I Have 100 Million Stores

v2 Chapter 345: Who is this?

After a whisper, Cao Xingyu smiled with a hint of self-deprecating: "With the current strength shown by Shiwang Group, maybe it won't be there!"

At least before officially signing the contract with the Xie Group, Cao Xingyu believed that no one of them would be interested in their Shiwang Group.

"Don't worry, this kind of thing is about a gradual and orderly progress, how can it be done overnight." Cao Xingyu smiled calmly.

He also did not expect to increase the number of "friends" of the Real King Group at once. This is obviously an unrealistic thing. In other words, the strength shown by the Real King Group has not yet reached the point where people can rush to it.

After a pause, Cao Xingyu had a plan in his heart and muttered:

"Let's sort it out first and see how much of it can be used in the future."

After all, I just glanced roughly at some of them. Cao Xingyu had heard of some of them, and he also had a general understanding in his heart, but there were still quite a few of them, and this was the first time he saw them.

And among so many owners, which of them can be used right now, which ones are suitable for some long-term layout planning, etc., this must be counted in the heart, not like a headless fly.

Afterwards, I saw Cao Xingyu walk to the computer desk with great interest, and he was ready to check everyone in the owner group!

Get to know these future "good neighbors"!

And it has to be said that the configuration of this villa is very complete. The master bedroom that Cao Xingyu chose also has a spacious and atmospheric study room, which is all available.

Cao Xingyu found a notebook and a pen, ready to record later.

The existence of the Internet has made it easier to obtain a lot of information. Especially for these well-known entrepreneurs, the online records are still quite detailed.

In this way, Cao Xingyu quickly searched on the names of companies and bosses.


Just as Cao Xingyu searched the Internet one by one.

His previous move to change the name has already attracted the attention of many people in the owner group.

In fact, the moment Lu Renyi pulled him into the group, he already attracted the attention of some people.

You know this group of owners, but there have been no changes in personnel for more than a year.

Even those property personnel in the group have not changed since more than a year.

This situation is normal in high-end villa areas.

As a result, the number of owners is inherently small, the total amount is limited, and the possibility of property ownership changes is quite small. Under normal circumstances, no one will sell the property, even if it is left vacant for a long time.

Secondly, there will be basically no changes to those property personnel. This kind of job serving high-end villas has high salaries and good benefits, but it is not so easy to find, so no one is willing to leave easily after they come in.

With the change of Cao Xingyu's name, the first person he paid attention to was Lu Renyi.

Since he pulled Cao Xingyu into the group, his eyes have been staring at Cao Xingyu's WeChat! I want to see if the other party will change their name!

The reason is nothing but curiosity!

There have been many discussions about the vacant Louwang 1 building, especially the property staff, who have discussed it countless times!

But apart from seeing someone clean regularly, the king of this building has never seen the real owner!

This makes Lou Wang, who is already quite topical, even more mysterious!

Regarding the mysterious owner of this building king, Lu Renyi couldn't help asking the developer owner Chen Shexing before.

After all, to become the property of this real estate, the relationship between the two itself is very close. Every real estate property will have a developer in it, and this kind of high-end villa area is no exception.

I thought I could get the answer from the boss Chen Shexing, but I didn't realize it, even the developer didn't know it!

They don't know who bought this building!

To be precise, I know the name of the other party, but that name is unknown in the country, and it is impossible to associate with those famous entrepreneurs!

If it weren’t for the other party’s amazing cash strength that ordinary people could not imagine during the capital verification stage, and then offered a price that people couldn’t refuse, Runhe’s boss Chen Shexing had to make a move to sell the building king to the other party. .

The addition of all these factors makes the identity of the owner of a villa even more mysterious!

"1 Building Real King Group??" Seeing the other party's name change, Lu Renyi's eyes lit up and he changed his name so soon!

But he soon fell into doubt again.

What kind of enterprise is Shiwang Group?

I have never heard of it!

This is also normal. Lu Renyi's mind is devoted to work every day, and his daily life revolves around the villa in Crystal Beauty County or the surrounding area.

Although the Shiwang brand has developed rapidly and has aroused much heated discussion and attention in Sansha City, it is more than ordinary people.

For Lu Renyi, he really didn't pay attention to these things, and he rarely went shopping.

Especially around high-end villas like Crystal Beauty County, the Real King brand has not yet been involved.

Therefore, Lu Renyi has never heard of it, which is totally reasonable.

After a pause, with curiosity, Lu Renyi quickly checked the Internet.

"That's it?" Lu Renyi was a little surprised after reading a round of news about Shiwang Group on the Internet.

With the development of Realking Group, there is already a lot of information about Realking Group on the Internet, especially the several sensational activities on the Internet. There are very detailed introductions and reports on the Internet.

"It looks like it caused quite a stir in Sansha City, but..." Lu Renyi pursed his mouth, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

The mysterious Lou Wang is just such a small brick-and-mortar store chain brand merchant?

And it's still a brand that has just been established!

