I Had a Home In 1982

Chapter 97: 96. Pigs are raised in the school

   Chapter 97 96. Pigs are raised in the school

   The donkey cart slowly and leisurely goes to the pier.

  The boat swayed back to Tianya Island.

  Wang Yi looked down from the top of the mountain during lunch, feeling that the desolation of winter has not completely faded away. Of course, the atmosphere of spring is already very strong.

   But looking at Tianya Island from the sea, the whole island is already green and lush.

  The sea turns blue, a sapphire blue is a brown-yellow reef, and further up are the vibrant mountains and capes.

  Spring is beautiful and the weather is warm. A few days ago, the cold spring was unbearable. These days are the same every day.

  Wang Yi stood at the bow of the boat, enjoying the sea breeze, and his face was not cold. He looked into the distance, the sea in the distance was flat, and the old fishing boats were like blades, only the white sails hanging were very eye-catching.

   The reefs stand on the sea, the wind blows and the waves roll, the treetops swaying slowly, the birds piercing the blue sky, and the wooden boats riding the wind and waves. They are simple and strong in color, and they are stitched together like a Chinese painting.

  Wang Yi really loved this scenery.

   Wang Xianghong and Wang Dongyi didn't care, they were worried about how the school could feed five pigs.

  Wang Yi It's a pity that you don't have a pair of eyes to discover beauty!

  The boat was docked, and what they heard was no longer the same sound of the waves, and people shouting dogs.

  Old Huang kept the ears of the plane and shook his buttocks and tails, which made Wang Yi very worried: he was afraid that Lao Huang would shake too much and shake the cubs out!

   Someone shouted: "Mr. Wang is back!"

   There were a few faces at the intersection from the top of the hill to the bottom of the hill, and then some children rushed over: "Mr. Wang, have you caught the pig?"

  Wang Yi patted their heads and said, "I've got it back, come here, students help the teacher carry everything back, we'll be raising pigs in the future."

  The students are very happy: "The school has raised pigs!"

  Wang Xianghong sighed and asked, "Mr. Wang, the students have a lot of labor, but there are few hogweeds on the island. You are new here and don't know our situation, raising five pigs..."

   "Don't worry, Secretary, I have a few." Wang Yi said.

  Wang Dongyi comforted Wang Xianghong: "Mr. Wang is a college student, and he is very calm. He is Zhuge Liang, and he can settle the Central Plains without leaving Qishan!"

  Wang Yi thinks this is very interesting.

   He was like a child at 22, but was considered a solid man at 82.

  The students came down to help carry things and carry the little pig. They were very curious about how Wang Yi brought back a pile of junk, but Mr. Wang must have arranged for him. It’s right that a child like himself doesn’t understand!

  The school already has a pigpen.

The orientation of    is quite good. It is in the southeast direction of the school building, and adjacent to it is the school playground, which is due south of the school building.

   This is also the property left by the army back then. The army wanted to raise pigs by themselves on the island, and there were quite a few of them—of course they were fed pig feed.

   So the pigsty in the school is quite big, but it has been abandoned for many years. Wang Xinzhao is leading the senior students to clean up.

  Wang Zhuangyuan charged into the battle with his shirtless, covered in mud and sweating profusely. That was the reality of his work, and Wang Yi felt that he was inferior to others.

   Today’s children are also very good. They are only elementary school students, but they can do the work of adults. They are responsible for cleaning up the pigsty.

  Although they only cleaned up the gravel and bricks, cleaned the sewers, and strengthened the small wooden doors, Wang Yi still thought they were very powerful.

   At this time, the pigsty is almost finished, and it is more than enough to raise five pigs. Some of the smaller children went to pick up some pig grass and sent them to the sty, so that the green and green pigsties are quite eye-catching.

  Wang Yi put the piglets in, and they immediately got into the pig grass and hid in horror.

   But they soon realized that hogweed could be eaten, so they ate while hiding.

  The students looked around the pigpen and pointed happily.

   Wang Ugly Cat wiped his face and said, "Mr. Wang, I'm not afraid of getting dirty. I'll lead you to save pig fat in the future, and save the pig fat to exchange food for you!"

  Wang Yi asked subconsciously, "Pig fat? You mean pig manure? Can pig manure in our team be exchanged for food?"

   Wang Ugly Cat said naturally: "Yes, fertilizer grains are available in any team. The school provides 100 catties of pig fat to the production team and can get 2 catties of rice as a reward."

   "If it's dry in the sun, give 3 catties of fertilizer grain." Wang Xinzhao also said.

  Wang Yi's eyes widened.

  It turned out to be like this in this era.

   He clapped his hands and said, "Students, you have worked hard to build a pigpen for the school today - especially Wang Zhuangyuan. Everyone's performance is obvious to all. Come, let's all applaud and praise."

   The applause was very warm.

   Wang Zhuangyuan's younger brother and sister jumped with joy.

   Wang Zhuangyuan's face flushed with excitement, but he looked left and right while holding his arms and pretending to be indifferent.

   is a bit small.

   Waiting for the applause to fall, Wang Yi said, "Then starting tomorrow, we will add a class on hogweed to our labor class, and the students will work harder."

   "But your hard work will not be in vain. Students, please remember that effective hard work will definitely pay off, and the same is true of learning through hard work."

