I Have 100 Million Stores

v2 Chapter 302: I also prepared a gift for everyone!

Wouldn't Mr. Cao want to make a shot at Daxing Road Pedestrian Street this time? !

Thinking of this possibility, Liu Ting's heart was shaken, and the expression of surprise on her face overflowed.

That's Daxing Road Pedestrian Street!

Although she has not deliberately learned about the market there, she has also heard a lot of gossip about Daxing Road Pedestrian Street.

After all, it's the entity industry, and there will be some discussions around it.

Not to mention anything else, the shop rentals there are not comparable to Dream City Commercial Street!

Even if the Dream City Commercial Street is now famous with the help of the Real King brand, it is still a few grades behind!

Take the ‘Huimin Hotpot Restaurant’ with the best location and the most expensive price in the commercial street of Dream City, which is more than 400 square meters and only 50,000 yuan a month’s rent!

Under the conversion, it is the rent of 4 yuan square at the beginning.

What about Daxing Road Pedestrian Street?

To give the simplest example, the food street in Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, a small facade facing the street, less than 20 square meters, cost 80,000 yuan a month!

After conversion, the rent is nearly 134 yuan per square meter!

This is just one of them, there are more expensive head shops and the like!

It is conceivable that the gap between the two is extremely different!

The key is that there is still no market, no shop will think about the transfer!

Another point is that Daxing Road Pedestrian Street is in Hedong!

It doesn't match the current layout of Real King Group at all!

And President Cao has never revealed his intention to develop in Hedong before!

"Mr. Cao's mind is really something that ordinary people can guess. While we are still studying the business circles of Hexi, Mr. Cao's eyes have already turned to the more prosperous Hedong!" Liu Ting couldn't help but sighed:

"Based on what I know about Mr. Cao, this inspection will probably be the same as before. I went to see the store!"

"Are we going to enter the most prosperous pedestrian street on Daxing Road..." Liu Ting felt like a dream, but she didn't expect such a sudden jump.

"I just don't know which store Mr. Cao chose this time..."

Withdrawing her thoughts, Liu Ting hurriedly posted a dinner notice in the company's executive WeChat group.

There was a response immediately.

"What? Mr. Cao, would you like a supper? Mr. Cao deserves to be Mr. Cao, and he can think of our employees in the middle of the night!" The tone of the text was Ye Xiufei.

"Suddenly?! There is no news before, I will arrange work immediately!"

"Wait for a minute, I will sort out the documents!"

"Also wait for me, it will be done soon!"


Even if they learned that it was Mr. Cao who invited him for supper, the first thought of the executives was to arrange their work properly.

The executives of Shiwang Group are so dedicated, and the ordinary employees underneath are naturally not much different.

It is conceivable that the current internal working atmosphere of Shiwang Group has reached a strong point, and everyone is working hard to complete their own work.

This is also the fundamental reason why Real King Group can make the impossible possible.

"Give everyone five minutes to arrange work. I will arrange the car and leave on time in five minutes." Liu Ting sent another message:

"In addition, listening to Mr. Cao's meaning, this time I not only invite everyone to have a meal, but also visit the Daxing Road Pedestrian Street by the way, and make relevant preparations!"

"Received!" x8

8 people responded in the group in turn at almost the same time.

Among them, six are the general managers of the six business units, one is the group vice president Cai Qiang, and the other is the head of the financial center.

Compared with the previous vacancies for several business department heads, after these days of development, at this time, each business department of the Real King Group has promoted an employee from the inside to serve as the general manager.

This is what Cao Xingyu meant. If there are good seedlings inside, try to promote from the inside. This kind of self-developed employees who follow the company will have a sense of identity, sense of belonging, and loyalty to the company. It's better than those who dug in from the outside and airborne.

More importantly, promoting employees from within can effectively stimulate competition within the company and let everyone see the hope of rising.

Even if the hope is not great and the location is limited, it can still stimulate the motivation of many people.

"Go to Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, right? Wait for me, I will go there too." At this moment, Xie Qing suddenly typed a line in the group.

As the nominal chairman, she was naturally drawn into the senior management group of Real King Group.

With Cao Xingyu, there are currently 11 people in the group.

At this time, Xie Qing had already returned to his residence.

Naturally, she does not work overtime. She usually spends a few hours in the company, mainly to see the progress and the existence of soy sauce.

Xie Qing, who was just swiping his cell phone, saw the message sent by Liu Ting.

She became interested when she heard that the guy was going to invite supper.

Especially when she heard that she was going to visit the pedestrian street of Daxing Road in Sansha City, her eyes were full of light.

