I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 974: Training

Chapter 969

Not everyone can resist this temptation with a total of more than tens of billions of dollars in rewards.

No, many people who were on the list before, because of some reason, have not done anything for a long time, or because of a certain task, many people think that they are dead, have all been online recently.

This huge reward order of tens of billions of dollars is like a catalyst for the dark web organization, causing a stormy sea to be set off on the dark side of the planet.

To receive tasks on the dark web, you need to register on the dark web.

Of course, this kind of registration is anonymous.

As for whether it is truly anonymous, then the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

Some people who think they are a little bit strong will choose many springboards and other methods to avoid tracing from the dark web.

This is just what they think is whispering, in fact, almost everyone has left real identity information.

These are things they don't know. Feiyun has checked the information when he invaded the dark web host last time.

There are special rankings on the dark web, and everyone can see simple information about one hundred rankings for each level.

This is also the reason why they found that many big shots came back out of the arena.

They are all the guys before the exam at each level, and no one is a simple person.

The reward order of more than 10 billion U.S. dollars made them crazy, but before they did not do any preparation work, they would chase and kill each other.

According to the strength displayed by the person who broke the news, the other party has great attainments in network technology.

Some people who have achieved something on the Internet have been dragged away.

For the rest, most of them wait and see.

They never expected that this time of caution let them take their lives back.

At the moment when these killers received the mission, Feiyun got relevant information from everyone.

Feiyun sent the information to Liu Mingyu. Liu Mingyu looked at the information in his hand and snorted coldly, "Are everyone here?"

"No, this is the number of people up to now, and there should be people who will receive tasks later."

"Count them back a life, and send this information to Chen Wuqi and the others. It's time for training."

Liu Mingyu didn't entangle anyone who didn't lead the task behind.

The people led by Chen Wuqi were among the first zombies made by Liu Mingyu.

Liu Mingyu didn't give up on them, using points to strengthen them to the extreme.

However, a major upgrade requires them to understand in battle.

These killers are their best training targets.

Now that these killers have taken the task, they are ready to be killed.

Regardless of the person who issued the task or the person who led the task, Liu Mingyu did not intend to let them off easily.

In Thailand, Chen Wuqi's reputation here has already surpassed other forces, becoming the true first force in the Golden Triangle.

Fortunately, the mighty international mercenaries did not have the idea of ​​annexing other forces, and they also accepted other people's employment.

The strength of the mighty international mercenaries is obvious to all. Although the price is a bit more expensive, the task is definitely completed beautifully, making it impossible to find any fault.

However, Mighty International Mercenaries have a rule, that is, they do not accept tasks directed at Chinese people.

Most of the people who saw the mighty international mercenaries were Chinese, and they understood the reason for this rule.

Some people near the mighty international mercenaries saw that many people were dispatched at the headquarters, and they immediately sent the news here to their bosses.

Although the mighty international mercenaries have no idea of ​​annexing other forces, the people of these forces dare not take it lightly. Almost larger forces will send people here to watch.

Watching here is not to stare at their guards, but to know the movements of the mighty international mercenaries for the first time, which can be avoided in advance.

"What's the situation? So many people were dispatched mightily? Did you receive a big task?"

"Where did the big case happen? Or did someone make a big effort to find them?"

For a time, the massive outings of mighty international mercenaries attracted the attention of many people.

Chen Wuqi and the others didn't put them in their eyes at all, and went straight away.

On this day, Chen Wuqi and them each took the mission and set off for their mission goals.

The next day.

The global pharmaceutical sector is still showing a trend of substantial decline, as if there is no end.

No one thought that a simple leaking door would cause such a big chain reaction.

We can only blame these pharmaceutical companies for improper people, and they have to do such an insulting and indignant thing when obtaining high drug costs!

The pharmaceutical sector has dropped for three consecutive days. Everyone thinks that this is low, and some people have begun to buy pharmaceutical stocks.

It is not that these pharmaceutical companies have not done public relations in the past three days, but what they have done has little effect.

During this time period, many people died inexplicably in their own homes or were killed in public.

All of a sudden, the number of reports from all over the world has risen a lot.

However, because they are scattered in various cities, there seems to be a lot of people, but in fact they have not attracted too many people's attention. At least no one has connected these things.

These killers are worthy of being the top killers in the dark web, and some of the s-level killers have caused some damage to the zombie.

After all, they are only at the peak of Tier 1, and the gap in Tier 1 strength is not as big as imagined. The abilities of those assassins and their own strength can fight back and forth with Tier 1 zombies.

There are several zombies, if it is not for the characteristics of zombies, it is really possible to be killed.

However, under this pressure, the zombie's harvest is still quite good.

Nearly half of Tier 1 zombies successfully advanced to Tier 2 zombies.

For these successfully advanced zombies, Liu Mingyu did not stingy with points, and immediately strengthened them to the second-tier peak.

After reaching the second-tier peak, these assassins could no longer put pressure on them.

The possibility of using this method to advance is quite small.

In the beginning, the killers on the dark web did not find that their colleagues died in large numbers~lightnovelpub.net~ After all, it has only been a few days since the task was received, and it is normal to not find out.

The discovery of this incident was still news from the dark web headquarters.

These killers have a cooperative relationship with the dark web organization. The killer is dead, and it's a big deal to change partners.

Under normal circumstances, most of the time the dark web is used as an intermediary, as a platform, and will not interfere too much with the reward task.

It's just that this sudden death of a large number of top killers has to attract the attention of the Dark Web headquarters.

It's just that they don't have a clue about this, they just posted the confirmed dead killer on the official website of Darknet.

This is the first time in history that the dark web has announced the death of a killer.

In the past, even if the killer was known to have died, no information would be released.

(End of this chapter)