I Have 100 Million Stores

v2 Chapter 344: One # Real King Group Cao Xingyu!

As soon as Cao Xingyu's thought came out, it was out of control.

Especially after seeing this group of owners, the net worth of each of them has exceeded one billion, and some of them have even reached hundreds of billions!

All of them are tycoons!

In the past, these were people that Cao Xingyu would never be able to reach in his entire life!

It also involves real estate, equipment manufacturing, fast-moving consumer goods, the Internet... and many other industries!

And many of them are leaders in their respective fields!

With such a generous resource in front of us, it is difficult for people not to think too much about it.

Although Cao Xingyu's attitude towards contacts is very casual, it doesn't mean that he will be mindless to refuse.

He naturally understands the simple truth of multiple friends and multiple paths.

Moreover, Cao Xingyu's thinking is also gradually improving and mature.

With the rapid development of Realking Group, Realking Group will be involved in more and more fields. Under such circumstances, Realking Group will require more and more resources in all aspects.

If you have the right resources and make use of them, it will also be a great help for the Real King Group!

This is undeniable!

"The crisis of life and death definitely does not exist for the Real King Group. No matter how it is, there is a system subsidy, and my Real King Group can't fall. At most, it just spends time over it." Cao Xingyu muttered in his heart:

"So connections, circles, etc., for me, are not used in times of crisis."

"Instead, we should maximize the use of these resources in the development process."

"For example, in some cooperation, let the other party advance funds first!"

"Or get a better price!"

"These are all very good and good things!"

Don't underestimate these two things.

For the bigger the company, the more help these two things will bring!

The benefits of advances are obvious. If done properly, it can save a large amount of cash flow for Realking Group to do other things in the short term.

Not to mention the preferential price, save money!

"Or, I can borrow money from them!"

Cao Xingyu's eyes lit up when he thought of this.

This loan is definitely not as simple as borrowing a little bit, because the amount is too small, and Cao Xingyu doesn't bother to worry about it now.

Only the amount of hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars is worth making today's Cao Xingyu think about it.

The borrowed money will definitely benefit the development of Real King Group.

"Also, in some fields, I need reliable and reliable partners who can give me strong support!" Cao Xingyu thought about it again.

This is a crucial point!

It is also a very important psychological change for Cao Xingyu.

In the past, Cao Xingyu's idea was to do as much as possible if he could do it by himself. Whenever an industry is involved, he should control the upstream, midstream, and downstream of the industry, and exercise a full range of control!

In this way, the assets and power of Real King Group spread all over the country and the world!

But right now, with the experience of these days, especially after taking over the three major assets of the Xie Group, each of his plans needs to be supported by a strong flow of funds.

Although he didn't say it, Cao Xingyu realized in his heart that money is still not enough!

This actually triggered Cao Xingyu's thinking.

Do you really want to do everything by yourself?

Eat all sounds good, but more funds are definitely needed in the middle!

There will be more and more places where funds need to be spread!

Leaving aside other things, isn't this delaying his development speed in disguise?

Therefore, Cao Xingyu changed his mind.


Leave some unimportant links to others to do.

To be precise, let more professional people do things that are not subsidized by the system!

He put all his funds into things that can directly increase his subsidies!

Like the emergence of Yisan Heavy Industry, this idea of ​​Cao Xingyu has been further strengthened.

Could it be that when he really set foot in the real estate industry, in order to build a house, he went to research and manufacture excavators and drilling rigs?

Let alone the accumulation of others over decades of development, the capital cost invested in R&D and manufacturing alone is obviously an uneconomical business!

It is as simple and straightforward as to purchase the equipment directly!

It is even more cost-effective and labor-saving to directly find those construction parties to do specific constructions!

Therefore, comparing the two, Cao Xingyu's inner thoughts became clearer.

There is no need to let Real King Group take care of everything!

At least for the moment, this is an unrealistic thing!

Building a circle around Real King Group is more suitable for the current situation and future development of Real King Group!

"Building a circle and establishing a good cooperative relationship is the first step, and the second step is to wait until the right time to invest in shares, it is best to form an absolute holding! That way can be foolproof!" Cao Xingyu murmured, the plan in his heart increased. The clarity becomes clear.