"Inspect Daxing Road Pedestrian Street? What is this kid doing? Is it possible to enter the first-line commercial street??"

"Does this guy think about new plans every time?"

After Xie Qing's curiosity was aroused, he became out of control, and immediately decided to join in the fun too!

The news that Xie Qing would also participate in the group caused cheers.

It is worth mentioning that the employees of Shiwang Group are not clear about it, and they all think that Xie Qing is the leader of the company.

However, all senior executives, especially those who participated in the first high-level meeting of Real King Group before, knew in their hearts who the company was actually at the helm.

So their attitude towards Xie Qing is at best out of respect for their status.

For Cao Xingyu, they have more awe and gratitude in their hearts. Everyone knows who gave them the status and generous salary they have received.

"Xie Qing will go too..." Ye Xiufei was in the office. He just opened the drawer and took out a plastic bag from the drawer.

There are more than ten U disks in the plastic bag.

A smile appeared on Ye Xiufei's face, and he muttered, "Fortunately, I am fully prepared..."

"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!"

"Presumably everyone will like it very much!"


It takes about 40 minutes to take a taxi from Beicheng District in Hexi to Daxing Road Pedestrian Street in Hedong.

This is just not a traffic jam.

If there is a traffic jam, it will take longer.

It can be seen how remote the Beicheng District was in Sansha City before it was removed from the county and changed to districts, far away from the city center.

After the last arrangement, Shiwang Group’s internal Audi A8L special cars have been equipped, and Cao Xingyu naturally has one.

However, considering the congestion on the pedestrian street on Daxing Road, Cao Xingyu, coupled with his unfamiliarity with the road conditions, did not know the location of the parking lot, and finally he chose to take a taxi.

Facts have proved that his choice is correct.

When he reached the gate of the pedestrian street, he received a message from the group and found that other people in the company were still on their way to the parking lot.

When he saw the news in the group, Cao Xingyu immediately gave a voice command:

"We still have to let the administrative department set up a team of drivers, let professional drivers drive, don't delay business because of the small things like parking, Liu Ting, there is no need to save money in these areas."

After purchasing the company's car, Liu Ting's current arrangement is to allocate it to each executive to drive it by himself, instead of recruiting drivers.

Her idea is that everyone can drive anyway, so just drive by yourself.

After all, a professional and experienced driver is not cheap. A better one would cost 7,000 to 8,000 wages. If everyone was assigned a driver, it would inexplicably increase the cost by tens of thousands a month.

"Okay, Mr. Cao." Liu Ting quickly responded when she saw it, and made arrangements in the group:

"@杨莉, @陆小梅, you two will implement this."

Yang Li, general manager of the logistics department.

Lu Xiaomei, General Manager of Human Resources Department.

"Received." x2.

After Cao Xingyu gave his instructions, he no longer paid attention to the news in the group, but started to look at the Daxing Road Pedestrian Street.

Standing at the main entrance of the pedestrian street, there is a huge and majestic lion statue erected in the center of the gate, which is very spectacular.

Compared with Dream City Commercial Street, the spacious nearly 100-meter sidewalk of Daxing Road Commercial Street is nothing short of a horror.

It was almost 11 o'clock in the evening, but when I looked around, there was still a constant flow of people and heads of people. I couldn't see the head at a glance, and the scene was extremely lively.

"The top-notch pedestrian street is really extraordinary." Cao Xingyu murmured.

Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, he has been here many times before, but he didn't care about the flow of people when he came here before. On the contrary, he thinks there are too many people, and he doesn't want to come again after coming once.

But now it's the opposite, because the mentality is completely different.

If there is a lot of people, that's great!

This is like looking at one's own things, especially pleasing to the eye.

"Stroll around." Cao Xingyu was not in a hurry. Since they have not yet come, take advantage of this time to take a walk.

First, see if there is a suitable store.

At the same time, he arranged for Liu Ting to find a good restaurant in the group, and he would go there later.

After ordering, he walked into the pedestrian street alone.


Fire attack the temple.

It is a well-known chain hot pot brand in Sansha City.

Not only is it very famous, it is a business card for Sansha City to publicize and travel abroad, but it has also developed for decades and has a long history.

Nowadays, basically the famous commercial streets in Sansha City will have a Fire Attack Hall, and they generally occupy the best positions.

Like on the Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, this excellent location at the main entrance of the Pedestrian Street has a small escalator on the left and right.

The escalator on the right hand side leads to the fire attack hall on the second floor.

Whether you are coming by subway, taxi, or on foot, as long as you come to the main entrance of the pedestrian street, you can see the huge and striking sign of "Huo Gong Dian" at a glance.

