I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 784: BOSS attack?

When Liu Mingyu returned to the warehouse of the apocalyptic world again, the warehouse was full of energy.

To Liu Mingyu who suddenly appeared in front of him, he just said hello and went to do his own thing.

Because the staff in the central warehouse are all zombies made by Liu Mingyu, there is no need to worry about leaks.

With the ammunition transported by Austin and Dougel, the ammunition crisis of the zombie siege was resolved, and even another thirty waves of zombie attacks were no longer a problem.


This is just bragging.

With another thirty waves of zombie attacks, there is no problem with bullet consumption. I am afraid that the people of the Star Group have been exhausted before the next thirty waves of attacks.

The offensive intensity of the zombies is gradually increasing. From the very beginning, it was just ordinary zombies attacking. By the time of the sixth wave, special zombies such as blasters had appeared.

Liu Mingyu looked at the system interface, at this time it was in the time of the tenth wave of zombie attacks.

Suddenly, Liu Mingyu found a red warning interface in the system interface.

A bright red frame, as if it was contaminated with blood, was still shining red, with a countdown in the middle.

01: 20:30

There is one hour and twenty minutes left.

The dazzling red light seemed to constantly remind Liu Mingyu that the next wave of attacks was very dangerous.

Liu Mingyu guessed that it was very likely that a small BOSS appeared, after all there were ten waves of attacks behind.

I don't know what the little BOSS is.

This little BOSS is just a guess by himself. It can make the system issue a warning, and the degree of danger is certainly not low.

I don't know what zombie will be this zombie BOSS.



Flying dragon?

Liu Mingyu has encountered special zombies that may be treated as BOSS by the system.

This is just Liu Mingyu's own conjecture. The direction of zombies' evolution is strange and strange, and the abilities they possess are also strange and strange, not necessarily these special zombies, it is very likely that they are special zombies that Liu Mingyu has never seen before. This is not impossible.

For example, in the challenge mission Liu Mingyu received, several special zombies that had never been seen appeared.

Soul Eater, Blaster, Healer, Ruler, these are special zombies that have never been encountered.

Looking at the tasks that are still not completed in the taskbar.

Liu Mingyu has a big hunch that these tasks are likely to be completed in this zombie siege mission.

In the past few days, he also took on some ordinary daily tasks, all of which were to kill ordinary zombies.

Facing the besieged city attack by the zombies, the mission objectives required for the daily tasks have already been completed.

It is a pity that Liu Mingyu can only complete one daily task every day, otherwise he can do more tasks.

If you turn these thousands of zombies into the targets of daily tasks, how many points will you get?

Points, Liu Mingyu will never be too small.

Now all places need points, in order to save some flowers, Liu Mingyu dare not use points to strengthen storage space.

However, Liu Mingyu’s storage space has now grown to 5m*5m*5m, and the total volume has reached 125 cubic meters, which is barely enough for the time being.

Liu Mingyu returned to the command center of the eastern city wall.

At this time, the battle is nearing an end, and ordinary zombies will be cleaned up.

After the battle was over, logistics personnel drove the cart to push the corpse of the zombie aside.

Before the logistics staff still had time to collect the energy spar on the head of the zombie, now they are very roughly pushing the zombie's corpse to the side of the prepared pit.

As for the energy spar in the zombie's head, it can only be slowly cleaned up after winning the battle in the future.

Liu Mingyu found that some city walls had gaps, and some construction vehicles immediately started repairing these gaps.

The materials they use are all fast-hardening materials. Although these materials can't reach the highest strength within an hour, it is better than nothing.

Without these city walls, the survivors of the Star Group could not resist these zombies at all, even if they had more ammunition.

The survivors were able to block ten waves of zombies steadily outside with minimal losses, and the city wall played a vital role.

Therefore, the importance of the city wall cannot be ignored.

After the zombies approached the city wall, they were afraid to throw grenades under the city wall if not necessary.

Perhaps this time the group of zombies below could be killed, but there are more zombies behind.

For a long-term plan, their various explosive ammunition is used at a relatively long distance.

It was past four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was scorching, walking under the sun, like a stove, hot and sweaty.

After solving the battle, the soldiers found a cool place to rest.

Lu Haipeng and the others are better, because they belong to the sentry tower. When designing it, there is a shaded area, and air conditioning is installed in the sentry tower.

When Liu Mingyu walked to the gate of the sentry tower, he could still feel a gust of cold wind blowing inside, which was extremely cool.

Because of this, the guard tower was full of people inside and outside, and Liu Mingyu had to be careful when he walked in for fear of stepping on someone.

After being cautious, he finally came to the headquarters of the eastern city wall.

Other fighters can rest, and Lu Haipeng, as the commander of Dongcheng, cannot rest for a moment.

He must prepare for the next battle.

When Liu Mingyu returned to the headquarters, Lu Haipeng was in a meeting with people, and several people at the meeting Liu Mingyu knew each other, and they were all old friends.

"Brother Lu, what are you discussing."

Liu Mingyu asked loudly.

Lu Haipeng stopped speaking and looked up at Liu Mingyu in surprise, "Boss, you are finally back."

"Well, I'm back~lightnovelpub.net~ How is the battle going? What is the first wave of attacks now?"

Liu Mingyu can easily know which wave of attacks he is currently in, whether it is calculated from time or from the reminder of the system interface.

But he didn't know in Lu Haipeng's eyes, he asked Lu Haipeng on purpose.

Lu Haipeng nodded and nodded, "Boss, I have defeated ten waves of attacks. Generally speaking, the fighting situation in all directions is pretty good. Except for a small number of personnel sacrificed, some personnel suffered serious injuries, and most people did not. Question. With the potion provided by the boss, everyone can maintain the best combat conditions."

"Has anyone sacrificed? How many people have been sacrificed? After the battle is over, we must do a good job of subsidizing the sacrificed personnel." Liu Mingyu knew that the battle would definitely kill people, and only hoped to die less.

It doesn't matter if you are seriously injured, at least there is a chance of being rescued.

Even if the injury is extremely serious now, as long as the life is saved, there is a chance of healing.

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