I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 658: New minister

When the settlement was just established, some people left the Jiahang settlement to find relatives or for other purposes.

After those people left, they never came back. Maybe they found the relatives they needed to find, or they died on the way to find them.

In short, leaving a settlement is full of difficulties, and it is impossible for a person without a certain amount of courage to leave alone.

Those who have the courage to set foot on this road admire his courage, and the end result is also a fate.

Those who can attend the conference here are the backbone of the Star Group.

Judging from the current situation of the Star Group, I can live very well, where is not life, only by living can you enjoy life.

The crowd listened attentively to Liu Mingyu's speech on stage, for fear of missing important information.

Looking at everyone's concentration, Liu Mingyu knew that everyone was not very interested in these official words. He cleared his throat and went directly to the subject: "Okay, don't talk nonsense. Next, I will announce a more important thing. I believe you all know more or less that I have just conducted a weapon experiment in the outer city, and everyone has heard about the experiment, but maybe you are not very intuitive. I will play the scene at that time for everyone to see."

Then, a staff member nearby played the holographic video taken at that time on the heads of everyone.

After the video is edited, the highlights are played directly.

Everyone looked at the video intently, wanting to see what the weapon the boss admired so much looked like.

The edited video is not very long, only five minutes.

Concentrated is the essence. Five minutes show the power of the intelligent robot made by Zhao Yulong.

Liu Mingyu watched the edited video. If he hadn't watched it in person, he would almost think that the two intelligent robots were actually mechas.

Sure enough, some things, if you don't see them with your own eyes, there will still be a certain gap. Now that the level of technology is getting higher and higher, photos will deceive people, and videos will also deceive people.

Those in the audience saw such a mighty and tall intelligent robot, and they talked a lot.

"This is'Gundam'? Is our company's technological level so strong?"

"Impossible. I remember that before the zombie virus raged, I read about mecha-related information on a certain Internet. At that time, mechas had just been manufactured in semi-finished products, and there was still a distance from the finished product."

"How can it be impossible? I didn't see the boss all experimenting in the outer city. If it is fake, would the boss still praise it like this? Besides, how many years have passed since then, it is normal to have a finished product."

"Big brother, don't you think about it, after the zombie virus comes, who else has the mind to study these? It's not bad to survive, where is there time to deal with these extraneous things?"

"Uh, this... it's possible for the boss. I didn't see that the boss got the finished product. The finished product is here. What's impossible."

"Uh, well, you really make sense. The finished product has appeared, so it is naturally impossible to deceive people."

Liu Mingyu did not know that they mistaken the intelligent robot made by Zhao Yulong for a mecha. In fact, this was also considered as Liu Mingyu's intentional act, making them believe that they could make a real mecha.

After having mechas, are you afraid of those zombies?

Let's kill one, let's kill one pair.

Liu Mingyu didn't let them discuss for too long. Soon after the broadcast, he signaled to quiet everyone down.

"I believe you already know something about this weapon, but because it is still in the testing area, it will take some time before the weapon is actually used. However, I believe that with our joint efforts, we will be able to use this weapon soon. At that time, let’s not say that it is Jiacheng City, even if it is on the other side of Hangzhou, it will not be a problem, even Shanghai, which is a little further away."

Liu Mingyu has a high-spirited temperament, as if mechas will appear in the near future.

Even if a real mecha can be produced, its combat capability needs to be studied.

There is no problem with dealing with ordinary zombies, but don't forget that there are not only ordinary zombies in this world, but also a large number of special zombies.

Those zombies with different abilities are the most troublesome and the most indefensible zombies.

Think of special zombies such as flying dragons and swift beasts, zombies that are extremely fast, even if the armor is in hand, it is estimated that they will not be able to capture the trajectory of the opponent's actions.

Under Liu Mingyu's deliberate forgetting, no one else talked about it, as if it were just left behind.

At this moment, what is needed is a time to boost morale.

"In order to put this weapon into actual combat as soon as possible, I announced the establishment of a brand new department, the Intelligent Robot Research Department, with Zhao Yulong as the minister. I hope colleagues from other departments can give the greatest help."

Liu Mingyu immediately announced the establishment of a new department and announced the candidate for minister.

Zhao Yulong on the side stood up immediately after Liu Mingyu made the announcement~lightnovelpub.net~ and greeted everyone.

Everyone is very impressed with Zhao Yulong. After all, the intelligent robot runaway incident has just been staged not long ago, and it is a bit difficult to know him or not.

It’s just that everyone never thought that the parties involved in this intelligent robot runaway incident were not punished. Instead, they were favored by the boss, and instead of falling, they rose.

With the previous record of the intelligent robot runaway incident, everyone was originally "Mecha" with high expectations, and suddenly fell to the bottom.

Can intelligent robots developed by such people be used as weapons?

Don't go on the battlefield when the time comes, and instead of killing the enemy, you kill your teammates. That's funny.

This is not impossible. After all, this is an intelligent robot made by the person involved in the rampage. Anything can happen.

Zhao Yulong also felt that the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became a little subtle, and he sat there blankly, not daring to move.

Can you really study the mecha weapon in the boss's mind?

Can you really do it yourself?

Suddenly, Zhao Yulong fell into his own doubts and lost himself.

He was originally just a deep lover of intelligent robots.

Liu Mingyu seemed to feel the hesitation and anxiety in Zhao Yulong's heart. He stretched out his hand and patted Zhao Yulong gently, showing a gentle smile: "Don't be afraid, you have to believe in yourself, you can, it can take less than a month to create two With such a powerful intelligent robot, you don’t need to doubt your level. You only need to put this spirit and learning ability into the next weapon development. I believe it will be possible. Go ahead and get your work out. It's time to slap them in the face."