I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 890: Leisurely October (Part 1)

Chapter 887: Leisurely October (1)

Chinese cabbage that germinates in one day can indeed be called a super seed.

However, how long it takes from planting to maturity requires experimentation.

Liu Mingyu sometimes doesn't quite understand why the survivors in the apocalyptic world don't plant this kind of Chinese cabbage.

Although not meat, vegetables can also fill their stomachs.

Without too much entanglement, the seeds brought from the apocalyptic world this time are mainly for experimentation.

In order to observe the growth of Chinese cabbage, Liu Mingyu spent another day in the real world.

When the system is not being upgraded, he can travel at any time, and he can easily grasp the information of the two worlds, but he will not disappear for half a month like the previous upgrade.

the next day.

The Chinese cabbage, which is known as the super seed, has grown more green sprouts, and the growth rate is fast, much shorter than the initial growth time.

However, this super seed can only grow in the real world. It becomes an ordinary seed in the apocalyptic world and does not have the same effect.

This surprised Liu Mingyu. The seeds of the real world had very poor growth effects in the apocalyptic world, but the seeds of the apocalyptic world became super seeds in the real world.

All this shows that the land of the end-time world is worse than imagined.

If you want to be self-sufficient in the apocalyptic world, you still need to find the seeds of the apocalyptic world itself.

The seeds of the apocalyptic world can be planted in the real world.

Liu Mingyu immediately found all kinds of seeds from the apocalyptic world, allowing people to start experiments on the super seeds brought by these apocalyptic worlds.

During the super seed experiment, Liu Mingyu ushered in the third level of extreme challenge.

The extreme challenge has changed from the previous challenge at any time to an automatic refresh every Monday morning.

Liu Mingyu was forced to participate automatically.

The third level of extreme challenge is still the task of escaping from the Star Tower, the only difference is that it increases the difficulty of the task.

On the first floor, Liu Mingyu escaped from the Star Building alone.

The second floor is to flee the Star Building with Huang Yu.

On the third floor, Wang Zixin and Huang Yu escaped from the Star Building.

Liu Mingyu doubted whether he was taking three, four, or five people to escape from the Star Tower.

Although one person was added, there was no pressure at all for Liu Mingyu, who was already familiar with the Star Tower.

What's more, he still has a purple Tang Knife that can be brought into the task, and the extreme challenge has become Liu Mingyu's welfare for the task.

Once the original customs clearance, plus five additional customs clearance, Liu Mingyu brushed out another 50,000 points, 175,000 grams of first-level energy spar, so that his originally stretched points were full again.

The only pity is that Liu Mingyu still has not found a way to break through the S-level task evaluation. It seems that the S-level evaluation is the highest evaluation of the extreme challenge.

After obtaining the S-level evaluation for the first clearance task, he also obtained a golden treasure chest.

As if Liu Mingyu's luck had been exhausted, this golden treasure chest only opened a bottle of Level 4 energy potion.

The fourth-level energy potion is a potion that can instantly restore his physical energy.

Now there is no opportunity to buy in the fourth-level mall. It is estimated that the system will only be authorized to purchase after the system is upgraded to the fifth level.

Hey, something is better than nothing.

I thought I could once again produce a weapon or other items of equal value.

Forget it, 300,000 points is also a very big gain, people can't be too greedy.

When he wanted to open it, Liu Mingyu was relieved.

The zombie conversion plant has been in operation 24 hours a day, and many Tier 3 zombies have been newly added in the past few days.

Liu Mingyu found a reason to go out, and then brought the group of zombies back.

The survivors of the Star Group did not say much about this, working harder one by one, for fear of their work being replaced.

All survivors know that their boss is not only in this place, but also in other places. This matter has the consensus of all survivors.

And beyond this, the forces may be even bigger than here. These recently shipped supplies and newly joined survivors are evidence.

The thoughts of the following survivors were quickly fed back to Liu Mingyu.

Among these survivors, there are a large number of zombies, and every move of the survivors can't escape Liu Mingyu's eyes.

Liu Mingyu didn't explain much about their ideas, as long as they concentrate on working for themselves, Liu Mingyu doesn't mind creating a better living environment for them.

The October month of the apocalyptic world is a more leisurely October.

Every once in a while, Liu Mingyu would go out. On the face of it, he would go to other settlements to transport supplies, but actually transported real world supplies to the end of the world.

The guard who transported the supplies was a zombie newly summoned by Liu Mingyu.

Liu Mingyu knows that blindly serving food is not a good thing. Therefore, Liu Mingyu puts a very limited amount of food in each period, and always keeps the food reserve within the Star Group in a relatively balanced state.

And those guards are perfectly integrated into the Star Group.

The last time the zombies were besieged the city, the people of the Star Group were killed and injured, and the population dropped to 5,000 at one time. By the beginning of November, the survivor population of the Star Group rose to 6,000 again.

The soldiers are expensive and not much expensive.

In this month, there has not been a large-scale zombie operation like a zombie siege, but the personnel of the Star Group have not stopped exploring their neighbor Jiacheng District.

One is to explore the situation in Jiacheng District.

The second is to temper the survivors.

The third is to look for opportunities to evolve those zombies in their peak state to a higher level.

The fourth is to complete daily tasks and challenge tasks refreshed every day.

As the saying goes, it is a multitude of things, and it is impossible not to do it.

Although Liu Mingyu has a lot of points, the points he gets for daily tasks and challenge tasks are not a decimal.

In order to achieve these goals ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Liu Mingyu did not stingy with the second-level genetic evolution potion in his own hands, and exchanged 1,000 bottles and placed it in the Star Group's internal mall.

I have to say that this approach is pretty good.

For more than half a month, most of the survivors have obtained the second-level genetic evolution potion through their own efforts.

There are only less than 400 bottles of the secondary genetic evolution potion in the internal mall.

Those survivors who took the second-level genetic evolution potion have greatly improved their four-dimensional attributes and behaved more bravely in battle.

With jewels in front, the remaining survivors don't want to get the second-level genetic evolution potion.

The only pity is that after taking the second-level genetic evolution potion, no one has awakened the ability.

Liu Mingyu guessed that it is very likely that only when his personal strength reaches Tier 3, he has the opportunity to awaken the ability.

(End of this chapter)