   "Then what is the harvest of your hard-working pig grass? At the end of the year, when the pigs are fat and raised, the five pig teachers will not sell any of them. Let's kill them for the New Year and eat pork together!"

   Upon hearing this, the students immediately exploded:

   "Really?" "Does schools also kill pigs during the Chinese New Year?" "Mr. Wang, what are you talking about." "Have all five pigs been killed?"

   They looked at the little pig with love and pity in their eyes.

  The piglets are happily eating the tender pig grass, but they don't know that all the gifts from fate have been secretly marked with prices.

  Wang Yi pressed his hand down to signal the students to be quiet.

   He is very appealing now, and once he pressed his hand, the students quickly shut up and be honest.

Then he said: "Mr. Wang is faithful to his words, of course his words count! These five pigs have been raised during the Chinese New Year. We will all kill and eat stewed fat. If we can't eat one meal, we will eat two meals, so that the students can have a good life. year!"

   got his affirmative answer, the students clapped and shouted happily again, Wang Zhuangyuan also threw his clothes and then Wang Ugly Cat shouted: "Don't throw my clothes!"

   But his voice was suppressed by the cheers of the students:

   "Eat pork for Chinese New Year!"

   "There is also pork chop soup! The pork chop soup is also delicious, and the pork chop soup stewed by Teacher Wang is delicious!"

   "I'm going to eat three bowls, and three more bowls!"

  Wang Xinzhao waved his hand and shouted, "It's not over yet, let's go, let's go hunting for hogweed today!"

   Some of the pig grass that the students called before were drying, and they hurriedly brought them all to feed the piglets with joy on their faces: "Hurry up and grow, the bigger the better, the fatter the better!"

  The piglets were even happier than the students, and they were not afraid of giving birth, and ran around the circle to find the tenderest grass sprouts to eat.

   Delicious food.

very happy.

   Wang Yi's heart moved when he saw this, and asked: "Classmates, do you see these pigs happy now?"

   "Happy, how happy they are running." "That's right, they are still humming." "Very happy, their tails are wagging."

Wang Yi asked: "Then how are their lives? Classmates, look, they have big pigsties, you feed them pig grass, they can get something for nothing, as long as they wait for someone to feed them, they can eat delicious food, is this good? "

   "Okay!" the students said subconsciously.

   "Not good." Wang Xinzhao shook his head quickly, "They will be killed to eat meat in the future!"

Wang Yi pointed to the student and said, "Wang Xinzhao's answer is very good and correct! But the piglets don't know, they are just like many students think they are living a good life, because they live a life of unearned income! "

   "But where in the world is there anything for nothing? You prepare big pigsties for them and feed them grass, all in order to kill them and eat meat in the end!"

   "So students should keep in mind! There must be a price behind what you get for nothing. The sky will not drop hogweed for no reason. In the future, you should be vigilant when someone gives you good things for no reason, understand?"

  The students answered in unison: "Understood!"

  Wang Yi waved his hand.

  The students happily ran to the labor class.

   After a while, Wang Xianghong came with his hands behind his back: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, you go into the classroom, I'll ask you something."

   "What's the matter?" Wang Yi walked in with him.

   He asked, "Why do I hear from the dolls that the five pigs you raised are not sold during the Chinese New Year, but will be killed to give them meat?"

  Wang Yi said: "The pigs they raised should finally be allowed to eat meat."

  Wang Xianghong said: "Bullshit! This is a living subsidy for teachers in terms of policy! You can't do this, Mr. Wang, you won't be able to live..."

   He wanted to criticize a few words, but when he thought about it carefully, Wang Yi was thinking for the sake of his own students, so he held back his words.

   In the end, I can only say one more sentence: "Mr. Wang, you have to live! You have to save money!"

  Wang Yi said: "I know all the branch secretaries. When I decided to go back to our team to support the construction, my classmates and mentors persuaded me not to come back. I earn less and live a hard life."

   "I told them, this is my choice! When I get promoted and get rich, I go the other way. I don't want to go back to my hometown because I want to be rich. Since I'm back and choose to go the education route, do I still care about the money?"

  Wang Xianghong is an old-fashioned and strict person, not flattering, but he can't stand this.

   After Wang Yi finished speaking, the old man's eyes turned red.

   He patted Wang Yi's shoulder vigorously: "What a good boy and a good comrade! In the future, we will have you in the Wang family, no difference, no difference!"

  Wang Yi secretly said that this is the end? I still have Paul Korchagin that I didn't say!

   "How Steel Is Being Trained" The psychological description of Paul when he went to the tomb of the martyrs is the big move!

   But what he said was also very serious and sincere.

  If he just wants to enjoy prosperity and wealth, then he really doesn’t need to stay in 1982, then 22 years is his home. He can play with antiques and cultural relics from 1982, and then in 22 years of yacht villas and delicious food.

   But he has been alone for a long time, and he really doesn't really yearn for pleasure. For him, the life of a family in the whole village in 1982 is better than eating, drinking and having fun alone!

   Of course, this does not mean that he does not love money, but money is not the most important thing in his life - to be honest, who has never had the fantasy of spending money as a young man?

   This thing is quite funny.

  Wang Yi once fantasized about raising a family, a baby, a Mercedes-Benz, a BMW, a flight attendant and a tender model in the future, but now he has raised a pig first!

   (end of this chapter)