I Have a Bunch of Players on Earth

Chapter 1608: Acting in a style.....

"Master Bolton..."

As Belial saluted Bolton, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes...

Before the epoch, she never thought that one day she would bow down to such a hybrid hybrid, on the lineage, inherit the genes of her grandfather, and on the identity, she would be the three major candidates for the next patriarch of Dylan Mo One of the people!

And what kind of stuff was Bolton before? A disliked mixed race, he was squeezed out to the edge of the ninth floor to live with those lowly black demons!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the stuff in the dungpit, but I didn't expect this guy to change his body and become the first **** of the abyss!

And so successful!

In just one epoch, occupying eleven galaxy territories, with a population of more than 40,000 trillion, and among them, the high-ranking soldiers with quality above level 3 are more than one billion. It is a powerful force in the young generation of gods, except The panda named Jiuxian is almost unsurpassed!

When the mother clan reacted and wanted to raise, I missed a good time. The nine legions were full, and the paddling dude sent by his family only got the position of a deputy legion, matching resources, and Dylan Demon. There are so few candidates for the younger generation, let alone the Fallen Angel clan, and the big clan like the Shadow Demon and the Rock Demon, who are not related to Bolton's blood, because they invested early and took a good opportunity.

Now that Bolton's air luck broke out again, the forces actually got the Outland Channel, and suddenly shocked the entire abyss, even the big clans that Bolton lost before did not care about it!

Before coming here, my grandfather and grandmother told themselves and Asazli very carefully. This time they must not lag behind the other races. The task given is to take the position of two army commanders. If not, at least they have to take it. The next best resource galaxy!

"Here?" Bolton slightly pointed his head to the side of Renn: "Sit down..."

Belial looked at Renne, who was sitting so naturally, his heart sank. Such a humble foreigner could actually sit on an equal footing with himself? Is Bolton's brain broken?

"My lord and Marshal Rennes are talking about important matters?" Belial suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and said with a smile.

"Um..." Bolton nodded, "Isn't it going to Zi Yaoxing tomorrow? I'm talking about family drainage with Rennes..."

"Really?" Belial looked at Renn next to him: "Then Marshal Renn has persuaded the family to settle in our forces?"

In his tone of voice, he clearly regarded himself as a member of Bolton's forces, although he has not yet held a position...

Renn also looked respectful, not at all arrogant because of being reused.

"Report to Lord Belial..." Reyn replied after a slight salute: "The family has already discussed it. Grandpa Longjue will take the second room and some of the separated children to stay behind Zi Yaoxing's foundation, and Our Dafang led a large number of family divisions and young children into the new galaxy assigned by Lord Bolton!"


Belial smiled coldly in his heart. She had known about the so-called Eldia family. That old man of Long Jue was an old soldier who had not even reached the dragon rank. He barely got a residence of Zi Yaoxing because of some chance. Right, not even a serious fief and title, and he has to pay a lot of land tax every year.

This kind of family business dare to lick your face and call it Jiye? Still reluctantly refusing to let the whole family settle in, shouldn't it be said that it is a small family?

"Marshal Rennes!" Belial put a smile away, and said in a cold tone: "Master Bolton values ​​you very much, but as a result, you can't fully convince your family. Are you a little disappointed in your trust?"

"Yes..." Renn quickly lowered his head and said with a look of ashamed: "It really failed the adult's trust..."

"Eh!" Bolton waved his hand quickly: "This is normal. After all, our forces have always been pure abyss forces. Ren is the first foreigner to be supported. It is normal for the family to have concerns, then Eldia The family’s current industry has also been accumulated by dozens of generations. How can you give up and give up? It’s just a different position..."

As he spoke, he looked at Renne gently: "It is very rare that you can persuade half of the family to join us. Don't blame yourself too much..."

"My lord..." Renne looked at Bolton, his face full of gratitude.....

Belial frowned as he watched slightly pursing his lips, while Vera's law sitting not far away was eyelids jumping.....

Especially when I know that these two guys are actually the same person, there is a weird feeling like watching a stand-up comedy...

"Okay..." Bolton smiled and said, "I have something to discuss with Verafa and Belial, you can go down first..."

"Yes!!" Rene got up and paid a military salute to Bolton respectfully, and then bowed to Belial and Verafa before slowly retreating...

"My lord!" After Wren retired, Bellerton frowned and said: "It's not a good thing for you to indulge him in this way? Given him so much power, he assigned a galaxy to him, and his little third-rate family actually paid it back. Wouldn't everyone join? Why?"

Bolton smiled and said, "I can't help it. In your eyes, Jiye, which is not worth mentioning, is the accumulation of dozens of generations for that small family. How can it be so good that people give up?"

"I want to protect my main business, and I want to divide the benefits here. How can there be such a good thing in the world?" Belial frowned, "Have you ever thought about this example, if other foreigners come to take refuge in Like them, we want it on both sides, don't we still condone it?"

Bolton looked at each other with a smile, "Are you teaching me to do things?"

Belial was taken aback, and then quickly got up and saluted: "My lord has misunderstood...I...I'm just anxious for the lord...I said the wrong thing, it was me who passed... ."

"Sit down and sit down..." Bolton smiled lightly: "This lord is just kidding, don't be so nervous..."

Belial's expression suddenly froze. Seeing Bolton instantly regained his gentle smile, he could only smile awkwardly, and didn't know how to pick it up for a while...

On the side, Verafa smiled at Belial's obviously anger-bearing appearance. She knew the other person. This was an extremely arrogant guy. How could she be teased like this in the past?

It seems that even the most arrogant people will understand the truth that the situation is better than people...

However, the guy Soap is also courageous, and he is not afraid that the other party can't help but break out.....

"The lord's reuse of Rennes is just for outsiders. Whether his little family is willing to serve as the lord is not a big deal..." Bolton rubbed his fingers and said, "As for the other things you said. Not to mention the family following this kind of thing. After all, our main purpose now is to attract foreigners who are willing to let outstanding direct children to join us, rather than force others to follow suit as soon as we speak, don’t we know?"

"It takes years of cooperation and trust to completely take refuge in one power. Now, how many big families in the Federation only take refuge in one lord? Aren’t they all multi-faceted cast nets? You have to eat one bite at a time. Don’t rush for success. As long as there are foreigners who can take effect in one step, it is a good start, understand?"

Belial took a deep breath when he heard the words, then bowed his head and said: "I am so insightful and taught..."

"Um..." Bolton nodded in satisfaction: "You came here to find this lord not specifically to discuss Rennes, right? What's the matter directly..."

Belial raised his head to look at the opponent, his heart sank, and he was directly beaten by the opponent in a few sentences. I am afraid that it would be harder to negotiate terms later.

Grandpa Grandpa said right, this hybrid hybrid is really hard to deal with! !