I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 337: Blocked arms trade

After Uncle Liu was here, Liu Mingyu used the remote control to open the door of the warehouse, walked into the warehouse, and then sealed the warehouse door again.

This warehouse is specially provided for Liu Mingyu, which is different from other normal trading companies.

This warehouse mainly stores all kinds of frozen food, as well as some rice, miscellaneous, and everything.

Because Liu Mingyu had ordered it, the food inside was all unlabeled, so you don't have to worry about leaking information when you carry it to the end of the world.

Food is mainly stored inside, so the entire warehouse was transformed into a large cold storage.

The temperature inside was extremely low. When this hot day came in, a feeling of icy heaven and earth rushed over, making Liu Mingyu extremely comfortable.

But after staying for a while, the original coolness turned into a little bit of coolness, and goose bumps can already be seen on the skin.

Usually workers come in, and they always open the cold storage door. If it takes a little longer, they should wear thicker clothes.

Come on, you have to quickly carry the food you need, there are hundreds of people waiting for the food there.

Before finding a new source of food in the end of the world, I can only rely on reality for the time being, let Liu Mingyu be a porter.

Fortunately, Liu Mingyu only needs one idea, and all the items within sight can be transferred to the storage space, otherwise when will the food be moved.

Thanks to the upgraded storage space, the area of ​​the entire storage space has reached 91.1 cubic meters, which is much better than when it was just 1 cubic meter.

The food in the warehouse is labeled. Liu Mingyu quickly moved the food to the storage space according to these labels, and then sent it to the end of the world.

Of course, before the transmission, Liu Mingyu set the first fixed-point coordinates of the real world in this warehouse.

This cost him 1,000 grams of energy spar Lv1. Thinking that these energy spars can be made into a lot of peerless medicines, it hurts.

But there is no way. At present, the fixed coordinate transmission can only use this method. Maybe after the system is upgraded in the future, it will no longer be random transmission.

It is a pity that there is no clue to the system upgrade. Until then, this is the only way to do it.

The food in Liu Mingyu’s warehouse was moved to the apocalyptic supermarket and moved back and forth four times. Adding the weapons and ammunition from the last time, this small supermarket filled most of the space.

Because there were still some ammunition from the real world that hadn't been delivered, he went back to the real world again, but the place he went back this time was not in the warehouse, but in the warehouse in Sam's Villa on the other side of the earth.

The warehouse was empty at this time, and all the ammunition placed here was transported to the end of the world by Liu Mingyu.

Liu Mingyu didn't go out hastily. He checked the surrounding situation carefully and found that it was the same as when he left, and no one had come in.

Phew, I don't know if Dougel has prepared the weapons, the amount of weapons and ammunition needed this time is much more than last time, and I don't know if the other party can prepare them.


The phone in Liu Mingyu's trouser pocket rang. In reality, he did not put the phone in the storage space. Now it is no better than before. Many people need to rely on the phone to find him. When it is placed in the storage space, there is no signal at all.

Liu Mingyu took out the phone and saw that it was Dougel's call.

Just in time, Liu Mingyu answered the phone and laughed loudly: "Douger, how about it? Are the goods ready?"

"Brother, I may not be able to provide you so much this time." Dougel's solemn voice came over the phone.

Hearing that the goods were not available, Liu Mingyu, who was originally happy, immediately pulled his face down and asked: "What's the matter? What's the problem? Is it because of the price? I said, brother, you are not kind, you said. The price is higher than most people, and I haven't repaid you much."

This is related to the key to completing the task in the next apocalypse. Without these weapons, completing the task is just empty talk. Do you use cold weapons to fight those zombies?

Don't be stupid, ordinary zombies may be okay, but those special zombies are not something that cold weapons can contend with. They can only rely on firepower to suppress them to have a chance of completion.

"No, no, no, brother, you misunderstood, I didn't mean to increase the price." Dougel explained hurriedly that the most important thing to be a businessman is credibility.

