I Have 100 Million Stores

v2 Chapter 317: Brand with temperature

What He Ziqiang didn't know was that his luck was far beyond his own imagination.

If it were not this time, the number of third-party stores of the Real King brand exceeded expectations, and the Real King brand temporarily decided to directly select personnel directly from the previous resume database in order not to affect the delivery of the takeaway.

Judging from He Ziqiang's personal resume, he has no work experience, no academic qualifications, and he has no competitiveness at all.

In comparison with other applicants, it is difficult for him to be in his turn so quickly under normal circumstances, and it is very likely that he will not even be given this opportunity.

After all, it was all luck.

Life is like this, luck occupies a large proportion, and it is precisely this, making everyone's life full of unknown and interesting.

And after he got such a thing that in He Ziqiang's opinion was great news, the first thing in his mind was to tell his mother about it!

And tell each other in person!

Let the parents who have been worrying about him relieved!

It can be regarded as proof that I didn't joking with them this time, I was really looking for a job!

Although I don't know what the future will be like in this job, and I don't know if I can make money, but he can take this first step, and He Ziqiang feels that he is still great!

Three years!

It's been three years!

After failing in the college entrance examination, he was decadent and has continued to this day.

From 18 years old to 21 years old!

Every day I live a day of dressing to stretch out my hands and open my mouth.

Became a ‘chewing old tribe’ in the world’s population.

But, does he really want to be an old man?

To be honest, he doesn't want to!

I really don't want to!

It's just that he doesn't know what else he can do.

Coupled with getting used to campus life, it really made him enter the society at once, and he was afraid.

In other words, it was the defeat of the college entrance examination that was too great, as if the sky had fallen all of a sudden.

Later, he began to gradually learn to avoid, dare not face life, felt that he was a failure, would do nothing well, and fell into a stage of extreme self-denial.

Playing games gave him pleasure, and games soon became his only spiritual sustenance, the only way to vent his emotions.

Whenever he is only playing games, he can forget everything and devote himself to himself.

This feeling is unclear, but it makes him enjoy it.

Over time, the whole person becomes numb and sinks into it.

He Ziqiang once thought countless times that if he could be immersed in this kind of life and lead such a carefree life in his entire life, it seemed to be a very good thing.


Real King brand broke into his life!

He was amazed by witnessing the opening of the magical shops of Shiwang brand one after another.

At the same time, it also brought earth-shaking changes to his original life.

The first is to let him experience the joy and sense of accomplishment of not asking for money from the family for a long time.

It also made him realize for the first time that it was a very simple thing to make his parents happy.

Especially after participating in an event of the Xiangshiwang brand, He Ziqiang suddenly realized that he seemed to have other abilities besides playing games, which was not as useless as he had imagined.

Of course, these are some small influences, and it is the Love Internet Cafe that really makes him make a decision and take the step of looking for a job.

To be precise, it was the waiter of the Qingyuan Internet Cafe named'Lin Lu' who was one year younger.

In Lin Lu's body, He Ziqiang saw liveliness and loveliness, as well as hard work and hard work, and most preciously, he saw the other's ‘kindness’.

Perhaps it is because he often rents out and sleeps out in Internet cafes, which makes He Ziqiang an acquaintance in the eyes of the waiter and receives more attention.

This care is not what ordinary people imagine, but a unique characteristic of the Real King brand.

The employees of Qingyuan Internet Cafe began to quietly instill in him some concepts such as ‘get online in moderation and don’t let the Internet affect your real life’.

It is hard to imagine that in Internet cafes where the main Internet is profitable, there will be things that persuade customers not to go online for too long.

But He Ziqiang experienced it personally.

In the beginning, every time he came to the Internet, he would get a small card with some harmful effects of too long online time and sedentary sitting on it.

At first, he thought that every customer would have it, so he didn't care.

Later, he asked some Internet cafe friends to find out that not many people seem to be able to get the card...

And he is one of them.

His first feeling at the time was that he felt warm.

Unexpectedly, besides his parents, there are people who are silently caring for him.

