I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 959: emergency meeting

Chapter 954

Ideas are beautiful, reality is cruel.

The person in charge of the research and development project of XX Pharmaceutical's lung cancer anti-cancer has not waited for the formula of the general cancer treatment medicine, and took the lead in waiting for the notice from the chairman of the board.

After the person in charge of the project secretly issued a reward order on the dark web, he reinvested in the research and development of lung cancer anticancer drugs, knowing nothing about the outside world.

Suddenly, I heard the assistant nervously telling him that the chairman called an emergency meeting and asked him to seize the time to attend the meeting.

When the project leader heard the assistant's words, his entire head exploded.

Was it discovered by the company that he secretly posted a reward order on the dark web?

Dou Da's sweat beaded on his forehead, and the assistant on the side saw this and asked concerned: "Ms. Wang, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm fine." The project leader waved his hand to indicate that there was no problem, and quickly walked to the locker room to change clothes and came to the meeting room.

When he came to the conference room, he had already seen that the entire conference room was full of people, and the chairman was sitting in front of him with a black face.

He chuckled in his heart. The things he didn't do by himself were really exposed, right?

A meeting of this scale will only appear when something major has happened.

The last time this meeting was held was yesterday, when Star Pharmaceuticals announced that it had successfully passed the approval and officially launched the general drug for cancer treatment.

Unexpectedly, a meeting of the same size would be held again in a day, and that's good, many of the heads of other branches have not had time to leave to facilitate the meeting.

The project leader wanted to find a corner to sit down and be a transparent person quietly, but when he just came in, he was seen by the chairman and greeted him: "Mr. Wang, come here."

For Mr. Wang, the chairman is still quite trustworthy, especially in this sudden change, Mr. Wang performed quite well. As for the interview of general cancer treatment drugs, which led to the failure of the lung cancer anticancer drugs he was responsible for, this is also a case. Unforeseen things.

To be honest, it has been a pretty good performance to find a suitable anti-cancer drug in ten years and will soon reach the stage of clinical trials.

The emergence of a general-purpose cancer treatment is something that no one can think of.

Everyone has expected the success of anticancer drugs, but there are more than one hundred types of cancers considered.

It does not matter even if some pharmaceutical companies successfully research a certain type of cancer anticancer drug, there are always other types of anticancer drugs that can be studied.

It’s just that they never thought that Star Pharmaceuticals is so powerful that it can cure all cancers when it shots. How can other pharmaceutical companies play?

The establishment of the lung cancer anticancer drug project was approved by the company, and the chairman did not mean to blame the project leader.

The project leader had a ghost in his heart. Hearing the chairman's greeting, his heart became even more nervous, but there was no other way, so he had to bite the bullet and walk to the chairman's side to sit down.

In fact, he usually sits in this position. As the person in charge of a tens of billions of Chinese currency projects, he is qualified to sit in this position.

He usually likes to sit in this position. It represents the trust of the chairman and the trust of the company. But sitting on it today, he feels like thousands of ants biting him under his butt, making him feel uncomfortable.

Seeing the person in charge of the project fidgeting, the chairman asked with concern: "Mr. Wang, what's the matter? If you feel unwell, go to rest first."

The person in charge of the project waved his hand quickly and said: "Thank you for the chairman's concern, no, I'm fine."

Who knows what the theme of this conference is, if it is really related to me, I am not here, is it not at the mercy of others?

The chairman nodded, did not speak any more, with a cold eye on his face, and the entire conference room fell into weird silence.

Next, people came in one after another, and in a short while the entire conference room was almost full.

After a while, the chairman said with a cold face, and asked in a cold voice, "Is this **** Xu Weirong not here yet? Is he running away with money?"

Everyone was silent, and those who stayed here more or less knew what was going on.

Just now, the black material exploded on the Internet, of which XX Pharmaceuticals was on the list.

The key to the problem is that the special medicine for muscle atrophy led by Xu Weirong, the data was seriously falsified during the research and development process, resulting in serious side effects for patients taking this special medicine.

Because this kind of special medicine has just been developed and it hasn't been long since it went on the market, they received feedback from the hospital, but they didn't think it was a side effect of the special medicine.

If it were not for the revelations on the network this time, I am afraid it would have more serious consequences.

You know, when this special medicine for muscle atrophy was released, it enjoyed many honors. It was hailed as a special medicine that may become gradual freezing. One of the reasons for gradual freezing is muscle atrophy. If successful, this is definitely a scene that can be recorded in history.

It's just that they never expected that they had not waited for them to welcome the honor, but instead welcomed a scolding.

The person in charge of the project on the side heard the chairman's scolding, and he couldn't help but sighed in secret. It's not his own problem. Xu Weirong is his competitor. The two major projects in the company are the projects that they are responsible for. At the beginning of its establishment, the two project teams started to fight, and both wanted to develop real drugs as quickly as possible.

The final result was that he naturally lost this invisible competition. He still remembers that when the muscle atrophy drug was officially approved, he also suffered a cynicism from Xu Weirong.

If the skills are not as good as others, he can only endure it secretly.

It just made him a little surprised. This meeting was actually related to this old opponent. What happened?

It made the chairman so angry~lightnovelpub.net~ Suddenly he thought of a terrible idea. Could it be that there is a problem with the drug he presided over?

Just as the project leader was thinking about what was going on, Xu Weirong finally arrived late and appeared in the conference room.

"Sorry, chairman, there was an accident on the road just now." Xu Weirong quickly apologized to the chairman.

"Humph." The chairman saw Xu Weirong looking embarrassed and his clothes in tatters, so he could only snorted, and then said coldly, "Okay, meeting, Xu Weirong, can you explain, what's the situation? "

The assistant on the side opened a video at the right time, and the video played was exactly what Heizi broke on the Internet.

The content of the revelation is exactly the special medicine for the treatment of muscle atrophy developed by Xu Weirong.

Many of you have already watched this video, and some people are still in the dark. Project leader Wang is one of them.

(End of this chapter)