Liu Mingyu's voice became cold: "What's the situation?"

"It's such a brother, you also know that the number of weapons you want this time is a bit too much, mainly because there are a lot of ammunition. These bullets are enough to fight a large battle." Dougel continued to explain.

Liu Mingyu asked puzzledly: "Does the arms dealer still care about this issue?"

"Of course not. For us, just sell it. Who cares what you do with it."

"What's the situation? After talking so much, you still haven't said what's the problem? If there is a problem, just say, I don't like people with mothers-in-laws, so be more relaxed if I am a man." Liu Mingyu couldn't help but increase his voice.

"That's it, because you need too much ammunition, and I don't have enough ammunition on my side, so I bought a batch of ammunition from my upper house.

As a result, the master knew that I was suddenly in need of a large amount of ammunition, which attracted her attention.

But rest assured, I did not confess you.

In addition, some ammunition you need, I have found someone to send to the warehouse of the villa.

Other ammunition may take some time, this time I call you just to give you some grace.

The first batch of ammunition should have arrived at the door of the villa, are you there? "Dougal explained.

Liu Mingyu walked to the window and looked to the door, and he saw a white van parked at the door of the villa.

"I was at the villa and saw a white van parked outside. Well, there is a black van not far away. Is that yours too?" Liu Mingyu said.

"What?" Dougel exclaimed, "I only sent a car over, **** it, it seems that my people have been targeted by the people above. Brother, you go quickly."

He thought for a moment that he was being followed, and the person being followed, conceivably, was his so-called upper home. He asked Liu Mingyu to leave first, because he knew that if the other party had a conversation with Liu Mingyu , Then there would be no meat for him.

Don’t talk about meat, I’m afraid I’m not even qualified for soup.

He finally found a rich man like Liu Mingyu, how could he let the cooked duck fly away from the mouth.

Liu Mingyu doesn't care, whoever buys weapons, not to buy weapons, as long as he can provide the weapons he needs, he will have no problem.

He had only traded with Dougel once, and the weapons provided by Dougel always had some restrictions. If the other party was really Dougel's family, the weapons he could provide would definitely be much richer.

Thinking of this, Liu Mingyu picked up the phone and continued: "Brother, I want your goods this time. How much do you calculate? I will call you on the card later."

After finishing speaking, before Dougel could react, he hung up the phone and put the phone in the storage space.

Dougel, who was in the happy bar, looked at the hung-up phone and dialed Liu Mingyu's phone again, but he couldn't get through when he got the result.

"Fuck." Suddenly Dougel kicked his foot to the side of the table.

Crash, the cups on the table are scattered all over the floor.

"Big brother, what's the matter?" The brother who heard the noise rushed over and quickly asked when he saw glass shards scattered on the ground.

"Huh, it's nothing." Dougel waved his hand to let them out.

It's useless for him to spit his temper here. The other party has already dared to follow his truck, and he must have been watching him a long time ago.

I had known that I should also follow the past, but I just thought that it was just an ordinary delivery, and I had to go to other places to find the source of goods.

"Who is outside?" Dougel shouted out. It's no use here. He still has to go to the scene to find out the situation. He can only hope now that the other party will only be with him, and there is no Right to talk.

"Brother, it's me, Cole." A tall figure appeared in the room.

"Find a car, call all the brothers in the bar, bring weapons, and go to the last villa together." Dougel quickly ordered.

When Dougel hurried to the villa, Liu Mingyu went downstairs and opened the door of the villa.

The people standing outside were taken aback by the sudden opening of the door. Didn’t it mean that there was no one inside?

Carson saw Liu Mingyu inside, his pupils shrunk slightly, **** bastard, how could this guy be here?

He had already let the guy Cole deliver the goods. He tried his best not to meet Liu Mingyu.

But now that they met, there was no other way. Carson raised himself up secretly, and his face returned to calmness: "Is it Mr. Liu Mingyu? I am here to deliver the goods."