And why He Ziqiang is so supportive of the Real King brand in his heart is largely because of this experience he personally experienced.

This kind of discouraging customers can be replaced in other Internet cafes. He Ziqiang dared to conclude that it is absolutely impossible to happen, which means that Wang brand can do it.

After this happened, He Ziqiang tried to make some changes. Instead of staying in the Internet cafe all day long, he would choose to have a meal at home.

Just like today, he went to the Internet cafe after lunch.

And it was the waiter named Lin Lu who asked him to find a job.

It seems that because he sees that he still spends a lot of time playing games, Qingyuan Internet Cafe specially assigns a waiter to chat with him often.

Maybe it's because the two are about the same age, or maybe it's the similar experience that makes the two of them easy to talk.

Lin Lu also had poor grades in the college entrance examination and set foot in society.

He Ziqiang felt very ashamed after learning that a little girl in Lin Lu had entered the society after she failed the college entrance examination at the age of 18, and suddenly felt that she was even worse than a girl.

Later, every time he came over, Lin Lu would ask him about his current situation and encouraged him very seriously.

In this situation, over time, He Ziqiang's psychology began to change slightly.

Later, after learning from Lin Lu that Real King was recruiting delivery staff, He Ziqiang took the step he had never dared to take.

Maybe He Ziqiang would hesitate to switch to other jobs, but for the real king brand...

I don't know why, when he mentions the Shiwang brand, he has a very practical and reassuring feeling in his heart.

In He Ziqiang's heart, this is a warm brand.


Afterwards, with excitement, He Ziqiang rushed directly to the commercial street of Dream City.

Thirty minutes later.

Back to the Xinlian Dream City community, He Ziqiang did not see his parents after returning home.

Only then did I remember that my mother was in the afternoon shift today.

Speaking of this, it is worth mentioning that He Ziqiang's family is actually quite ordinary.

His mother works in a fruit shop on Farmer Street in the north gate of the community.

But his father's words were a little better, doing some low-level work in a state-owned enterprise.

The income of a family is not high for a year. Under the expenses of daily living expenses and some common favors, it is impossible to save a lot of money throughout the year.

Seeing that his mother was not at home, He Ziqiang didn't stay any longer, but turned and headed towards the Farmer Street.

Not long.

Came to the door of the fruit shop.

He Ziqiang stood not far away and watched silently for ten minutes.

Seeing my mother's busy figure in the store, she was lifting the heavy fruit box, and helping to pick and cut fruits, let alone sitting, she didn't even have to stop for a moment.

He Ziqiang couldn't help biting his lip, feeling a little painful.

Although he knew his mother worked here, he had never seen it once.

Seeing this scene at this time, he suddenly felt that his previous self was a jerk.

The delicious lazy cooking in the past three years is the result of my parents' hard work!

Why should I pay it back so peacefully! !

With a silent cry in his heart, He Ziqiang cleared up his emotions and walked towards the fruit shop.

"Mom!" He Ziqiang shouted with a grin.

"Son, why are you here?" The middle-aged woman looked very surprised.

"I came here to tell you good news!" He Ziqiang took a deep breath and said, "I got a job!"

"Huh? What? Get a job? Really?"

"Of course it's true!"

"That's great, great!" The middle-aged woman smiled and asked: "What job?"

"It's the takeaway delivery person of Shiwang brand!" He Ziqiang replied.

"Takeaway delivery person?" The woman's joy just now disappeared without a trace, but instead she looked worried:

"This job isn't very good. It's not only the wind and the sun, but it's not safe to ride an electric bike. It's easy to get into trouble."

"Son, let's forget it, look for it again, if there are more jobs, see if there is a better one."

I always wanted He Ziqiang to go out and look for a job. Now that I have found a job, I'm worried again.

There is a good saying that behind any gnawing old clan, his parents are not innocent.

Only under the long-term pampering of their parents, will they cultivate children who will never grow up with clothes to stretch out their hands and open their mouths.

Just like He Ziqiang.

After failing the college entrance examination that year, on the one hand, he had some problems, on the other hand, his parents were too spoiled.

