I Found an Apocalyptic World

Chapter 993: Man in Black (Part 2)

Chapter 987: The Man in Black (Part 2)

This idea is good. After the other party's vigilance decreases, take advantage of it.

However, it does not seem to be a good time now.

Levi's took a look at his luminous watch by moonlight, and it was exactly two o'clock.

People are most sleepy around three in the morning, and when their vigilance drops to the lowest. At this time, sneak in and the success rate is the highest.

The other party obviously understood the truth, and just lay on the roof without moving.

One hour later.

Star Group chip manufacturing plant.

Zhang Wenkui walked into the security room in uniform.

The person on duty inside immediately stood up and said hello: "Director Zhang."

In fact, Zhang Wenkui does not need to be on night shifts, and there are more than half of those on night shifts.

Zhang Wenkui patted the other person on the shoulder and smiled: "Okay, get ready to do the handover work."


After a while, a new group of security personnel was neatly dressed and completed the handover with the previous group.

At this moment, suddenly there was a small explosion in the air.

However, this voice did not attract the attention of security personnel when the shift was being handed over.

Levi's was far away, and it was even more impossible to hear this sound.

Levi's is still a bit wondering, why didn't the other party take advantage of this opportunity to sneak in?

After the security personnel were handed over, they returned to the patrol route again.

After the shift, another half hour passed.

Just when Levi's thought the other party had given up, the shadow finally moved.

I saw that dark shadow walked straight towards the factory with his feet up.

"I'm going, he won't be fainted, right? It's a floating place over there." Levi's couldn't help exclaiming in his heart.

However, the facts left him dumbfounded.

I saw that the other party looked like a magician, actually walking on the ground, as if there was an invisible floor above, and he walked on it slowly.

"I'm going, what's the situation?" Levi's was stunned by the sight before him.

Does this world really have people with supernatural powers?

No, there must be something between the two supporting the figure of the dark shadow, and it is impossible for people to stand out of thin air.

The patrol personnel below didn't seem to realize that above their heads, a person was entering the factory in a strange way.

One in the air and one on the ground, forming a weird picture.

Levi's couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat for the shadow.

A short distance of two hundred meters, the black shadow walked on it for nearly ten minutes.

After the opponent reached the roof of the factory, he slipped slightly, and Levi's could no longer see the opponent.

Originally, Levi's wanted to learn how the other party entered the factory, but knowing the method of the other party's entry, he couldn't copy it.

Levi's didn't sleep, he still stayed in his study, watching the factory.

If the other party really sneaks in, he will definitely come out again. At that time, maybe he can come to catch the cicada and the oriole.

Levi's opened his hidden safe in the study, which contained some documents and a Colt pistol.

"Man, it's time for you to play." Levi's gently stroked the pistol. As an intelligence officer, he is no stranger to the pistol.

This Colt silencer pistol was specially equipped for him above. Most of the time, this gun stayed in the safe.

It's a bit funny to say that he hasn't fired a shot since he got it.

If it weren't for every once in a while, he would take it out for maintenance, I'm afraid it would be useless.

Colleagues in other countries don’t know how many rounds of guns they have changed.

That is to say, China, which is known as one of the most secure countries in the world, is possible.

In other countries, without a pistol for self-defense, it has long been known how many times were killed.

After taking the pistol, Levi's also changed himself into a set of dark clothes.

Then he returned to the window sill again, quietly waiting for the shadow to appear again.

It was almost an hour since the shadow entered, and there was still no movement on the roof.

Did the other party fail?

Levi's couldn't help but secretly doubt.

Then he denied himself, if the other party was really caught, the security personnel on patrol could not be silent.

Levi's continued to wait. Just when he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly got a shock, because he saw a dark shadow appearing again out of thin air between the two houses.

Levi's took the pistol, opened the front, and quickly moved towards the place where the shadow had stayed.

He is very familiar with that place. The other party wants to leave, there is only one way. He only needs to stay on the other side's only way and stop halfway.

Soon, Levi's came to the other side's only way, hiding in a dark corner.

Here, he could easily see the security personnel not far away, as well as the men in black above them.

Even if Levi's stood here, he couldn't see how the other party did all this, but he could only say that he was a great man.

However, it is a pity that the information you have obtained will soon fall into my hands.

This task is so easy to do. You don't need to act on your own, someone completes it for yourself.

Levi's smiled so that his eyes narrowed.

The movements of the man in black are really too slow, Levi's feels that he spends more time than in the past, and he can't help even pulling him over.

In fact, the speed of the man in black hasn't slowed down much. When people pay attention to time, they always feel that time flies very slowly.

Five minutes later, the man in black finally returned to the previous roof safely. He was as agile as a monkey. He didn't even take the stairs and slid down the drain pipe.

Looking at the other's agility, Levi's felt that the other party was the real special confession, and he was just an ordinary intelligence officer.

Do you really have a chance to intercept such a great man?

Levi's couldn't help but secretly doubt his actions~lightnovelpub.net~ He held the pistol tightly, the pistol gave him courage.

Don't be afraid, you have mental arithmetic and unintentional, you still have a pistol in your hand, don't be afraid of the opponent.

Levi's secretly cheered himself up.

Hiding in a dark corner, waiting for the appearance of the prey.

After the man in black slid down, he quickly evacuated outside without alerting the patrol on the side.

When the man in black passed a certain corner, a voice appeared in his ear: "Don't move, watch out for the gun in my hand."

The man in black stood there and didn't move. At first he thought someone was joking with him, but he saw the same man in black with a pistol in his hand, facing his head.

The man in black dared not act rashly.

(End of this chapter)