Carson's nervousness was caught in Liu Mingyu's eyes, but he didn't understand why the other party was so nervous. Isn't he Dougle's person?

Liu Mingyu nodded at him: "Then drive in."

"Okay, sir, please give me a hand." Carson smiled and got in the car, ready to drive towards the villa.

Who knew that Carson had just hit the car and suddenly heard a sudden brake. A black van stopped precisely at the gate of the villa, blocking Carson's path.

The front of this black van is less than ten centimeters away from Liu Mingyu. I don't know if the driver of this black van has good driving skills or Liu Mingyu's boldness.

Immediately afterwards, four people got in and out of the van, all white people.

One person walked up to Liu Mingyu, and the other three went to trouble Carson.

The three of them walked to Carson and knocked on the car window with their hands to signal Carson to get off.

Where did Carson dare to come down at this time, the other party was obviously aggressive, didn't he go down to look for death, instead he closed the car window tightly.

However, at the next moment, he opened the car door pervertedly, held his head in his hands, and shouted in his mouth: "Brother, don't kill me, I'm just a little guy."

There was no way. The other party took out a spray from the rear of the car and aimed at him. He didn't want to die, so he could only open the door and walk down.

His glass is not bulletproof glass, even if it is bulletproof glass, he dare not bet whether the other party's "spray" can blow his own car window.

The white man with the "spray" slapped it over: "Damn, just cooperate well? Do I have to be rough?"

Carson quickly begged for mercy: "Brother, I was wrong, sorry."

The person standing in front of Liu Mingyu said: "Okay, pay attention to the situation. We are not here to kill people, but to do business, to fight and kill, what is it like."

He said that the man was not good, but his tone couldn't tell that he was accusing him.

Afterwards, the man stretched out his right hand towards Liu Mingyu and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, our brother is a bit rude, please don't be offended."

Liu Mingyu was very windy and inviting with a smile on his face, "I don't know how to call it? How about going to sit inside?"

"Austin, that's a great thing." Austin introduced himself. "You guys look at him a little bit."

Liu Mingyu said, "This brother is just a delivery person for me, don't make it difficult for him."

Austin laughed: "Since the husband is begging for him, then let him go."

Carson, who had been resisted by the "spray", felt the cold barrel withdraw from behind him the next moment. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that his life was saved today.

"Since he delivered all the goods over~lightnovelpub.net~ why not let him deliver the goods to the warehouse?" Liu Mingyu chuckled softly, as if talking about a small thing.

Carson looked at Liu Mingyu, then at Austin and his party, standing still at a loss.

Austin chuckled and cursed: "What do you look at? Didn't you see that the husband said to send him his goods first?"

Carson looked at the black van that was stuck in front of his car. Brother, if you don't move the car away, how can I get in?

The people under Austin got into the car and moved away.

Carson also got into the car and drove into the warehouse. Before he could unload the goods, he was arrested.

Liu Mingyu didn't care too much, as long as he didn't kill him.

Entering the living room, Liu Mingyu found a few cups and poured tea for them: "This is the tea just brewed. Try it."

It is indeed just brewed tea. Now Liu Mingyu has a problem. He likes to drink tea. He likes to drink a few cups of tea wherever he goes. Normal tea is not good. Good tea must be made.

No way, Liu Mingyu's mouth has been raised by Ali Ma, and ordinary tea leaves are no longer in his mouth.

Thanks to his storage space, he can drink the best tea no matter where he goes. Now his storage space has some commonly used things in it at any time.

Austin picked up the teacup, took a sip, and praised it with a thumbs up: "Sir, your tea is really good, it's fine tea."

In fact, how does Austin know the quality of this tea? Just like most people taste coffee, ordinary coffee and good coffee taste the same, bitterness in ordinary people.

Austin feels this way now. In fact, he doesn't feel that this tea is much different from other teas.

But it doesn't matter, just praise it.