Sometimes parents are appropriately cruel, but it's not necessarily a bad thing.

"If you don't look for it, it's the job!" He Ziqiang shook his head and said with relief:

"Mom, I know what you are worried about, but you can rest assured that there are many people doing delivery now. This business is becoming more and more regular. As long as you abide by the traffic rules, the problem is not big!"

"This..." The middle-aged woman still looked a little uneasy.

"Okay, Mom, you're busy! I have to prepare!" He Ziqiang waved his hand: "Don't worry, your son has grown up!"

"Well, I'll talk about it when I go home that night, and wait until Mom is done." The middle-aged woman thought for a while and replied.

"Yeah." He Ziqiang nodded, then turned and left immediately.

After leaving the fruit shop, He Ziqiang pondered for a while and walked straight to the commercial street of Dream City.

He decided to tell Lin Lu the good news.

If Lin Lu hadn't used himself as an example to instill a lot of positive energy and encourage him, perhaps he might still be the same as before...


The other end.

After He Ziqiang shared the news in the WeChat group before, although he got a ridiculous response, there are a small group of people who don’t talk very much in the group. They hold "I would rather believe it." With their mentality, one after another rushed to Daxing Road Pedestrian Street.

Then, one after another, the new stores were successfully checked in, and the news spread to a larger area at once.

The number of people rushing over to check in gradually increased, and 100 check-in places in each new store were all consumed in an instant!

When the last check-in quota was used, the opening of the new store on Daxing Road Pedestrian Street officially came to an end.

As a result, the real veil of the last mysterious business circle that has not been exposed is officially revealed on the Realking brand APP.

Daxing Road Pedestrian Street!


This news, like a heavy bomb hitting the surface of the water, caused countless splashes in an instant!

Countless people were shocked and couldn't believe it!

If the previous news is only gossip, and many people do not believe it, then the official appearance of the real king brand is undoubtedly an official announcement to the world-

Believe it or not, this is the hard truth!

The ‘Daxing Road Pedestrian Street’ in the list of business districts is very eye-catching, which makes people feel a bit shocking when they look at it!

In this business district, the announcement of the detailed addresses of the six shops has shocked countless people!

Originally, some people might still think that maybe the six shops are just small shops, the kind of a few square meters and more than ten square meters.

But I never expected that all of them are large shops!

The smallest shop has an area of ​​800 square meters!

The biggest is more than 2,000 square meters!

What's more important and amazing is that the original tenants of these six shops are all well-known!

Suddenly, the whole Sansha City was in an uproar, and a huge heated discussion was immediately stirred up, and the exclamation was endless!

"Fuck, I have always placed the Shiwang brand high in my mind, but I never thought I underestimated it! I even opened the shops on the pedestrian street of Daxing Road, which is really exaggerated! "

"I never thought. I ran in Hexi for a whole morning, but the king brand walked out of Hexi without a sound? Even if I walked out of Hexi, I would go straight to the best pedestrian street? Strength, dare to do this?!"

"That's right, and I opened six shops in Daxing Road Pedestrian Street all of a sudden, which almost subverted my imagination... This should be the first time such a brand has opened a store in Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, right? !"

"The key is to look at those six stores, all of them are good stores and big stores! Among them are Apple and Huo Gongdian... How did you get this special? How much money do you have to pay for it? Too fake Come on! Even now, I still don’t believe it..."

"Don't believe it? It can be fake? Those pictures of successful check-in, the circle of friends are crazy! Besides, it is necessary for such a chain brand to make fun of its reputation? What good is it to lie to us? Adults, please use your brain, OK! It must be real!"

"Hey, Real King's shots are really crazy every time. I thought that the opening of hundreds of stores has opened my eyes. I didn't expect that there will be more amazing things behind... I have nothing to say, I take it! "

"According to this trend, the Shiwang brand is going out of Hexi! And from the very beginning, it entered the most prosperous Daxing Road pedestrian street. This is a naked announcement that it will expand to the entire Sansha City? Tell the truth, I really do. I look forward to it! This way I won’t have to go to Hexi every time! It saves me a lot of time!"