And on the entire second floor, nearly 800 square meters, all of which is the operating space of this fire attack hall.

Being able to grab such a golden position in Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, which is an inch of land and gold, is mainly due to the fact that Huogongdian was the first batch of merchants to settle in when the Daxing Road Pedestrian Street was newly built more than ten years ago.

At that time, no one would have thought that Daxing Road Pedestrian Street would develop into the most prosperous commercial street in the city center, and it has continued to this day.

Because of the rapid development of Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, the reputation and development of Huo Gongdian has entered a fast lane.

There is actually a complementary relationship between the two.

Strictly speaking, the Huo Gongdian was also stained with a lot of light from Daxing Road Pedestrian Street.

Because the fame and rise of Huogongdian is inseparable from the exposure of Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, if there is no Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, Huogongdian will hardly become a signboard of Sansha City, and there is a high probability that everyone will be confused.

To put it ugly, such a good location, such a huge amount of traffic every day, with a dog tied to it, this dog may become an Internet celebrity.

At this moment, Liu Ting and his party of ten came to this Huo Gongdian after parking the car.

In a box, everyone ordered a good meal and chatted.

With Xie Qing present, everyone was a little bit unwilling to let go, more or less a little restrained.

Everyone didn't dare to talk nonsense, so they had to put the topic of "Inspecting Daxing Road Pedestrian Street" as Mr. Cao said.

"Sister Ting, what does Cao always mean? Check here? Is our company planning to open a shop here too?"

"No, I heard that the shops on Daxing Road rarely come out. Even if it’s one, someone else had already booked the next house. We don’t seem to spend any energy on here. We can rent it. Shop?"

"That's what I said, but don't forget that there is President Cao, maybe he has already operated in private!"

"Indeed, there is President Cao, I dare not say if there are too many, it must be no problem to open a shop or something!"


Everyone was talking about it.

Xie Qing was actually very curious about this topic, but she did not speak to participate in the discussion.

Thinking that he is the chairman of the board after all, if she doesn’t even know about this, it’s more or less inappropriate to say it?

In fact, her worries are purely superfluous. All of you here are the oldest employees of the Shiwang Group. Everyone knows very well that President Cao is the backbone of the company.

And because everyone knew this, no one asked Xie Qing when discussing this topic.

After a short while, until the end of the conversation, everyone almost reached an agreement.

Everyone thinks that if Mr. Cao said to inspect, it would certainly not be aimless!

Real King Group should really enter the Daxing Road Pedestrian Street!

The high probability is that you will first buy a store to try the water!

This conclusion made everyone in this room a little excited.

Because it is of great significance to enter the Daxing Road Pedestrian Street!

First, the commercial status of Daxing Road Pedestrian Street is well-deserved first in the field of physical shopping malls in Sansha City!

Any chain brand will want to settle in it!

Most of those who can settle in are not unknown people!

If the real king brand can enter here, it will be of great significance!

Second, everyone was still worried about Mei Tuan before.

Even if he knew that Mr. Cao had arranged so many measures, normal people would still be worried, after all, the other party was Mei Tuan!

Whoever thinks, Mr. Cao has already turned his attention to Daxing Road Pedestrian Street!

At such an important time, you can still focus on Jinjun Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, which means that President Cao didn't take Mei Tuan's matter into his heart at all!

The half of everyone's heart that was still hanging was completely let go!

"Is it really a shop..." Liu Ting muttered in her heart.

She agrees with everyone's conclusion, but she is skeptical about the number of stores.

She always felt that Mr. Cao would either not make a move. If he made a move, the movement might be beyond imagination!

She just didn't tell everyone about her idea, because she didn't even dare to believe that Mr. Cao could really buy several shops on Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, where shops are hard to find?

From an operational level, it is very unrealistic!


About twenty minutes later.

Cao Xingyu came to the Fire Attack Hall and entered the box sent by Liu Ting.

With his arrival, the scene instantly became lively.

"Mr. Cao, you are really the most considerate employee leader I have ever seen. It's so late, and you still remember us in your busy schedule! Not only did you entertain us for supper, but you also came to such a good place! It's really touching! Ye Xiufei sighed sincerely.

"You guy, nothing has changed." Cao Xingyu smiled.

What he said did not change, naturally referring to Ye Xiufei's flattering effort.

"Mr. Cao has not changed, he is still handsome! The moment I saw Mr. Cao, it seemed that I saw a light that illuminates my world! It's a pity that I am not a girl, or I will not be Cao in this life. I won't marry anymore!" Ye Xiufei answered the conversation very quickly.