That's right, the last thing is to go to holdings!

People's connections and circles are all imaginary, especially when people's hearts are unpredictable. Brothers still settle accounts. If they gather together for profit, they can also disperse because of profit.

Only when an absolute holding is formed, can there be no worries at all.

"Don't worry, the second step into the stock market is definitely not something you can do right now." Cao Xingyu smiled confidently: "In the early stage, consider cooperation, establish a good cooperative relationship, and strive for benefits."

In retrospect, whether it is advanced funds, more favorable prices or borrowing, the relationship between the two parties needs to reach a high level.

To put it bluntly again, it is to show strong strength and let the other party pay attention to it! And the one that has to come to associate with you!

This is also the basis for cultivating contacts and building circles!

Really think that you can have great contacts by buying a villa in this wealthy area? Things are obviously not that simple.

Buying a villa and becoming a neighbor is only the first step.

The follow-up depends on whether there is real strength.

The higher the position of entrepreneurs, the smarter they are, and the higher their demands on the network. The sentence of gathering people in groups in the property category is more vividly reflected in the capital circle.

On the one hand, it depends on absolute strength,

On the one hand, it is to see whether it will bring some help to his enterprise.

If you have nothing, you can imagine the result.

Why the more top entrepreneurial circles have fewer members is not an unreasonable phenomenon.

"According to the current strength shown by the Real King Group, it is far from enough." Cao Xingyu pursed his lips. He still has a full understanding of himself at this moment.

Although Shiwang Group currently has more than 300 stores on the surface, it is currently the most popular chain brand in Sansha City, but these also look very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people. If you switch to this owner group...


If you want to rank, it is no exaggeration to say that the current strength of the Real King Group in this group must be ranked at the bottom of the first-class.

In this group of owners, there will even be many owners who don't take it seriously.

After all, there are only a few hundred stores, plus there are many small-scale stores among them, these entrepreneurs can roughly estimate, the total investment is actually not much money.

More than one billion died.

In their eyes, this amount of funds cannot be said to be shocking to the world.

In particular, Real King Group did not show strong profitability and did not see any business prospects, so many bigwigs would not be very concerned about Real King Group.

Therefore, Cao Xingyu thinks that the first step should be to show how hard the real king group's fists are!

It is the most direct way to make those big guys pay attention to it, or even take the initiative to come to build friendships!

"It seems to be a little high-profile." Cao Xingyu smiled.

After a pause, he dialed Liu Ting's phone directly.

"Hey, President Cao." Liu Ting's respectful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Manager Liu, are you going home?" Cao Xingyu asked with concern first.

"No, I'm back to the company."

"Well... you go straight home after dinner. Take this opportunity to take a good rest and go to the company for a good day."

"It's okay to go home. I just want to come to the company to see the progress of today's various aspects. By the way, I will think about the few things that President Cao arranged today. I will ponder the specific work arrangements."

There is nothing wrong with going home? Don't want your child?

"Oh, it's been hard work." Cao Xingyu sighed and said with relief.

This is also the main reason why he is increasingly reusing Liu Ting.

A person who has worked so hard and so motivated really deserves more opportunities.

After a pause, Cao Xingyu opened his mouth and said, "You can arrange something."

"Mr. Cao, please say." Liu Ting said immediately.

"This time we signed the contract with the Xie Group, it's a little grander!" Cao Xingyu said lightly:

"Call all the media in Sansha City, as well as large national media, whether it is online media or traditional media, please contact us!"

"Believe in such a big thing, they have no reason not to refuse to come!"

"Huh?" Liu Ting was taken aback for a moment, and then replied, "Mr. Cao, didn't you mean that you would sign the contract directly with the company after drawing up the contract?"

Cao Xingyu did not take the signing of the contract too seriously before, so he thought about signing a privately after finalizing the specific terms in accordance with the previous investment agreement.

But right now, Cao Xingyu's thoughts have naturally changed completely.

This is the best time to show the strength of Real King Group!

It should be advertised and let more people know, especially those upper-class capitalists!

Let them realize the true strength of Real King Group!

Three heavy assets with a real value of several billions, this change everyone has to pay attention to!

