I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 937: Hopefully, detect

Chapter 932

Unlike those who are purely black and black, these cancer patients mainly want the Star Group to list general cancer treatment drugs earlier.

This matter once caused a lot of trouble on the Internet.

Finally, Xingchen Pharmaceutical stood up and said that as long as it passes the relevant review, it will definitely market the general cancer treatment as soon as possible.

This calmed down the excitement of those people.

In fact, when Xingchen Pharmaceutical applied for the review process, it had already begun to prepare raw materials, added several production lines, and was ready to do a big job when it was approved.

After the drug is produced, it faces sales problems.

Generally, a pharmaceutical factory sells its own products in two ways. One is to set up a sales team and go to major hospitals and pharmacies to sell their products, and the other is to recruit agents and let them sell the products.

In addition to these two methods, there are other sales models, but generally the above two.

If it is other common drugs, they may need to be promoted.

But what are the products of Star Pharma? It is a specific medicine that can cure currently known cancers.

The testers in the second and third phases of clinical trials are the best advertisements.

Everyone has no doubts about the general cancer treatment medicine, and the only expectation is when it will be on the market.

Numerous medical representatives and distributor representatives went to Xingchen Pharmaceutical to obtain the first batch of general cancer treatment drugs from Xingchen Pharmaceutical.

Everyone knows the importance of the first batch of general cancer treatment drugs, not to mention that Star Pharma once stated on its official website that due to insufficient raw materials, the production of general cancer treatment drugs is limited.

As a result, there are more people around Xingchen Pharmaceutical.

As the director of Xingchen Pharmaceutical, Zhang Guoqing cannot avoid these things.

When Liu Mingyu came over, he saw Zhang Guoqing having a meeting with a bunch of medical representatives and dealer representatives in the conference room.

Without notice, Zhang Guoqing, Liu Mingyu sneaked into the laboratory from behind.

Fortunately, these guards are all their own, and it is unlikely that their own security guards do not know their boss.

"Huh, comfortable."

Avoiding the group of people in front, Liu Mingyu felt refreshed.

But he didn't know, he sneaked into the figure of Star Pharmaceutical from behind and was photographed by some paparazzi.

If Liu Mingyu pays attention, you can still spot these paparazzi.

Why do you say that these paparazzi don’t shoot stars and always stare at a pharmaceutical company?

After Liu Mingyu entered Xingchen Pharmaceutical, he immediately appeared on the Internet.

"According to an insider broke the news: Brother Yu of Xingchen Group appeared secretly at Xingchen Pharmaceutical. According to the recent progress analysis of Xingchen Pharmaceutical, has the approval process for cancer treatment generic drugs been completed? The time for the market for cancer treatment generic drugs is just around the corner. "

As soon as this news came out, it was immediately known to the cancer patient group and then spread to other places.

In just a few moments, Liu Mingyu sneaked into Star Pharma, which became a hot topic on the Internet.

"Haha, now Brother Yu has to go to his company secretly. It seems that there are too many people around Xingchen Pharmaceutical, which affects Brother Yu's normal travel."

"Brother Yu appears, the general medicine for cancer is expected."

"There is definitely important news, old irons, we can go to the official website of Star Group to wait for the news."

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, and most of the speculations are related to the listing of general cancer drugs.

The Star Group is really a hot topic maker, and the Star Group has never fallen from the 24-hour hot topics on major portal networks.

It is not the Xingchen Group, or the subsidiaries of the Xingchen Group, almost all news of the Xingchen Group can be seen.

In fact, Feiyun knew the news about Liu Mingyu's appearance in the Star Group right away. However, after Feiyun judged that the information would not affect Liu Mingyu's personal safety, he did not process it or notify Liu Mingyu.

Feiyun has its own judgment ability. As an intermediate artificial intelligence, Feiyun is much better than most people think.

Liu Mingyu didn't know what was happening on the Internet, and came to the laboratory through several security doors.

Hou Yaolin knew of Liu Mingyu's arrival in advance and did not do the experiment. He stood at the entrance of the laboratory and waited in advance.

Liu Mingyu saw Hou Yaolin's figure and quickly greeted him: "Old Hou, pay attention to your body, don't wait at the door, just wait in the laboratory."

"Boss, it's okay. When I heard the boss brought new materials, I was so excited that I was fidgeting. It really made me sit in the laboratory and I couldn't sit still." Hou Yaolin smiled heartily. He had been informed by Liu Mingyu a long time ago. Knowing that Liu Mingyu would bring a new type of life stone over, this made him extremely excited.

The rough life stone is actually an energy spar, it's just a different name.

Hou Yaolin knows very well that the biggest reason why general-purpose cancer medicines can treat cancer is this material called rough life stone. Now suddenly I heard that the boss has brought another kind of rough life stone. He was extremely excited.

Under the leadership of Hou Yaolin, he came to the conference room in the laboratory.

As soon as he sat down, Hou Yaolin said anxiously: "Boss, where is the new life stone?"

"Old Hou, don't worry, I brought the things. You use this kind of life stone to see if the signs are not in conformity with the raw materials of the general cancer medicine." Liu Mingyu laughed softly, taking out a bag from his pocket and putting it in. On the table, he pushed him beside Hou Yaolin.

"Boss, don't worry, I'll do an experiment and comparison right away." Hou Yaolin laughed loudly after receiving the energy spar quickly. Without waiting for Liu Mingyu to reply, he turned around and picked up the energy spar to start testing.

With regard to the various data of the life stone, Hou Yaolin has long been overripe and thoroughly familiar.

It is said that when scientists encounter things of interest, they will enter the state of selflessness.

Obviously ~lightnovelpub.net~ Hou Yaolin did the same, leaving Liu Mingyu aside and directly starting his experiment.

Liu Mingyu smiled on the side. With such a serious employee, he was too happy to be happy. Nowhere would he blame Hou Yaolin. Besides, when he came this time, the most important thing was to see the energy spar produced by this kind of cultivation. What exactly does it match?

As the person in charge of general cancer treatment drugs, Hou Yaolin could not be better tested by him.

Liu Mingyu waited by the side for nearly half an hour, and Hou Yaolin finally completed his experiment.

At this time, Hou Yaolin seemed to remember that there was Liu Mingyu on the side, and quickly apologized: "Boss, I'm sorry, look at my head, as soon as I start the experiment, I forget that you are still waiting next to me."

Liu Mingyu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, how is the experiment done? Does it meet the requirements?"

Hou Yaolin nodded excitedly and said, "Boss, the quality of this rough life stone is a little worse, but as long as it is purified and reaches the standard of general cancer treatment, there is no problem.

(End of this chapter)