In this regard, Lu Renyi was very surprised!

There are only more than 300 stores, and many of them are small-scale. This makes Lu Renyi, who is not in business, able to see at a glance that the strength of this brand is not very good! The overall asset size is estimated to be less than one billion!

In other words, this strength should not be able to become the owner of Crystal Beauty County!

Although from the information on the Internet, this brand has been very popular in Sansha City recently, but is this not an obvious problem? Large-scale chain brands are all over the country, but this brand is only influential in one city!

Maybe this is just the surface situation?

Judging from the appearance of that young man, he is very young, maybe he is just a character at the level of spokesperson?

And is the name he uses his own?

"Cao Xingyu...We don't seem to have any big entrepreneurs surnamed Cao in Jiang Province, right?!" Lu Renyi searched in his mind, but didn't expect Jiang Province to have a big boss surnamed Cao.

Yes, there are all over the country, but the other party has no reason to come to Sansha City to buy a house!

Can't figure it out!

Lu Renyi decided not to think about it, and was going to go directly to Chen Shexing, Runhe's boss!

The owner of Runhe is also in the owner group, and is the owner of Building 10.

I don't know if he saw this scene?

While thinking about it, he dialed the other party's number.

He is in charge of the property in Crystal Beauty County and has inextricable relationships with developers. There are still many opportunities for Lu Renyi to communicate with Chen Shexing on weekdays.

In other words, the property is actually Chen Shexing's eyeliner at certain moments, like some important news, such as the return of XX, Lu Renyi will report to Chen Shexing, especially some important people.

In these respects, Chen Shexing also made some special explanations.

Near the water tower, the month comes first. When this high-end villa area was built, Chen Shexing had selfishness in it, and he has achieved many unexpected results.

"Mr. Chen, the owner of Building One has moved in today. His surname is Cao, and he has already joined the owner group!" As soon as the call was connected, Lu Renyi gave a brief report.

"Oh? Building No. 1?" Chen Shexing's voice was rarely strong, and his tone was unexpected, and said, "Family name Cao?"

"Yes, it's Cao Xingyu!" Lu Renyi answered, "He is a very young guy, but I'm not sure if this name is him."

"Cao Xingyu?" Chen Shexing murmured, seemingly after reminiscing for a while, he said: "That's not right!"

"What's wrong with President Chen?"

"I remember that the owner of Building No. 1 didn't call it this name! It should be Wang." Chen Shexing pursed his lips and said.

"Ah? Maybe the house has already been traded?" Lu Renyi guessed. He didn't doubt Mr. Chen's words at all. After all, given the particularity of Building 1, Mr. Chen could remember the owner's name completely reasonable.

"Maybe!" Chen Shexing replied, "Okay, I know about this, thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard or hard, it's my honor to be able to serve President Chen." Lu Renyi quickly smiled.

After a few simple conversations, the call was hung up.

"Have you changed the owner?" From Chen Shexing, Lu Renyi got a new message.

He still wanted to ask, but Chen Shexing obviously wouldn't tell him too much.

"This building No. 1 is really mysterious enough, even if you know the identity of the other party, it is still foggy!"

Lu Renyi murmured, and then he didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, the other party has moved in now. Go back and observe more to see if anyone is going to interact with the new owner.

As long as you can observe the people coming and going, you can basically infer the true strength!


The other end.

Chen Shexing who hung up the phone, he happened to be in Building 10, Crystal Beauty County tonight!

I saw him turn on the phone and look at the owner group.

Others may not be the owner himself in the group, but Chen Shexing is in the group himself. After all, this is his most proud project and the place where he usually lives.

"Shiwang Group? Never heard of it at all!" Chen Shexing looked at the newcomer in the group, with a trace of doubt in his eyes:

"Cao Xingyu? It's also a very strange name!"

"Is there such a person in Jiang Province?"

After a pause, Chen Shexing seriously recalled in his mind, he really did not have any impression of this company or this person's name!

"But what can be confirmed is that this is definitely not the original owner!"

"Have you changed hands silently?"

For the owner of Building No. 1, Chen Shexing has always been very curious, and he deliberately investigated it back then, but he found nothing!

The owner who bought Building No. 1 does not seem to exist, and there is no information at all!

This is incredible. You must know that he is a developer, and he has the basic information of the other party, but apart from the basic information, there is nothing else to gain.

"Back then, the owner offered a double price for Building No. 1..."

"It's not like the money owner at all!"

"How can you sell it now?"

This is also the reason why Chen Shexing sold the Lou Wang without knowing the specific identity of the other party.

At the double price, there was no way to refuse at that time!

"From this point of view, the background of this new owner should not be small..."

"Very young guy? Is it the owner or the spokesperson?"

After thinking about it, Chen Shexing decided to visit the other party in person!

No matter what, you won’t lose if you say hello!

Except for Lu Renyi and Chen Shexing.

A small group of people in the owner group paid attention to the changes in the group.

And it is worth mentioning that many people in it are just the spokespersons of those entrepreneurs or the role of stewards.

