I Give Half of My Life to You

Chapter 40: Best brother

Lin Miao had no strength in the whole body, but when he saw his brother outside the door, he instantly had strength and immediately hugged his brother. Considering that there was someone in the room, he lowered his voice and whispered, "Brother, you come Yeah."

Yu Jingxuan was hit by these words, just thinking, she will come to her after the game ends.

Because of exhaustion, the whole person is a little soft, and the body just has a light smell of shower gel.

Yu Jingxuan touched her head lovingly, "Shui Shui is working hard today."

Lin Miao thought it was all right, nodded and mumbled, "Brother, there is no energy left now."

Lin Miao rarely acted like that. It was probably not seen for two months. Today's game was too strenuous, and she couldn't help but want to tell her brother.

Yu Jingxuan softly turned around and carried her back, "We go back upstairs and say."

Lin Miao was startled, "Brother, I can go by myself."

"But I want to carry you." Yu Jingxuan said.

Lin Miao is sweet, it's so nice to have an older brother.

When I was a child, there were other girls and brothers in the village who would help my sister collect firewood and carry firewood. They were envious.

Now, Lin Miao feels that his brother is better than others.

Yu Jingxuan really grew taller, Lin Miao was lying on his back, only thinking that his brother walked steadily.

At this time, someone happened to come. Yu Jingxuan took two steps and ran quickly into the stairwell of the safe exit with Lin Miao behind him, successfully avoiding people.

Lin Miao heard it. Just now, the voice of the person who came over was the coach's. They should have gone out for dinner and then came back.

Her hands were sour and soft, and she looped around her brother's neck. It seemed that, back to the days when two people had secretly carried out activities, she secretly carried the doctor out and secretly played chess...

At that time, my brother was always on her side, telling her everything, it seems to be the same now.

Her brother is the best and best brother in the world!

Lin Miao was lying on his brother's back, filled with happiness, "Brother, I feel so happy now."

Yu Jingxuan listened to the voice of the person on his back and asked, "Why?"

"Because my elder brother carried me." Lin Miao relied on his elder brother's back when he said this, and then said, "Elder brother, how can you be so good! I will always treat my elder brother forever!"

From small to large, few people carried her like this.

Yu Jingxuan was not sweet in his heart, and his mouth could not help rising. The person who was called Gao Leng Xiao Cao, smiled at the moment, his voice changed, "So how are you going to treat me?"

Yu Jingxuan also asked about it last time, and Lin Miao said that she pinched her brother's shoulder.

This time, Lin Miao did not hesitate, "When I recover my strength, I will also bear my brother!"

Yu Jingxuan: "..." There are many good ways for me, for example, to listen to my brother.

He arrived soon because Lin Miao’s original room was on the fourth floor, and the room they needed to go to was on the fifth floor.

The room on the fifth floor is a double room with two large beds.

When Lin Miao arrived in the room, the first thing was to take off his shoes and jump onto the bed, then sat cross-legged on the bed, "Brother, come here, the next game! I should be able to win you now."

Yu Jingxuan went to find the paper and pen, and then sat next to her.

While playing, Yu Jingxuan squeezed her arm.

Then, Lin Miao lost, faster than usual.

Lin Miao suspected that life was lying on the bed, studying the game drawn by the two, and then said, "Brother, is there any hope in my life to win?"

Yu Jingxuan said, "Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists, don't care."

Lin Miao: "Our coach often says so."

"Our coaches are very good, but they are a bit fierce, but it doesn't matter, anyway, he is fierce to all of us."

Yu Jingxuan listened to her talk about the things in the team. While listening, she pressed a few acupuncture points on her arm, and then pressed the tiger's mouth on the left hand.

Lin Miao only felt sore and sore, but very cool!

"Brother, elder brother!" Lin Miao looked at his elder brother with eyes, "It's so comfortable! Elder brother, pinch it!"

Yu Jingxuan pinched her tiger mouth again.

Yu Jingxuan started to pay attention to many things in this area since Lin Miao chose this way. Naturally, he also knows that athletes are very distressed. Not to mention accidental injuries, many athletes will strain this problem.

