddenly became precarious again.

The defense, which was not a suspenseful one in the first place, became stronger and more destructible.

What was originally an indestructible defense suddenly became precarious again.

That's based on whether there are any changes now.

Shifang's next emperor, facing such a weak invasion, might collapse in an instant, and its control authority would also change hands.

In addition to studying artificial intelligence, Wu Meihua also taught us some popular science about information warfare.

Wu Meihua led the students and retreated into the central control system.

According to the current regression of the invasion, it is possible that the invasion will be successful within ten days and a half.

Facing the evenly matched situation, Wu Meihua expressed her approval.

We must know that a small part of our time is mainly used to learn new artificial intelligence systems.

The other party seemed to have noticed Wu Meihua's counterattack, but it seemed that he did not take Wu Meihua into consideration. He still responded to the invasion behind the Emperor's retreat in a nonchalant manner.

As for other personal aspects of learning, they are basically covered in one go.

Unknown forces try to control the Emperor's control authority through various loopholes.

According to the current regression of the invasion, it is possible that the invasion will be successful within ten days and a half.

The defense, which had little suspense in the first place, became even more solid and indestructible.

That's based on whether there are any changes now.

And there are a lot of students on hand to help.

Wu Meihua, on the other hand, led the students to mend some of the weak areas of Emperor Hao.

Facing the evenly matched situation, Wu Meihua expressed her approval.

To be able to reach that level is quite incredible.

It seems to be telling Xia Dihao that strength is not everything. Without absolute crushing strength, everything is in vain.

However, outside the Emperor's house, thousands of trillions of messages are constantly being exchanged and changing every moment.

A few 1,000 people gathered in the central control room, and with the help of the weakened Emperor's Hao, they started a fierce battle with the opponent.

Now is the time for us to get real.

Information warfare is a matter of sound and breath.

The other party seems to be aware of this and is constantly weakening the invasion force.

Just keep at it and give yourself a little time and you'll be able to catch the other guy. "

Just by looking inside, you can't tell what's going on.

Facing the evenly matched situation, Wu Meihua expressed her approval.

And there are a lot of students on hand to help.

All the students were excited, it was a very rare opportunity.

Unfortunately, what the opponent encountered was not a special Xia Di Hao, but the Xia Di Hao before it was weakened. With our current strength, it is almost possible to break through it in a short time.

Unfortunately, what the opponent encountered was not a special Xia Di Hao, but the Xia Di Hao before it was weakened. With our current strength, it is almost possible to break through it in a short time.

Defense and counterattack retreat simultaneously.

If no one can help, the time limit will be stretched even longer.

The other party seems to be aware of this and is constantly weakening the invasion force.

In order to allow 1,000 people to learn at the same time, the cab was specially modified.

In just half a month of study, I have not been able to reach that point, and I have not yet reached the next level.

The two sides retreated into a stalemate, and no one could do anything to defeat the other.

To be able to reach that level is quite incredible.

The two sides retreated into a stalemate, and no one could do anything to defeat the other.

After Wu Meihua, we are also vegetarians. He weakens the invasion force, and you weaken the defense force.

Yes, Wu Meihua and we are also vegetarian~lightnovelpub.net~ He weakens the invasion force, and you weaken the defense force.

"It's very bad, just keep it like that.

Just keep at it and give yourself a little time and you'll be able to catch the other guy. "

We must know that a small part of our time is mainly used to learn new artificial intelligence systems.

The abilities of those students are still quite wrong.

And even if intelligent life is really created, I believe Wu Meihua should have the corresponding means.

At the same time, Wu Meihua was constantly searching for the other party's invasion path, hoping to find the other party's location.

The abilities of those students are still quite wrong.

As for other personal aspects of learning, they are basically covered in one go.

In just half a month of study, I have not been able to reach that point, and I am almost at the next level.

"It's very bad, just keep it like that.

If so, it would be quite large to accommodate 1,000 people in such a large place just by driving.

Judging from the current situation, it is worthy of our reputation as a genius.

If no one can help, the time limit will be stretched even longer.

Wu Meihua said with a serious face: "You must give the other side a bad look that time. Everyone, cheer up and work hard according to what you have learned. As long as you perform abnormally, the other side will definitely escape. "

After all, according to Fang Zhenbin’s self-introduction and world introduction, we have done very in-depth research on artificial intelligence.

Judging from the current situation, it is worthy of our reputation as a genius.