I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 159: How did the little devil get out?

The mutation affected everyone on campus.

Students who were in class found that the teacher on the podium suddenly disappeared, and then the light in the classroom suddenly dimmed, the walls were cracked, and the walls peeled off.

Groups after groups of people in black, familiar or unfamiliar, rushed into the classroom, hitting anyone they saw.

The classroom was crowded with people, and under the twisted crescent moon, there were terrifying plants with strange appearances, and a huge number of people in black.


School underground.

All the faculty members didn't even have a chance to react, so they were transferred to this dark place.

Secretary Wang's face changed greatly, he hurriedly pushed up his glasses, and asked, "Principal Chen, what's going on?"

Chen Zaizheng was about to say something, when suddenly the name tag on his chest fell off, and it was combined with some items that could represent his principal's identity to form a very dim card.

It's the principal's ID card!

Chen Zai sighed: "That little devil has become the principal, and all the previous rules have been abolished. The one who bears the brunt is me, the 'old principal'. Now, I am no longer the principal."

"This kind of thing happened!" Secretary Wang said, "Then don't I have to push my glasses every time I say something?"


Before Chen Zai could answer, the school doctor suddenly cheered and took off the name tag on his chest. The white coat on his body suddenly distorted and shrunk, and merged with the name tag, turning it into a card—identity card, school doctor.

"Finally, I don't have to learn those messy things anymore! The last school doctor was really a school doctor. He didn't work as a school doctor anymore, and he didn't leave me with relevant identity knowledge, so I had to learn everything from scratch. It's too impersonal!"

The appearance of the school doctor also changed. After taking off the ID card, his appearance turned out to be exactly the same as 'Principal Chen Zai'!

The rest of the staff looked at 'School Doctor Chen Zai' and did not speak.

"What are you doing looking at me like that? I was just a cleaner last round, so what kind of school doctor did you make me? I don't have any other personalities, right?" 'School Doctor·Chen Zai' seems to have a lot of opinions on the identity of this round. , took off the ID card and returned to his original appearance, he complained incessantly: "If you want me to say, this 'identity card' system should be cancelled! Look at it, is there a problem?"

More and more faculty members took down their ID cards and began to complain and argue.

A group of aunts who looked exactly the same looked at the crowd arguing happily, took out a handful of melon seeds from somewhere, and watched the fun while nibbling.

"Okay, stop arguing." 'Principal Chen Zai' scolded and said: "The situation is already like this, even if you quarrel again, what can you change?"

The staff froze for a moment, then sighed.

Except for the dormitory aunts, all the faculty members took off their ID cards one after another. Their true colors turned out to be 'Chen Zai'!

"Why don't you take off your ID cards?" A 'Chen Zai' asked suspiciously.

The dormitory aunts rolled their eyes in unison: "As I am, I am responsible for eating melons and watching dramas. When there is a lot of fun, I can show melon seeds, why should I pick them?"


A 'Chen Zai' asked in a daze: "Is the identity of the dormitory aunt used like this? Aren't you also teaching staff?"

The dormitory aunts spread their hands: "Indeed, we are faculty members, eating melons and watching dramas is not what I want, it is really my duty, there is nothing I can do."

Congregation 'Chen Zai': "..."

Secretary Wang thought for a while, took off his ID card, and handed it to an auntie dormitory: "Can I change it with you? I also want to be the dormitory."

"Haha, if you don't change it, I will be the dormitory for the rest of my life."

Secretary Wang: "..."

The 'Chen Zai' looked at the 'Old Principal' again and asked, "What should we do now? We can't let that little devil play around outside, right? Those students can't help but spoil him."

"No way, most of our ID cards are now invalid, how can we stop him? Don't worry too much about the students, the underlying rules of [Endgame] are there, no matter how many unreasonable 'functions' he attaches to himself, get With the status of 'principal', some rules must be followed, at most it's just a bit of nonsense.

Let him make a fuss, after all, we owe him, and there is nothing wrong with the position of 'Principal'. "

The crowd was silent.

The old principal said again: "By the way, you take off your ID cards, stay away from me a little bit, don't be assimilated, it's not easy for 'I' to split up so many personalities.

When the personalities are reunited again, it is the time of 'I''s death, you should not forget it, right? "

"Don't forget, don't forget!"

Everyone immediately reloaded the ID card.

This ID card is their identification with each other and a kind of protection for them.

If there is no identification card to distinguish, they are the same person at all, and they will not have any characteristics.

And 'Chen Zai' itself was not actually a schizophrenic. The reason for splitting so many personalities is actually a side effect of using that fantasy creation.

Secretary Wang is also 'Chen Zai', but when he is in the state of the ID card, he is 'Little Wang'.

"Xiao Wang, please use your functions to see the current situation." The old principal said.

Secretary Wang pouted and muttered, "Secretary's identity is to watch surveillance, and 'I' can really define functions..."

However, even though he said so, Secretary Wang did not delay. He raised his hand and a light screen appeared in front of everyone. What was displayed on the light screen was exactly the current situation on the campus.

Of course, only the picture, no sound.

They saw countless people in black walking through every corner of the campus, and they beat up students when they saw them, and drove them all back to their dormitories.

Chen Mo stood in the center of the campus, raised his hand, and a high platform rose from the ground, and a dense crowd of men in black stood under the high platform, listening to Chen Mo's words.

At this moment, the number of people in black on the campus is almost a hundred times that of the students in the school!

The old principal stared blankly at this scene.

"Fuck! All the demons of the previous students were personified by him?! Who can stand this? It's a big deal!"

Secretary Wang asked suspiciously, "Didn't you say that he can't cause any major problems? In this situation, what do you say now?"

The psychology teacher also said: "Yeah, the strength of so many anthropomorphic demons is not much different from when the little demons were pulled away from their own bodies. The number is so huge... It's scary to think about it."

The old principal said dryly: "Fighting with the previous seniors is a good grind for the students~lightnovelpub.net~... In [Endgame Fantasy], it is impossible for the real the death of..."

"What should I do if I've been cast out of a psychological shadow?"

The old principal opened his mouth.

A dormitory aunt handed me a handful of melon seeds at the right time and said, "Old principal, eat melon seeds."

Secretary Wang suddenly wondered: "Huh? Why is there a cat on this little devil's shoulder? It looks familiar."

The dormitory aunt of the freshman boys' dormitory thought for a while and said, "Isn't this the little champion cat? Although it is a monster, it is a very polite little cat."

The old principal was also puzzled: "Speaking of which, why did this little devil come out all of a sudden? He even became the principal... I remember that when the main body first split his personality, he didn't seem to have given him much 'knowledge', right? I didn't even recognize it... How come the little champion's cat got mixed up with him?"

The school doctor was nibbling on the melon seeds and said, "These melon seeds are really good. I also want to be the dormitory in the next round."