There are not many who really are in the group.

And the spokespersons who discovered the changes in the owner group, one by one, quickly reported the news upward.

With the passing of the news, a small group of real bosses learned of the news!

Immediately afterwards, the eyes began to focus!

"Yeah, there are people living in Building No. 1 of Louwang? It's really strange, is Shiwang Group? Arrange someone to check it out."

"Cao Xingyu? Who's the number? Why don't you have an impression at all, who, you check it out, and put the information on my desk tomorrow."

"Interestingly, what is it sacred to let Mr. Xiang, Mr. Su, Mr. Zhou and other big guys such as Lou Wang who have not bought it? Real King Group? Check it out for me!"


Some similar orders are being ordered from a big boss.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten owners paid attention to this matter.

If it is placed in the past, or on any other building, it is impossible to attract such a large degree of attention.

The key is that this building is the king of the building!

The mysterious Lou Wang finally moved in!

This building is not only in the best location, but also in the largest area!

And for them, who doesn't want to buy the best?

They are not so short of money at all!

Just the 1# mark is very attractive.

Especially in this kind of villa area, in some respects, this is a symbol of status and status!

There were many big guys who wanted this suite, but they didn't buy it!

For this reason, many bigwigs have sent people to investigate, but they have found nothing. In the end, many owners have discussed this matter in private.

Now that the Lord has appeared, it will naturally arouse everyone's attention!

Unlike the big guys who arranged for the underlings to investigate, someone showed a surprised expression after learning about it:

"Fuck, the mysterious owner of 1# turned out to be Real King Group???"


Inside the villa of Building No. 1 in Crystal Beauty County.

Cao Xingyu was still inquiring and recording.

The blank notebook in front of him had already been filled with dense texts.

The above detailed records of each company's corresponding market value or scale, field, market share, main business and so on.

"That's it." At this moment, after Cao Xingyu checked more than a dozen people and companies, a small question in his mind was answered.

Originally, he was still wondering, why these entrepreneurs from all walks of life can gather in Sansha City to buy houses?

We must know that many of these people have their main industries not in Sansha City, nor in Jiang Province!

Many of them don’t even have their corporate headquarters in Jiang Province or Sansha City!

For example, some are in Beijing, some are in Shanghai, and some are in Guangzhou. The headquarters and businesses of those big bosses in the owner group are all over the country!

There are not many main businesses in Sansha City, and the number of them is very small.

And these people, how can they all go to Sansha City to buy houses with such interest?

Now, Cao Xingyu understands.

These people have a common feature, that is, they are all registered in Jiang Province!

They are all natives of Jiang Province!

The only difference is that the specific city is different!

Some are the provincial capital Sansha City, and some are prefecture-level cities below Jiang Province, such as Yue City, Chang City, etc...

Now it makes sense. These entrepreneurs are only buying assets here. Perhaps many of them are not in Jiang Province at all, but they will definitely have the opportunity to come back. When they come back, there will be a A place to stay is also a good choice.

And it can be called an investment.

There is a feeling that you will not lose anyway.

Coupled with the "personal connections" that Crystal Beauty County played in the past, it may also suit their tastes, and this scene finally appeared.

"This Jingmei County is more than the wealthy district of Sansha City. It can't be overstated to call it the largest wealthy district in Jiang Province!" Cao Xingyu smiled and came to a conclusion.

With more investigations, especially after taking a look at the ranking of the rich in Jiang Province last year, Cao Xingyu found that most of the owners were on the list, and he confirmed his conclusion even more.

"This community~lightnovelpub.net~ This is the group of the richest people in Jiang Province!"

"It's interesting!" Cao Xingyu smiled, unexpectedly he underestimated the community a bit before.

"Ring Ling Ling~"

At this time, a slightly rushed bell suddenly rang!

"What sound?" Cao Xingyu raised his eyebrows. He really didn't react for the first time. After all, he only moved in today, and he was actually a little strange to the whole villa.

Turning his eyes to the place where the sound was made, Cao Xingyu got up and walked over.

It is a small white panel with some small holes on the panel to make it look a bit like a small speaker.

"Does the doorbell? The doorbell of the whole house?" Cao Xingyu had a guess in his heart.

In order for the owner to be able to hear the visitor at any time?

Cao Xingyu felt that his guess should be inseparable.

Perhaps this is not only the function of the doorbell, but also the function of the fire alarm.

Haha, this kind of high-end villas are still very humane in design.

"Is this someone visiting? So soon?"

"No, does Shiwang Group have such a big face?"

After murmured in his heart, Cao Xingyu turned and walked towards the door of the room.

When he came to the elevator, he saw a video doorbell, which was indeed ringing.

In the clear picture of the visual screen, a middle-aged man is standing in front of the camera with two boxes of Maotai in his hand, smiling.

"Who is this?" Cao Xingyu confirmed that he did not know the man in the video, and after a puzzled mutter, he pressed the answer button of the doorbell.