I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 829: Spider silk


The Tang knife in Liu Mingyu's hand, like a vegetable, easily chopped off one of the spider's front legs.

what happened?

Liu Mingyu was also taken aback by the sight in front of him, aren't the spider's feet very hard?

He saw the zombies before they used energy swords to slash the spiders, which had no effect at all.

However, judging from the sense of touch just now, the hardness is there, but it has not reached the existence of unbreakable defense, right?

The spider's expression suddenly changed from the previous mockery to panic.


The spider roared, and an invisible shock wave was emitted.

Everyone was already prepared, this time the sonic attack did not cause effective damage to everyone.

Liu Mingyu is unclear. Therefore, this seems to be different from his own observation. If this is the case, the other party is not truly invincible.

The spider that was cut off by Liu Mingyu's leg suddenly became furious. It was originally playing with other zombies and began to attack Liu Mingyu with all its strength.

For a time, seven legs attacked Liu Mingyu at the same time, and afterimages appeared in the sky.

This sky full of leg shadows did not put too much pressure on Liu Mingyu, he could easily see the opponent's movements.

Facing the opponent's attack, Liu Mingyu was unwilling to show weakness.

Since the Tang Sword in your hand can break through the opponent's defense, then let me kill you.

Ding Ding Ding.

This time, Liu Mingyu's Tang Knife didn't kill the spider's legs, but instead seemed to chop on steel, making a crisp sound.

How is this going?

Why can't the defense be broken?

Liu Mingyu thought that he could kill this spider by himself, but he didn't expect that the opponent's defensive ability would increase in just a short while.

Liu Mingyu was fighting with the opponent while paying attention to the opponent's state.

Soon, he discovered why he kept cutting the spider's legs.

On the spider's legs, a layer of blue energy defense cover was covered, precisely because this energy defense cover resisted Liu Mingyu's attack.

The energy shield has advantages and disadvantages. The spider's legs are like sharp blades. After being protected by the energy shield, it cannot use the sharp blade, but it can use the thigh as a stick.

Ding Ding Ding.

Liu Mingyu didn't care, as long as he could hold the opponent.

"You hurry up and change the titanium alloy weapon to attack, don't use energy to attack."

Liu Mingyu quickly asked other zombies to change their weapons, as long as they don't charge the other party, this energy shield will always break.

When Liu Mingyu found that his Tang Knife was slashing on the opponent's leg, ripples appeared, and the color of the energy shield seemed to dim a little.

After the other zombies left, the spider ignored them.

Now all the spider's energy was put on the guy who had cut off one of his legs.

This **** creature dared to chop off his leg, unforgivable.

The remaining seven legs, like a goddess scattered flowers, attacked the enemy in front of him frantically.

At the beginning, Liu Mingyu would be beaten up a little hurriedly, and soon he adapted to the opponent's attacking rhythm.

Tang knife, and then slashed on the spider's energy defense cover.

He wanted to attack other parts of the spider, such as the spider's most fancy egg.

It's a pity that the place was tightly defended by spiders, even when fighting.

It doesn't matter, the energy shield is connected, as long as the energy shield is broken, everything will dissipate.

Soon, the zombies who went to get weapons also returned.

Holding a titanium alloy Tang knife, attack the spider frantically.

There are not many titanium alloy Tang knives, if it weren't for Liu Mingyu's request, they wouldn't make too many.

Now everyone uses guns for long-range attacks, who knows how to fight melee with a knife?

Not to mention the high danger of close combat, the killing effect is not as fast as rifle shooting.

This is floating.

Don’t you see, when there were no guns before, he dared to fight zombies with a kitchen knife alone.

Compared with hot weapons, cold weapons do have many shortcomings, but cold weapons are not useless.

When the hot weapon has no bullets, the cold weapon is much more useful.

Especially in this situation, whether it is an energy attack or a hot weapon attack, the opponent will be charged, and only cold weapons can cause effective damage to the opponent.

With the addition of a large number of zombies, the rate of reduction of the energy shield outside the spider has been accelerated.

The spider also seemed to have discovered this situation and suddenly became impatient.

Regardless of whether one's "Lion Roar Technique" has an effect on the enemy, it is constantly released.

"Come on, speed up a bit, and in a few minutes you can break the opponent's defensive cover."

Seeing the energy shield flashing on the spider, Liu Mingyu suddenly became energetic.

He felt that the resistance brought to him by the opponent's energy shield was getting smaller and smaller. Several times, Liu Mingyu almost attacked the opponent.

Liu Mingyu was also very surprised. When he attacked the opponent for the first time, how did he cut off the opponent's leg.

It may account for an unexpected factor.

Liu Mingyu shook his head secretly, but the movement in his hand did not stop at all.


Fifteen minutes later, Liu Mingyu's Tang knife cut off one of the spider's legs again.


The spider's anger score exploded.

When he was fighting, he suddenly turned his body and pointed his **** at Liu Mingyu's side.

what's going on?

Can't beat and want to run?

Liu Mingyu was taken aback by the opponent's actions.

Holding a Tang knife, he was about to remove the other six legs.

Suddenly, Liu Mingyu's heart palpitated. Thinking of something, he suddenly shouted: "Get out of the way."

Liu Mingyu abruptly stopped his progress and flashed aside.

Sure enough, at this moment, only a white object hit Liu Mingyu's side.

Although Liu Mingyu was in a timely form, a zombie behind Liu Mingyu hit the target.

This is spider silk.


A scream sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the spider silk broke, where a cocoon appeared, and the zombie did not know the life or death.


Puff~lightnovelpub.net~ The spider spews spider silk frantically at Liu Mingyu and the others.

As long as someone is stuck with spider silk, a large amount of spider silk shoots out from the tail, instantly becoming a cocoon, without knowing the life or death.

Liu Mingyu tried to cut the spider silk with a Tang knife, but he couldn't cut it.

Only let the spider silk turn his companions into one cocoon after another.

After a while, dozens of cocoons appeared on the ground.

Liu Mingyu's face became gloomy, and he shouted: "Everyone, be careful not to get stuck by spider silk."

The spinning speed of spider silk is very fast, and if you don't pay attention, it will be stuck by the other's spider silk.

Suddenly, everyone's movements became restrained.

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