I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 987: The unrealized dream (part 2)

Chapter 982: The Unfulfilled Dream (Part 2)

This wish has always been in Wu Xinghai's heart, and he has not told anyone about it. For this reason, he is also working hard to realize this wish.

This wish is difficult, very difficult.

But no matter how difficult it is, he is not afraid, and he will face it.

He thought that in order to realize this wish, it would be ten years or more.

However, when he saw the rise of Xingchen Group, he felt that to say which company had the hope to make China's lithography machine catch up with the international level, only Xingchen Group.

Seeing this, Wu Xinghai immediately submitted his resume to Xingchen Group.

Fortunately, he successfully passed the interview and entered the R&D department of Star Group.

Like many people who have just entered the company, they are full of enthusiasm and ambition. As long as you give me funds, you can develop high-end lithography machines yourself.

Soon, he was also beaten in the face.

But he was not discouraged and even became more excited.

Because he found relevant information about the lithography machine in the company's learning materials.

After reading this information, Wu Xinghai became more firm in his judgment.

Except for Star Group, no company can develop a lithography machine that can match or exceed the international level.

There are too many materials of the Star Group, it is impossible to learn all of them.

Everyone will choose the corresponding knowledge according to the direction they want to learn.

Wu Xinghai naturally chose the lithography machine technology. He eagerly absorbed the knowledge about the lithography machine in this sea of ​​learning.

There is too much knowledge about lithography machines. In the past three months, Wu Xinghai has not slackened at all, but facing the knowledge like the ocean, he has only learned part of the knowledge.

Suddenly now, he heard that the company was going to conduct a knowledge assessment, which made him quite nervous, for fear that he would not pass the assessment.

In a nervous mood, Wu Xinghai put on a virtual helmet and entered the virtual examination room.

Wu Xinghai stood in a transparent bubble, and in front of him was a room.

The room was full of people and seemed to be in a meeting.


What is to be assessed?

Wu Xinghai tried his best to remember every detail in the scene. As a former schoolmaster, he has a very good memory. In terms of memory, it is not too difficult.

Soon, one scene is over, and another scene is played.

In this way, Wu Xinghai watched scene by scene as if watching a movie.

When he saw the middle, Wu Xinghai finally understood what exactly these people were doing.


Yes, that's right, these people are trying to make lithography machines.

This virtual examination room seems to show the production of the lithography machine from the theoretical start to the final completion, one by one in front of the candidates.

Many details were not broadcast because of the test requirements.

Soon after the broadcast was over, a multiple choice question appeared before Wu Xinghai's eyes.

"If you are involved in the research and development of the lithography machine, which part of the research and development are you going to take on?"

"Light source, lens, energy controller, etc."

Among the selectable options, multiple options appear.

The development of lithography machines is never a matter of one person, but of a team.

When Wu Xinghai saw the examination questions that appeared, he thought of the problems that the company had encountered recently. He was very sure that the company was about to engage in lithography.

Thinking of this, Wu Xinghai was extremely excited, and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

I chose what I do best.

In fact, Wu Xinghai has studied all aspects of the lithography machine.

This expertise is compared to other aspects.

At the moment of choice, Wu Xinghai's eyes went dark, and he was actually in the scene he had just seen.

Is this to let yourself re-experience the research and development of lithography machine?

It’s great. Many scenes just flashed past, without seeing the details. Now you can take a good look at their details.

Maybe I can find inspiration from it.

Suddenly, Wu Xinghai felt that someone was patting his shoulder.

"Xinghai, what are you thinking? The professor asks you something."

Wu Xinghai reacted and asked subconsciously, "I don't know what question the professor asked?"

All around roared with laughter.

"Quiet." The professor had to knock on the table to silence everyone.

The professor sitting in the first place frowned and looked at Wu Xinghai. Is this person too unprofessional? Such people can join this great project?

Those who can join this project should have their own brushes, resisting the temper in their heart, and seriously asking: "I heard that you have your own insights on the choice of light source. Why don't you tell me about it. Light source selection."

When Wu Xinghai heard the professor's question, he remembered the choice he had just made. It seemed that he wanted to understand what he had learned in this way.

With regard to light sources, Wu Xinghai had a very deep understanding of the light source, and immediately narrated the knowledge he had acquired during his studies.

"As we all know, the light source of the lithography machine is a very important part. At present, the light source is basically deep ultraviolet light source. Some lithography machines have already used the extreme ultraviolet light source. What I am going to say here is the use of X-rays as light source."

Before Wu Xinghai finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted: "X-rays can indeed be used as the light source of the lithography machine, but the wavelength of X-rays is very short and there is almost no diffraction effect. It can only be performed one-to-one, and the energy required is too much. Great, it has already been eliminated."

Wu Xinghai didn’t know who interrupted him, but he was not afraid of it. He remembered that when he saw this theory, he also maintained a skeptical attitude. After he finished reading it, he was surprised by the design. .

"What you said is true, but with a new type of material, the corresponding effect can be perfectly achieved..."

Wu Xinghai talked freely in the conference room. Unlike at the beginning, he was interrupted before he could say a few words. He explained what he had learned completely according to his own understanding.

The voice just fell~lightnovelpub.net~ There was thunderous applause in the meeting room, and everyone was surprised by the design proposed by Wu Xinghai.

Before Wu Xinghai was happy, in a blink of an eye, he came to another scene.

The original meeting room has also become a laboratory. As a light source selector, he is doing experiments in the laboratory to select the most advantageous light source.

What Wu Xinghai learned was a complete set of lithography machine knowledge. There was no pressure on this, he only needed to answer according to the knowledge he knew.

After answering, it will automatically enter the next scene.

Just like the scene I saw at the beginning, from design to the final successful experiment, Wu Xinghai became a participant and participated in the production of a lithography machine.

The moment the lithography machine was completed, Wu Xinghai was kicked out of the scene and returned to the transparent bubble.

"Congratulations on your completion of the assessment. Your assessment score is B."

(End of this chapter)