I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 960: apologize

Chapter 955

The content of the video is not very long, but it gives a lot of key content, even if you are not a professional, you can see what happened at a glance.

It broke out that the company's most important recently, the special medicine for treating muscle atrophy, which is regarded as glory, has been seriously fraudulent.

There are not only textual materials, picture materials, but also video materials and audio materials. I don't know how the other party obtained these materials. By watching these materials, you can clearly see that the video materials are the cameras inside the pharmaceutical company.

These materials can clearly see how Xu Weirong falsified, how to use false data to deceive superiors and get through.

The whole meeting room was silent.

The person who appeared in the video was sitting on the seat with a dead face.

A project involving several billion yuan has never been something Xu Weirong can decide by himself. The falsification this time is from top to bottom. Only the united front can complete this content.

Xu Weirong, as the project leader, did not show any horror, but rather calmly, as if not affected at all.

Seeing Xu Weirong's calmness, the chairman became angry and shouted: "Xu Weirong, don't you mean to explain?"

Xu Weirong responded indifferently: "Chairman, I have nothing to say."

The facts are in sight, Xu Weirong seems to have given up fearless resistance.

The evidence is conclusive, no matter what, even if you can escape the sanctions of the company, you cannot escape the sanctions of the law.

Do you regret it?

Xu Weirong does not regret it. Compared with the treatment of muscle atrophy, the side effects are not worth mentioning. As long as this side effect is solved, this special medicine is a magical medicine.

However, the reason why this special medicine cannot be completed is because it cannot solve the problem of side effects.

To be honest, Xu Weirong took the risk this time, and Wang Zhouhua's reason is that the success of the lung cancer anticancer drug led by Wang Zhouhua is imminent, allowing him to embark on this path.

He thought he could solve this side effect, and he did this experiment, but he never expected that he hadn't really removed the side effect before it was revealed.

Seeing Xu Weirong's appearance, the chairman was so furious that he slammed the table and roared: "There is nothing to say, nothing to say. If you have nothing to say, just push the responsibility clean? Do you know? How much will our company be affected by this incident?"

XX Pharmaceuticals is a listed company. Now that such a major accident has occurred, it is conceivable how big fluctuations it will cause in the stock market.

That is because today is Saturday, the city is closed, but it can be expected that if the accident cannot be solved perfectly, then it is not a simple matter. It is very likely that XX Pharmaceuticals will be pulled from the leader.

This is why the chairman is so anxious to convene the meeting.

Xu Weirong did not speak any more, sitting in a chair silently, responding with silence. He knew that whatever he said was useless, and that it was wrong to be wrong.

Seeing Xu Weirong not repenting, and a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, the 60-year-old chairman directly yelled in the meeting room.

"Since the establishment of the muscle atrophy special drug research project, the company has allocated more than 5 billion yuan. What equipment you want, you will try to get you what equipment you want. With such strong support, why do you still do fraudulent things? ?"

For Xu Weirong’s muscle atrophy drug project, it is not comparable to the lung cancer anticancer drug project hosted by Wang Zhouhua, but it is definitely the second largest project in the company. The company has always maintained a relatively tolerant state of Xu Weirong’s requirements, but it is only million Unexpectedly, in such a tolerant state, it would breed the other side's deception.

How can the chairman accept this?

XX Pharmaceuticals, since its establishment in the last century, has always adhered to people-oriented and honest management.

As a pharmaceutical company, the drugs produced are special commodities, which are used on humans, and require extra caution.

Because of this concept, under the leadership of the chairman, XX Pharmaceuticals has gradually grown from a small factory to become the leader of the pharmaceutical factory.

However, he did not expect that, he reiterated many times that as the first idea of ​​the enterprise, he was broken by others.

This is all to blame for trusting them too much, which led to this incident.

The chairman is still teaching Xu Weirong over there, and Wang Zhouhua, who is the project leader of lung cancer anti-cancer drugs, turned his head and asked the colleague next to him: "What's going on? Why suddenly, he broke the news. From the perspective of the news, it seems that the news came out from within our company."

The colleague shook his head lightly and explained in a soft voice: "It shouldn't be our company who broke the news. There are still many companies on the Internet that have been exposed. Our company is just one of them."

The chairman was instructing people. Wang Zhouhua just understood the situation, so he stopped talking.

He turned on his mobile phone and checked it secretly, and he probably understood what happened.

For some reason, Wang Zhouhua always had a hunch that this time the revelation came a bit strange, as if it was a large-scale and organized revelation.

In fact, everyone can see from the content of the revelation that this is a large-scale and organized revelation.

But they don't even know who their opponent is.

Wang Zhouhua felt strange, but he didn't expect that this revelation was related to his secretly posting a reward on the dark web. At this moment, he was secretly grateful that he adhered to his principles and did not falsify the experimental data.

Falsified data ~lightnovelpub.net~ Even if it is approved by chance, it will eventually lead to big mistakes, just like Xu Weirong this time.

The chairman’s mouth was so dry that he took a sip from the water cup, and sternly shouted: “Immediately stop the production of special medicines and recall the special medicines sold. The public relations department immediately drafted an apology letter, contacted the relevant media, and immediately held news At the press conference, move fast."

This time the accident must be dealt with properly. One carelessness will definitely become a turning point for the company, but this turning point is a turning point from prosperity to weakness.

Wang Zhouhua didn't know that he had survived this way. Xu Weirong lay down with his gun inexplicably and became Wang Zhouhua's replacement for the dead.

It's just that neither of them knows about it.

After the meeting, XX Pharmaceutical immediately issued an announcement and held a press conference an hour later.

The chairman of XX Pharmaceuticals personally apologized to the majority of patients taking muscle atrophy, and announced that one hundred million would be used as a fund to treat patients with side effects.

(End of this chapter)