Yu Jingxuan pressed her and asked, "Shuishui, are you happy now?"

Lin Miao is very tired.

She is lying on the bed, her hair is still short, and it's a little strange what her brother said.

Yu Jingxuan asked again, "Shui Shui, or come back to school with me?"

Lin Miao understood this time, knowing that his brother was distressed by his own hard work. Lin Miao thought about it, withdrew his brother's hand, then touched the position of his heart, and said to his brother, "Here is full."

It was a bit of hard work, but she followed her training every day, tired and went back to bed to sleep, and then went to play, she felt full of emotions, never empty mood.

Lin Miao gave her brother a hug, "Brother, I think I am happy every day," yawning while saying, "I know what I am going to do every day..."

In fact, playing is very happy, training is very happy, running is very happy, playing games is also very happy.

Yu Jingxuan couldn't help but think about it. Lin Miao was living in the villa with him. At that time, she actually had a very restrictive life, so she was not happy...

Because, at that time, she did not know what she needed to do, and was even rejected. At that time, he also let her go, she must be very scared alone.

Yu Jingxuan remembered the first time the two met, and felt that at that time, it was too bad.

At this time, Lin Miao, lying on his lap, was too sleepy to open his eyes and muttered, "...brother, I want to sleep..."

Lin Miao was still very tired. Although his brother came, he was excited for a while, but after playing for a while, he couldn't resist.

Seeing her sleepy, Yu Jingxuan squeezed her shoulders and arms, and finally squeezed her hands.

I couldn't help thinking, if that time, Grandma really sent people away, what would happen...

Lin Miao fell asleep quickly, Yu Jingxuan watched her fall asleep peacefully, and her heart fell silent.

Yu Jingxuan covered her with a quilt, and then went to the room of the driver’s uncle in the next room, took a shower, blows her hair, and called her home.

Over there, Ms. Yu understood her son’s feelings about his sister, but still couldn’t help saying, “Xiao Yu, or I’ll give you a younger sister, maybe the whole world will run away in the future. Damn, it hurts you."

Mommy Yu debuted as a child star. When she was 13 years old, she had already filmed with the crew in the mountains, so Yu Jingxuan was also very relieved.

"Mom, don't be impulsive. Older women are very dangerous." Yu Jingxuan said calmly.

Mother Yu is just kidding, and it is impossible to really regenerate one. In the past few years, the relationship between mother and child has actually improved a lot. It is also normal to make jokes occasionally.

Every time when Lin Miao competes, Yu Jingxuan never tells his parents and grandma that they might come and put pressure on Lin Miao.

I don’t know if it was that when Yu Yu first abandoned her, Lin Miao was actually afraid of Yu Yu. If they came, Lin Miao would definitely be uncomfortable.

After answering the phone, Yu Jingxuan returned to Lin Miao's room and checked Lin Miao's quilt. Then she fell asleep on the bed next to her.

Turning his head, he saw Lin Miao next to the bed, sleeping peacefully.

Yu Jingxuan soon fell asleep.

He was confused, as if he heard someone telling grandma, "I was born this day, I found a few, but I have been sick and have a long life, not suitable."

Grandma sighed, "That can only be ignored."

Yu Jingxuan couldn't see where he was, as if he was everywhere and hazy.

He seemed uncomfortable and was restricted by the doctor from going out or going to the yard.

He lost his temper fiercely and smashed everything. This was not the first time he lost his temper.

There seems to be something blocked in my heart, but I don't know what it is, so I frantically want to vent it.

It seems... It seems that something was lost, something that was very important, but he couldn't remember what it was.

Then, as soon as the picture changed, he was **** and locked in a clay house.

Finally, I was very hungry.

When Yu Jingxuan woke up from a dream, he found that he was sweating, and the first reaction was that it was a dream and a nightmare.

Turning his head, he discovered that Lin Miao was on the bed next door, still in the same position as before, and slept soundly.

When I was sleeping, I forgot to pull the curtains. The moonlight was mixed with the lights in the distance, and the room was very quiet.