"In other words, I don't know how the Shiwang brand is going to operate the six shops on Daxing Road Pedestrian Street? Is it the same as those before? If it is, the scene will be upset by then!"

"It doesn't matter whether the scene is not the scene! I think the most refreshing thing is that the role of the Shiwang brand membership card in my hand has been improved! Hahaha, I never expected that I can use the Shiwang brand when I go to Daxing Road Pedestrian Street in the future. I have a membership card. This card is really getting more and more attractive. If nothing else, based on this, I will give a thumbs up to the Real King brand!"


With the full disclosure of the Shiwang brand's six stores in Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, there are countless topics at a time!

There are discussions about the expansion speed of the Shiwang brand.

Some discuss new store management measures.

There are discussions about what price the Real King brand paid to win these six stores.

There are discussions...

There are various topics, but without exception, there is a wave of heated discussions!

The number of circles and the number of people participating in the discussion is more than ever before!

Even a lot of people have turned out the previous management measures of the Shiwang brand.

Not only is Amway crazy in the circle of friends, but people also spread all kinds of spontaneously for the real king brand.

In an instant, the popularity of the Real King brand has increased a lot!

At the same time, the Real King brand has once again taken a big step forward this time!

It can even be said that it is a big step forward!

If the people who paid attention to the Real King brand and those who opened membership cards were concentrated in Beicheng District, followed by Yueshan District.

The move of the Shiwang brand to set foot in Daxing Road Pedestrian Street this time undoubtedly attracted more people in the other three districts to pay attention to it!

In Daxing Road Pedestrian Street, which is an inch of land and a lot of money, six stores can be acquired at one time, including the famous and non-transferable Apple directly-operated stores, the signature flagship store of Huo Gongdian, etc...

Even this kind of store can be taken, and the possibility of the Real King brand going to more commercial streets is greatly improved!

Many people even think that it is inevitable that the Real King brand will continue to expand into more commercial streets!

Under this circumstance, the residents of Sansha City, who originally disliked the distance too far and were unwilling to toss back and forth, all have the intention of applying for a Shiwang brand membership card!

It can be predicted that the number of members of the Real King brand will usher in a big increase!

At the same time, the third-party takeaway of Shiwang brand that has just begun to take off, all the shop owners were shocked when those merchants learned that Shiwang brand entered the Daxing Road Pedestrian Street!

Although it is true that the Shiwang brand app has already been established, most of them joined because of low commissions. Regarding the strength of the Shiwang brand, can you support Mei Tuan and being hungry? In fact, everyone has no idea about the methods of control.

After all, there are two giants who have dominated the food delivery field for many years~lightnovelpub.net~ is still leaning on the mountain.

On one side, it is a small company that is not well-known and has just been established within a few months.

The strengths of the two sides are vastly different.

On this basis, many people actually hold the idea of ​​returning to the original platform if it doesn't work.

Whoever thinks, the Real King brand suddenly came here!

It's so amazingly generous!

Created a dazzling deed that has never had a precedent before!

The occurrence of this incident is undoubtedly a booster for third-party merchants, and it instantly boosted their confidence in Realking's branded APP!

Suddenly, they worked harder to promote their shop!


Beijing City.

Mei Tuan headquarters.

Li Huiwen was sitting in the office drinking tea and flipping through yesterday's work briefing.

At this moment, a figure suddenly broke into the office.

"Deren, you are a bit too reckless in this action." Li Huiwen put down the file in his hand, raised his head and saw the person coming, slightly dissatisfied.

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry, the incident happened suddenly, and I forgot to knock on the door for a while." Yuan Delun regained his senses and quickly apologized.

"Well, pay attention next time, this is the company, not your own home." Li Huiwen asked after typing a sentence, "What happened?"

"About the Shiwang brand!" Upon hearing this, Yuan Delun frowned and said in a serious tone:

"Mr. Li, the situation is a bit wrong, the other party has expanded to Daxing Road Pedestrian Street!"

ps: ask for monthly pass