I Have 100 Million Stores

v2 Chapter 309: Unique!

Beijing, Mei Tuan headquarters.

The fact that the real king brand 1% commission was officially opened was immediately spread here.

Li Huiwen, senior vice president of Mei Tuan, laughed after learning that the other party had really introduced a 1% permanent rake measure.

"It's true that there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in."

"I really don't see many people like you who go to their own way."

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll see how long you can continue to burn money like this."

After muttering for a while, Li Huiwen took out his mobile phone and began a series of work arrangements.

Obviously, Li Huiwen had made preparations for this scene.

It’s impossible to follow up with the behavior of breaking the existing takeaway platform business model like Real King brand. The only thing that Li Huiwen thinks is the most correct way is to add fire and accelerate the death of the other party. !

He is going to disband or reduce the distribution team and related market teams in the Beicheng District of Sansha City, and directly give up that market!

This approach seems a bit irrational on the face of it. How can it be reasonable to give up the market?

Throughout the development of Mei Tuan over the years, no matter what kind of opponent they encountered, they have never made such an incredible crazy move!

But the reality is that this is the only option they can choose at the moment.

The Shiwang brand does not play cards according to the rules and completely abandons the previous gameplay of the takeaway platform, leaving Mei Tuan with no second choice at all.

At least so far.

Because it is impossible for Mei Tuan to follow along and reduce the rake permanently, if it does so, it is equivalent to denying the whole set of business models that he has adhered to for a long time.

However, it is a plan to temporarily use the equivalent amount of subsidies to counteract the permanent rake of the Real King brand, and it can also be used to stalemate with the Real King brand to grab users.

But this approach treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

Because Shiwang brand still has a killer, that is, their own stores are very competitive. It can be said that those self-owned stores are the real core of Shiwang brand.

Before it can affect and contain the core stores of the Real King brand, there is no way to prevent their APP from gaining users.

Therefore, the development of Shiwang brand APP is basically a foregone conclusion.

Unless Mei Tuan can follow the other party's mode to create some subversive shops, go to the other side to fight the bayonet head-on.

But obviously, the cost of doing this is too high, and it also breaks the original intention of the food delivery platform to be only an intermediate platform, which is equivalent to negating all the business models they have set before.

Li Huiwen would naturally not choose to do this.

Especially from a business perspective, the fact that the Real King brand does not have any profit points is in front of them, and it is even less worthy of them to spend too much cost with the other party to make unnecessary consumption.

Letting the other party burn the money on their own has become the smartest choice right now.

At present, the permanent 1% commission launched by the Real King brand has already cut off the biggest profit point of the takeaway platform, and Li Huiwen has even more convinced of his choice.

He doesn't believe that the other party can play any tricks in this situation to reverse the current situation where there is no profit point.

Therefore, Li Huiwen thinks that it is the best policy for Li Huiwen to give up the Sansha City market to the other party to toss first, reduce one's own costs, and prepare for the subsequent grabbing of the market.

Moreover, Li Huiwen didn't worry about any accidents at all.

Without telling the truth, it is difficult for Wangpin to make any waves. Take a step back and say, even if the other party can really create a business miracle and launch a new business model, what about it?

Their Mei Tuan can quickly imitate and learn, and promote to the national takeaway market!

No matter how the Shiwang brand is, at most it will swallow the entire Sansha City market, and it is impossible to expand to the whole country at once!

But they, who have a national market, can!

This is the confidence of the industry's first!

This is why it is difficult for the roots of new competitors to emerge whenever there are giants in various fields of the Internet.

Because you play according to the old rules, it is naturally impossible to play those giants!

But you have tried every means to explore a new rule. Before you can really make a big splash, after the giants can see it through, they can imitate it quickly!

And it can be quickly implemented in their existing market!

In this case, what do the new entrants play?

Therefore, to open up new areas honestly is the most enthusiastic choice for Internet entrepreneurs.

ten minutes later.

After arranging all relevant measures, Li Huiwen sneered and muttered:

"I'll see how long you can hold on."


Similar to Mei Tuan's reaction.

Are you hungry? After learning about the actions of the Real King brand, he also chose to sit on the sidelines.