"Do as I said." Cao Xingyu smiled, without explaining too much, and continued:

"In addition, let's arrange for our Chairman Xie to sign at the signing ceremony at that time!"

"Huh?" Liu Ting was surprised, and asked Xie Qing and Xie Jianlin to sign?

Or is it a signing ceremony to transfer the assets of the Xie Group to the Real King Group?

It sounds a little weird!

Not knowing what President Cao's plan is this time, Liu Ting replied, "Oh, okay, I understand."

"Yeah." Cao Xingyu nodded and arranged for Xie Qing and Xie Jianlin to sign a contract. His idea was actually very simple.

Just build momentum!

Both the father and daughter of the Xie family are well-known figures in China, and the signing ceremony of the two will surely gain more attention!

It can also cause a bigger topic!

At the same time, it can really tie the Xie Group to the Real King Group, and cast a layer of fog on the Real King Group, which makes people unable to see through and dare not underestimate it!

As for the attitudes of Xie Jianlin and Xie Qing, Cao Xingyu is not worried. After all, as the chairman of Shiwang Group, Xie Qing is reasonable and reasonable to sign the contract.

‘Haha, it seems that the decision to make Xie Qing the chairman of the board was extremely correct. It’s really easy to use. ’

After muttering in his heart, Cao Xingyu asked, "By the way, how is the negotiation of terms now?"

"I just asked. The final contract has been finalized. If you want to sign, you can sign it at any time."

Cao Xingyu said with an "um" and said: "No hurry, first confirm everything from the media as soon as possible, and then determine the final signing time. In this regard, let Xiaoye and the others follow up. The media have information on their hands. "

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Liu Ting nodded.

"And..." Cao Xingyu thought for a while, and added: "This time the two parties have signed the cooperation agreement to announce to the outside world, as far as possible,'Real King Group acquired the Xie Group's assets in Sansha City at a price of 9 billion!' "

"On this point, you can negotiate with Xie Jianlin."

"Okay, I'll call Mr. Xie later!" After eating this dinner tonight, I found out that Xie Jianlin is no different from ordinary people. Faced with Xie Jianlin, Liu Ting is now a little timid. It's all gone!

"Well, you can ask for your opinion. Xie Jianlin should have no reason to refuse this trivial matter." Cao Xingyu murmured, "They made a lot of profits this time."

The reason why Cao Xingyu thought of using the name of Realking Group to acquire, naturally wanted to highlight Realking Group's financial strength.

"Good." Liu Ting nodded.

"Well, nothing else, let's do this first." After Cao Xingyu replied, he hung up the phone.

"At present, the muscles that seem to be able to show to the outside world are these three assets."

After hanging up, Cao Xingyu thought about it in his heart.

The other assets seem to be almost meaningless. Those stores that have not yet opened and are acquiring privately have little value for a single store, so there is no need to toss about it.

Of course, there is also the existence of Mei Tuan shares.

But it's impossible to clamor that your company owns shares in Mei Tuan, right?

That's too two.

Cao Xingyu thinks that it is still not that way.

The signing ceremony like this is completely reasonable, and such a large-scale cooperation is totally justified.

"If we can publicize the acquisition of 9 billion yuan, then the assets of Shiwang Group have exceeded 10 billion yuan, which is a lot!" Cao Xingyu turned on the phone and glanced at the owner's list.

at least...

The lower part of the middle reaches is not a big problem!

Not at the bottom!

Then, turning his eyes back to the owner group of mobile phones, Cao Xingyu smiled when he looked at the neat names of everyone in the owner group.

There is no doubt that most of these owners are not themselves, and the big guys will have such a neat format in a leisurely and elegant manner?

What a trouble!

Obviously it is the people below, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can do it!

The role of this group, indeed as he thought, is more of a bridge.

As for the future development, should it be that people who are interested visit each other?

Once raw and cooked again?


After all, Cao Xingyu has no experience in this area, this is the first time!

While thinking, Cao Xingyu also changed his group nickname.

After learning the format in the group, he quickly changed it to:

"1# Real King Group Cao Xingyu"!

I wonder if someone will come to me? Cao Xingyu said to himself.