As soon as these words came out, several people around turned their eyes to Ye Xiufei, their eyes were weird.

That's why Liu Ting and Cai Qiang looked calm and composed and took it for granted.

"Enough of you." Cao Xingyu waved his hand and asked in other words:

"Have you ordered good food?"

"It's ready, Mr. Cao, take a look at the menu, what needs to be added, I will ask the waiter to add it." Liu Ting answered.

"It's okay, you just need to order it. This time, it's mainly to reward everyone here. It's been a lot of hard work for everyone." Cao Xingyu went straight to the main seat that everyone had deliberately left for him, and didn't mean to sit down.

Regarding the reservation of this position, everyone subconsciously left Cao Xingyu the main seat facing the door, and even Xie Qing did not fight for it, but just sat next to the main seat.

"Without everyone's hard work, it would never have been possible for Real King Group to develop so quickly."

"I sincerely thank you all."

"I will toast everyone first."

After speaking, Cao Xingyu picked up the full wine glass on the table, and finally added:

"I'm doing it. You can drink whatever you can, and if you can't drink, use tea instead of wine. Our company doesn't encourage a wine-making culture. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution."

As soon as the voice fell, Cao Xingyu took the lead in drinking out the small dun glass with a capacity of two or two wines.

It can be seen that Cao Xingyu is really happy today.

Of course, he also expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the company managements present here.

After all, he usually just sits in the office and gives pointers. It is the people in front of him who really carry out specific tasks and control the progress of all things. They have put a lot of hard work and great efforts.

Without this group of people, Shiwang Group would not be able to go today.

Although Cao Xingyu admitted that he had never treated anyone wrongly, he still had to be grateful if one yard fell into one yard.

And seeing President Cao say those words so affectionately, everyone couldn't help but feel warm.

In fact, if President Cao didn't say this, everyone would have no complaints.

Because from the perspective of remuneration, the salary they get is absolutely the highest in Sansha City, and it is second to none!

Even if it is placed on a national scale, it can be ranked top!

Especially they are still very young!

If we follow normal development, many of them will not be able to sit where they are at this age.

The oldest senior executive of Real King Group is Cai Qiang, 35 years old!

Followed by Liu Ting, 30 years old!

The rest are between 25-28 years old!

Counting it down, this is an executive team with an average age of only 27!

Had it not been for Cai Qiang, the average age would have been lower!

For young Internet companies, this is an amazing and incredible thing!

It not only gives super good treatment, but also has an infinitely broad development space and room for growth.

It is precisely because of this that all the people present even think that Cao Xingyu really values ​​them, and only then said what he said just now.

It's the kind that comes from the heart, and it's not simply treating them as a subordinate.

More like that kind of close work partner.

"It's done! Thank you, Mr. Cao!" Everyone recovered and stood up quickly, shouting in unison.

Rao is that some of the ladies can't drink, and at this time they also picked up their glasses and drank them all in one go!

Must drink!

Even if you are drunk and immediately unconscious, you have to drink this glass of wine!

This is the true thoughts of the ladies at this time.

They weren't forced, because they believed that if Mr. Cao said that he could not drink, he could use tea instead of wine. Mr. Cao was different from other company leaders, and this statement would definitely not be false!

Therefore, they are all willing to drink this glass of wine!

"Sit down, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, don't be so serious." Cao Xingyu waved his hand and said jokingly:

"It seems that there are too few dinner parties, and I feel that everyone is a little cautious. Turning back, Liu Ting, you arranged to let everyone gather for dinner instead of just working."

"Okay President Cao." Liu Ting responded with a smile.

"That is, let go of everyone. Is President Cao's character unclear to everyone? That is quite approachable!" Ye Xiufei interjected:

"By the way, I also prepared a gift for everyone!"

"This gift took me a lot of rest time..."

"I don't know if you will like it..."

After speaking, Ye Xiufei lifted up a plastic bag from under the table with a mysterious expression.

ps: 6100 chapter!

Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets.

Recently updated to restore a larger chapter, try to update as much as possible when it can.

I used to call this month's million change, because I wanted to try a full-time job just after losing my job, but the facts tell me that I will starve to death if I continue to do so.

I can’t make jokes about my family’s life, and I don’t have the qualifications to bet.

Therefore, I have to spare some time to think about other ways to make money and support the family. I hope everyone can understand!

Follow it slowly, or watch it together for a week! Anything!

But, don't raise it for too long, please!

Again, if you subscribe, I will be responsible for you!

As long as it is determined that it does not fall below the first order 50 (this requirement is not excessive...), the book will proceed as planned!