I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 839: reply

It is not the first time for Zhao Lao to see the holographic projection technology of Xingchen Group.

Whether it was on the Internet or when he visited the Star Tower before, he had seen it up close and even operated it himself.

Now that I see the real holographic projection technology again, I feel very proud of it. This is the technology of China Enterprise, the technology that leads the world.

With more and more such enterprises, why not worry that China can not rise.

No one can stop the rise of China.

In Zhao Lao's sigh, Zhao Qingyun began to explain the plan he designed.

Although this plan was designed very hastily, the details are not lacking at all, and even the details are highlighted everywhere, and it is not like a plan that was developed day and night.

Zhao Qingyun himself is a member of the military department, who specializes in serving the military department. He knows the purpose of the military department.

In addition, Zhao Qingyun was able to talk about a design plan under his eloquent explanation, and Mr. Zhao nodded frequently as he listened to him, with a satisfied smile on his face from time to time.

Mr. Zhao never imagined that they could really design such a perfect solution in such a short time.

Yes, the perfect solution.

It can be said that every detail has been scratched to the key points of Mr. Zhao, which makes Mr. Zhao tickled.

There seemed to be a voice in my heart telling him that this was the plan.

As long as it is implemented in accordance with this plan, it will definitely be able to show the voice and power of China in the October festival.

"Lao Zhao, the above is my design of this plan, the explanation is complete."

Zhao Qingyun's card points were very accurate, knowing that time was tight, and ended his speech on time at eleven.

As soon as the voice fell, Mr. Zhao applauded from the side, and the others applauded.

"Yes, this plan, you guys used your heart. I just heard you tell Minister Zhao to talk first. Is there another plan?" Old Zhao turned his head and asked.

Liu Mingyu nodded and smiled: "Yes, Mr. Zhao, they have designed two plans in total."

Then Liu Mingyu turned to Zhang Wenyu and said, "Minister Zhang, please explain your plan to Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Lao looked at Zhang Wenyu kindly. He knew this child. He graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and once served as one of the main technicians in the Google virtual reality technology project. Later, he joined the Star Group and worked for the Star Group.

For this kind of Chinese with technical prowess, Zhao Lao supports with both hands, whether they come back to join a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, as long as they stay in China and contribute to the rise of China, he welcomes them with both hands.

It's not that you can't contribute to the rise of China if you are outside.

With the character of Mr. Zhao, he believes more in people who can learn to come back.

It doesn’t matter to learn technology outside, but after learning it, you must come back.

Therefore, Zhao Lao looked at Zhang Wenyu with a trace of appreciation on his face.

Zhang Wenyu was a little nervous. He thought he could be very calm, but facing one of the top people, he was still a little nervous and his hands trembled.

Mr. Zhao saw that Zhang Wenyu was a little nervous, with a kind smile on his face: "Child, don't be nervous, and introduce your plan slowly."

Perhaps it was because Mr. Zhao's comfort was effective, or he gave himself some psychological hints.

The nervousness was released, and his hands didn't shake.

Zhang Wenyu turned on the holographic projection and began to explain his plan.

Because Zhang Wenyu's plan is not very different from Zhao Qingyun's plan, Zhang Wenyu focused on the differences between the two and went through the rest quickly.

Zhang Wenyu's explanation is very fast. In 30 minutes, Zhang Wenyu has introduced his plan.

Suddenly, it seemed that Zhang Wenyu was going to suffer a lot, because there were a lot of details, Zhao Qingyun had already talked about it in advance. day by day

People have a preconceived consciousness. When making a choice, unless the latter choice is much better than the previous one, most of them will still choose the one they see first.

Lao Zhao is also caught in this entanglement now.

Both programs are perfect.

Zhao Qingyun's plan is very in line with Zhao Lao's taste, but Zhang Wenyu's plan is not bad, and even surpasses Zhao Qingyun's plan in some aspects.

The crowd sat silently aside, quietly waiting for Mr. Zhao's decision.

After Zhang Wenyu showed his plan, he was very relaxed.

Everything that should be displayed is displayed, and there is no regret.

Just as Liu Mingyu thought, Zhang Wenyu was also a little self-aware of his plan, and it is estimated that he would not pass the Zhao Lao pass.

The entire conference room was silent for five minutes, and the entire conference room fell into a dignified manner.

Old Zhao slowly said: "To be honest, both of you have very good plans, and both show the strength of China. I would like to ask, can the plans of the two of you be combined?"

"Lao Zhao, the merger is not impossible, but the time will be much longer." Zhao Qingyun said after some consideration.

Each project has its own time, and one second cannot be missed.

When Lao Zhao released this task, he gave a time limit.

"Well, do you have a plan to merge?"

Mr. Zhao felt that these two schemes were really amazing, and which scheme to give up felt wasted.


Fortunately, he was prepared, Zhang Wenyu opened the big plan he had prepared.

The plans of Zhao Qingyun and Zhang Wenyu were originally from the same vein, and after the fusion of their plans, they became more vigorous.

The features of the two schemes of Zhao Qingyun and Zhang Wenyu are perfectly integrated.

"Okay, great, you guys wait here for a while, I'll call someone." Zhao Lao was overjoyed when he saw the plan after the integration, looked at the time, and immediately let them wait in the meeting room.

Ten minutes later.

A group of people came in.

Everyone was startled when they saw the people coming in one after another.

Oh my God.

These are the bigwigs who can only be seen in the Central News, and now they all appear before their eyes.

Don't talk about Zhang Wenyu and them~lightnovelpub.net~ Liu Mingyu is no exception.

The whole person is in a stage of excitement.

After the big guys came in, they found a place and walked down.

Mr. Zhao said on the side: "Okay, Xiao Zhao, please introduce your plan just after integration to everyone."

Zhao Qingyun nodded excitedly. He had never encountered such a battle before. Just now he was still laughing in his heart that Zhang Wenyu had never seen the world, and now it was his turn.

Can you not be nervous to introduce your own design in front of many big bosses?

Settling down, Zhao Qingyun quickly introduced the design plan in hand to the big guys.

As the big guys were listening, they nodded frequently, just like the old Zhao, obviously agreeing to this design plan.

The big guys who can decide things are here, and they quickly gave an answer.

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