Like the normal competition between the existing food delivery platform and Mei Tuan, are you hungry? It is all about benefit, and only do the core work of diverting traffic for the headquarters group.

Even if the takeaway market was eroded by Mei Tuan step by step and gave up its first position in the market, they just made some resistance appropriately.

In this process, various costs will be strictly controlled to avoid burdening the parent company.

This is the core interest pursued by Hungry?

Not to mention the obvious suicidal behavior of the real king brand, high-level officials naturally don't want to participate in it.

There is no need to spend that wronged money!

They even think that it would be better if the Mei Tuan can participate in this kind of thing, and it will hurt both sides.

In the end, in the absence of discussions between the two existing take-out platforms, the market in the Beicheng District of Sansha City was surrendered with a tacit understanding.

In the absence of any confrontation, he consciously gave up a market. This is the first time in the history of the entire Internet food delivery field!


This situation has given the Real King brand an excellent development opportunity!


the next day.

Cao Xingyu came to the company downstairs almost one o'clock in the afternoon.

When he entered the Shunjie Building and saw the scene in the lobby, he was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

I saw the three floors outside the three floors in the hall, which was already full of people!

If it wasn't for the building security to maintain order, a small path was deliberately left in the middle, otherwise it would not even be possible to get in!

"What the hell?" Cao Xingyu looked surprised. He had been working here for more than a month, and he had encountered this scene for the first time.

Could it be that what kind of awesome company has moved to this building?

As Cao Xingyu thought, he walked straight to the elevator room through the reserved passage in the middle.

When he walked to the elevator, Cao Xingyu suddenly saw a familiar face...

Isn't that the front desk lady of your company? !

At this time, I saw that the young lady at the front desk did not know where she had moved a table and was sitting at the table.

On the table, there is a stack of small white square pieces of paper.

Cao Xingyu was so familiar with the pieces of paper that he recognized it at a glance. It was the number taken out of the number picking machine.

"These people are not related to our company, are they?" Cao Xingyu raised his brows and thought of a possibility:

"Is it a takeaway catering business who wants to settle on our platform?"

"I can't stay up there anymore, so I can only wait in the hall downstairs?"

After thinking of this possibility, Cao Xingyu felt that he should be inseparable.

At the same time could not help but secretly surprised.

You must know that when he left the company at 7 or 8 yesterday, although there were still many people waiting at the front desk upstairs, it was far less exaggerated.

He never expected that those shops would be so active.

"It seems that the fact that the shops are being paid high commissions by the food delivery platform has accumulated a lot of grievances in the hearts of these bosses, which is far more exaggerated than I thought." Cao Xingyu muttered to himself.

Only in this way can it cause such a big response in such a short period of time.

"Mr. Cao." When Cao Xingyu walked to the elevator, the young lady at the front desk stood up and shouted respectfully.

"Well, you are busy with you." Cao Xingyu waved his hand, passed her directly, and walked to the elevator.

Not long.

Take the elevator to the company floor.

As Cao Xingyu thought, the front desk upstairs, including the elevator exit, was already full of people.

If this does not control the number of people, it is really easy to happen some bad things.

After knowing it, Cao Xingyu walked through the crowd with a smile, and walked towards his office.

When he was just seated, Liu Ting walked into the office beamingly.

"Mr. Cao." Liu Ting shouted with a smile.

"Look at what makes you happy." A smile is contagious, and Cao Xingyu can't help but smile: "What's the good thing?"

"It's a great thing!" Liu Ting answered:

"Those merchants are more active than we expected. After learning about our permanent 1% rake, they prepared information non-stop, and then rushed to our company!"

"Hehe, I just saw it." Cao Xingyu nodded, as he had guessed just now.

"From the announcement yesterday afternoon to now, in less than 24 hours, we have already set up nearly 300 merchants!" Liu Tinghui reported:

"At this rate, it is estimated that in two more days, we will be able to sweep the surrounding ten commercial streets we are currently involved in!"

"At that time, we can say that we have monopolized the online takeaway market!"

"To be precise, it monopolizes the ten commercial streets we are involved in and the surrounding online takeaway markets!"

