I Have A Cultivation World

Chapter 8000: The word has been changed, thanks to the

I haven't opened a single chapter for a long time, because I feel that it will affect the continuity of reading, so I basically update it silently.

I would like to report to you my current grades. Due to the daily guide reading, my grades have improved a little faster.

At the end of August, the book reached 3,000 average orders and won the boutique badge.

At the end of last month, that is, before the recommendation on October 29, the average order was 5200.

Now three days have passed, and the order is 6100. It should be able to convert some more in the follow-up. I estimate that it can be stabilized to about 6500.

This book can have today's achievements, thanks to everyone's subscription and support, thank you very much.

The happiest thing is to finally have a leader, and there are still two consecutive, "Bulky 123" and "2elephantZYL", I am really grateful.

Due to my handicap and slow coding, the alliance leader's update can only come every day. Today, the update of "Bulky 123" will be posted first. If there is no accident tomorrow, the update of "2elephantZYL" should be able to be completed.

In the new January, I will stay on the Xianxia category page for a few more days by taking advantage of the big recommendation from last month's introduction. Please vote for me with your monthly ticket to increase your exposure.

I hope that when the next chapter is opened, the book has reached 10,000 orders, which should be the greatest glory of my book writing career.