I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 738: Birthday is death

The sudden attack by gangsters excited the reporters who were originally here.

Big news, absolutely big news.

One by one is looking for favorable locations to broadcast the latest developments.

However, because of Ito's birthday banquet, too many people came here, crowded with people.

Many reporters simply cannot find a favorable position.

Some reporters want to enter the Ito Manor to report. At this time of people's attention, who can get the first-hand information represents the flow.

Traffic represents attention.

But Ito Manor is not everyone can enter casually, not to mention there are a group of wicked gangsters inside.

They only dared to lie on the fence and use cameras and mobile phones to take pictures of the inside.

However, there are always some reporters who are not afraid of death. In order to get first-hand information, they don't even want their lives.

A large group of people fled from the Ito Manor, and some reporters who were not afraid of death took the opportunity to rush inside.

A female reporter of the Tokyo Daily, like a fighter, approached forward against the flow of people.

Bang bang bang.

The gunshots kept rang out, frightening her into a panic.

However, she didn't have the courage to repel her, and she still mustered the courage to move forward.

The closer to the villa, the fewer and fewer people, and she can no longer see people in the back.

There were photographers who came with her.

Suddenly, the female reporter was shocked by the sight in front of her. The door of the villa was opened, and many people fell across the door, blood flying everywhere, like a Shura field.

The photographer didn't need a female reporter to remind him. He aimed the camera at the door of the villa for the first time. At almost the same time, the **** scenes shot by the photographer were synchronized to the live broadcast room.

Some people who are less courageous have already been scared to throw up.

Some people who are more courageous have numb scalp when they see the sight in front of them.

The scene in front of me is not a movie, but a real scene, which makes people feel nauseous when they think of a real scene.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion about this on the Internet.

The live broadcast room opened by the Tokyo Daily also swarmed into a large audience.

"Oh, I vomited. Where did these people come from? It's really cruel."

"This is a slaughter, a one-sided slaughter."

"I don't know how many people have escaped. It seems that there are many company chairman and some government officials in it. I don't know how their situation is?"

"There will be mass killings at the door, and I am afraid that the people inside are also bad luck."

The female reporter has no time to follow the dynamics in the live broadcast room.

"Friends in the audience, after just a burst of gunfire, the gunfire has stopped at this moment. Let's find a better position now and see if we can see what's inside."

The female reporter motioned to the photographer to follow.

The door of the villa is open, as long as you look for a certain angle, you can still see the situation inside.

They moved their positions to find a better angle, but they didn't dare to get too close to attract the attention of the gangsters. That is a dead end, these gangsters who kill people without blinking.

Maybe the gangsters are busy with things inside and don't notice the outside.

They quickly came to a suitable position.

With the help of the photographer, I quickly captured the situation inside.

"Audience friends, great. We can see that those people are not dead. At this moment, we can see them squatting neatly in the hall. You can even see Mr. Ito sitting in the main seat here."

The female reporter held the microphone and spoke softly, explaining the situation to the audience. She was afraid that speaking loudly would attract the attention of the criminals inside.

No one in the live broadcast room would think that her voice is too small at the moment, and even worry that her voice is too loud, which will cause unnecessary trouble.

"It's fine if you don't die. It contains almost all the chairman of the mainstream industry in Neon Country. If the people in it die, it is no less than a storm for Neon Country."

"Where did these unblinking gangsters come from? What are the police officers doing? Aren't they going to save people?"

"Ito Manor is too remote. It took half an hour for the nearest police station to pass. Now there are so many people around Ito Manor. I am afraid that it will take longer. After half an hour, or even an hour, their lives are in danger. I'm afraid it's unpredictable."

"Ask for money or kill? You must keep this gang of gangsters steady. Just give some time to those who dare to do evil in the neon country, and they will have no return."

Chen Wuqi inside didn't care too much about the people outside. In fact, the first time a female reporter from the Tokyo Daily came over, Chen Wuqi knew through Feiyun.

The door of the villa was not closed. Chen Wuqi did it deliberately, just to let them know the situation inside.

"Brother, everyone has already settled."

While Chen Wuqi was waiting, a teammate walked up to Chen Wuqi to report.

"Okay, gather brothers, we are going to the next house." Chen Wuqi nodded, not caring that his words were heard by the people next to him.

Ito Kousuke on the side heard their conversation and his face paled. He knew that the "security guard" he had high hopes had no chance to come ~lightnovelpub.net~ if he dragged it on, he could only die.

As long as you enter the hidden secret room, you will be able to support the police officers to come to rescue.

As long as I can survive, nothing is a problem.

Almost the moment Chen Wuqi spoke, Ito Kosuke decisively pressed the button.

However, what I imagined I fell into the secret room did not happen.

what happened?

Is it invalid?

How to do?

Kosuke Ito sweated profusely, and the last trump card he relied on was gone.

Chen Wuqi looked at Ito Kosuke with a smile, "Want to escape? Still missing your secret room? Haha, sorry, today is your birthday, and it will be your anniversary. It's a pity, I'm afraid no one will mourn this anniversary."

"Because, today, everyone in your Ito family will die. In this world, there will be no members of the Ito family." Chen Wuqi suddenly walked to Ito Kosuke and took Ito Kosuke's hand from under the table. Patted on the table.


Kosuke Ito couldn't help screaming.

He is an eighty-year-old man, how could he endure this kind of pain.

When other people heard Chen Wuqi's words, there was an uproar in their hearts.

The other party came for someone from the Ito family, and knew that he shouldn't have come to Ito's birthday party.

If he didn't come, would he not die?

Some people regret it for a long time in their hearts.

However, these people are holding their heads, pulling their heads down, afraid to move at all.

There are also some people who secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Chen Wuqi's words. The other party is from the Ito family, and they are not from the Ito family. As long as they actively cooperate with each other, there should be nothing wrong with them.