"Good job." Cao Xingyu first admired him, then he couldn't help frowning:

"This efficiency is a bit slow. It seems that the development of online signing and settlement is still imminent."

"Otherwise it's too much time wasted."

"Well, indeed! I have already communicated with the Product Division about this matter." Liu Ting nodded.

"Hehe, pretty good." Upon hearing this, Cao Xingyu immediately smiled with satisfaction.

It can be seen that Cao Xingyu is very satisfied with Liu Ting's growth visible to the naked eye.

After a pause, Cao Xingyu added:

"However, it should be noted that although there will be self-service functions such as online signing and stationing, we also have to arrange for people to go to the physical store to check and confirm offline. This is not allowed to be sloppy."

"I’ve seen a piece of news before. Mei Tuan and Ele.me can take advantage of small loopholes. There are even some dealers who help register business numbers on the Internet, so that some people who don’t have an actual business place only need to pay some money. , You can open a store on the platform."

"I don't allow this on our platform."

"The impact on our reputation is still a small matter. This is the catering field that concerns people's livelihood. If there is any food safety incident, it will be a major issue!"

"It must be strictly checked and confirmed one by one!"

"Understand!" Liu Ting nodded heavily. In her opinion, Cao is rarely a serious person. As long as he is serious, it must be something that must be carried out to the end!

Cao Xingyu said ‘um’.

"President Cao, there is one more thing. I got a message." After a pause, Liu Ting said in another word:

"Mei Tuan and Hungry? It seems that they both gave up the meaning of competing with us at the same time. Their delivery staff in our areas seem to have been transferred to other areas."

"Not only that, they seem to be completely indifferent to the fact that existing affiliated businesses enter our platform."

"Even some of the high-quality shops they have signed exclusively with have offered to terminate the contract, and they have all agreed one by one. There is no embarrassment!"

"Looking at this posture, there seems to be a tendency to completely withdraw from our ten commercial streets!"

"Oh?" Cao Xingyu was a little surprised by the news.

Is this simply giving up competition?

Those two companies are so magnificent?

If you lose a piece of the market, you lose it?

After a little thought in his mind, Cao Xingyu was a bit aftertaste.

Under his multiple measures, it seems that the choice left to the other party is only this way.

If the opponent really wants to lower the rake, he actually doesn't care at all.

He introduced the 1% rake measure in order to counteract the other party. For those third-party merchants who do not settle in, the impact is actually not big at all.

At least for the Real King brand.

Even if there are no third-party merchants, the Real King brand has so many high-quality stores, the development of APP should be developed, at best, the radiation area is small.

"The two platforms have seen this through, so let's just give up resistance." Cao Xingyu pursed his mouth~lightnovelpub.net~ and concluded in his heart:

"In the case that our model does not have a clear profit point, they will naturally want to let us be consumed by ourselves and not spend this unjustified money."

After thinking about it in his heart, Cao Xingyu couldn't help but sneered.

I have to admit that the calculations made by those two companies are very good and correct.

Under normal circumstances, such a company that continues to burn money but has no possibility of making money, when the capital chain breaks, it will indeed go bankrupt sooner or later.

"It's just that the result will disappoint you." Cao Xingyu muttered meaningfully.

"What?" Liu Ting didn't understand, and asked in confusion.

"It's okay, I mean don't care about them." Cao Xingyu waved his hand: "Since they took the initiative to let go of the market, then we shouldn't disappoint others and take it all as soon as possible!"

"You think of ways to increase the efficiency of signing contracts for the next store, and see if you can change to a spacious place."

"For example, find a hotel to pack an entire floor of meeting rooms."

"Then arrange more employees to centrally review materials and sign contracts."

"At the same time, arrange several employees near the ten commercial streets, and arrange a delivery person to do this. Anyway, just check whether the corresponding store is operating normally."

"Using these measures to improve efficiency, and strive to sign all the signings within today."

"Okay." Liu Ting said with an apologetic expression after hearing the words: "It's still the thoughtfulness of President Cao. I just patronized and was happy, and didn't want to improve the efficiency of signing contracts."

"It's okay." Cao Xingyu waved his hand indifferently: "You can make arrangements now."