I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 750: Escaped

Exhausted all the energy, jumped with all strength.

The man was slightly higher than the building, and then descended in a parabolic shape.

Everyone looked at this brave warrior.


Right in front of you.

The man was overjoyed and finally escaped.

Five meters.

Three meters.

one meter.

The edge of the building is within reach.

However, he felt that he was falling faster and faster, and the short distance of one meter was like a ravine.

He tried his best to stretch out his hands.

Failed to grasp the edge of the rooftop.

The whole body fell rapidly.

Suddenly, he felt his hands touch the edge below.

However, he didn't wait for him to be happy.

He felt a huge force coming, the pain made him unable to grasp it anymore, and the whole person fell straight down.


There was a scream in the air.


Falling from the sky, directly smashed through the car parked on the road.

Everyone on the rooftop looked at each other.

Hearing the gunshots coming downstairs, everyone looked at each other.

It's too late if you don't leave.


The gate of the rooftop was kicked open.

I saw a frightening figure appeared.


Everyone never thought about how to jump over.

Run-up, take-off, all in one go.

It would be even more perfect if no enemies were chasing after them.

The person who came up first, seeing their movements, didn't know their thoughts.

Bang bang bang.

Raise the gun and shoot at them.


The few people who ran at the end were knocked down.

The few people in the front successfully jumped out because someone was acting as a shield behind.


Several people successfully jumped to the opposite side of the building.

More people have become falling objects from the sky because of insufficient approach distance and take-off speed.



The few people who had successfully jumped over resisted the pain on their bodies and hurriedly found a cover to hide.

The zombie looked at the few people who jumped over, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

Seeing that the zombie had no run-up action, he jumped on the spot and jumped directly.

Holding a samurai sword, he aimed a knife at a few people who were secretly celebrating the rest of their lives.


A cold light flashed across.

Head down.

At this point, everyone at the Taguchi Group headquarters was wiped out.

The zombie backed a few steps and ran quickly until he reached the edge of the roof, his legs flexed slightly, and the whole person flew towards Taguchi Building like a cannonball.


Standing firmly on the roof.

"Boss." The zombie came to Chen Wuqi respectfully and shouted.

Chen Wuqi came to the edge of the rooftop, looked down, and saw several agents from the Neon Country squatting at the entrance of the Taguchi Group.

Chen Wuqi's purpose was to destroy the Taguchi group, not to conflict with the agents of the Neon Country.

If you can not let the other party conflict, you will not conflict with the other party.

"Let's go and set off for the next goal."

Chen Wuqi looked at the building that the little brother had just jumped over.

Under the leadership of Chen Wuqi, everyone started to run directly on the top of the building like parkour athletes, and after some distance from the Taguchi Building, they left the building.

When leaving the building, Chen Wuqi and the others put on a makeup on themselves.

Although their image was not their original image just now, they changed their image to avoid unnecessary trouble.

With makeup combined with muscle control, even familiar people may not be able to believe that the person in front of him is Chen Wuqi.

After Chen Wuqi and his group left, they found a few cars from the side and started to move towards the headquarters of the Kawashima Club in Osaka.

The agents of the Neon Country were still waiting for support innocently, without even noticing that Chen Wuqi and the others had already left.

After more than ten minutes.

A large number of agents came outside the Taguchi group.

Because Director Kawada of the Tokyo Police Department was killed in the Ito Manor case, the deputy director is currently taking over the encirclement and suppression task.

"Are you sure they are all inside?"

The deputy director squinted at the Taguchi Building in front of him.

The agent who came first bowed and responded, "Director-sir, a few of us have been staring around Taguchi Building. It can be confirmed that the other party has not left Taguchi Building, but..."

At the end the agent hesitated.

"Just what? Say something quickly." The deputy director looked impatient, and every second of delay was more dangerous.

"The other party had a battle with the Taguchi group. Gunshots continued. Some Taguchi group fell to their deaths. I don’t know how they played against the Taguchi group. I’m afraid the strength of this group of criminals is not simple. , We have to pay attention."

The agent quickly recounted his opinion.

"You are still not an agent of the Neon Country. When you encounter danger, you think about retreating, and how to catch the gangster in the future." The deputy director took a deep look at the agent and then patted him on the shoulder. But you are right. This is a group of crazy murderous demons, and you must pay attention to safety."

The agents cautiously entered the Taguchi Building.

As soon as they entered the Taguchi Building, the agents were stunned by the sight in front of them.

There are bullet holes everywhere in the walls~lightnovelpub.net~ There is blood flowing from the ground, we can see that a fierce battle has taken place here.

No, it should have been a massacre, because the detectives found only the Taguchi group, but not the gangsters.

The agents nervously took out their pistols, walked up slowly, and looked around warily.

The more the agents watched, the more they felt that this was a massacre, and the number of deaths increased.

In the end, the detectives finally came to the place that had been attacked by the rocket launcher, and half of the stairs were bombed to shatter.

"Change a staircase, pay attention to safety." The deputy director looked up at only half of the staircase, waved to let others go up the other staircase.

Basically, the building has more than one fire-fighting stairs, and basically two fire-fighting stairs.

The detectives were afraid that the gangsters were still on it, for fear that the other party would attack.

Therefore, although there are many agents, they are not fast when exploring.

Finally an hour later, all the agents gathered on the rooftop of Taguchi Building.

"No one? Did they fly away from the sky?" The deputy director stood on the rooftop with a disappointed look.

Now he is only temporarily replacing the director, not the real director.

If the murderer of the Ito Manor tragedy is not caught, let alone the position of director, his position as deputy director may also be pushed down.

"Director, I swear, they really didn't leave the ground." The detective at the beginning found that the gangster was not found in the entire building. He was also very puzzled. For fear that the deputy director would trouble him, he quickly explained.

The deputy director did not speak. Looking at the direction of Taguchi's death, he walked to the edge of the roof and looked at the building opposite. He suddenly remembered something and said, "You go to the roof of the building to see what's going on."