I Have a Date with a Zombie

Chapter 46: Our Lady

The fact that Mo Xi and Xiao Mei were almost bullied in the base made Gu Shaoli take it seriously. As the manager of this base, he has the responsibility and obligation to protect everyone's safety.

Therefore, the three people caught must be severely punished!

Gu Shaoli wanted to drive these three people out of the base and let them fend for themselves outside. In the last days, such a scum, I am afraid that if he does not live for a day, he will be eaten by the zombies. However, as Mo Xi and Xiaomei were the parties involved, Gu Shaoli chose to ask their opinions.

After hearing Gu Shaoli's decision, Xiao Mei asked hesitantly: "After being driven out, might they be eaten by zombies?"

"Such a person is worthless and pitiful." Mo Yun said coldly: "They deserve it." No, it's not worth it, it's damn!

Xiao Mei frowned and looked at Mo Xi: "Xiao Xi, do you agree to let them out too?" There was pity in her eyes.

Mo Xi blinked and looked at Xiaomei: "Sister Xiaomei doesn't want the man who hurt you to get relative retribution? That man almost hurt you."

Xiao Mei pursed her lips: "I just think they are three living people. If they go out... the zombies will definitely eat them! That's too pitiful." Xiao Mei is good at everything, just kind of heart, a bit of a Virgin NS. Before Wang Tao hurt her, she did not resent.

Mo Xi didn't understand how a woman like Xiaomei maintained such a kind heart.

Mu Ye chuckled lightly, his eyes stained with coldness: "Little beautiful girl, this world is not if you treat others well, others will treat you well."

Even Mo Yun frowned and looked at her, Xiao Mei bit her lip and lowered her head.

"Actually, I haven't suffered much. Since Xiaomei thinks it is not good to drive them out, then forget it." Mo Xi said.

Gu Shaoli looked at Mo Xi in surprise, her small face was more innocent and understanding, as if she had chosen to use kindness to resolve hatred.

This... nothing is normal, especially after he sees her brutal side.

Although it was decided to forgive the three people, there was still punishment. If they were locked up for three days, they were not allowed to eat or drink, even if they were punished. Gu Shaoli felt that it was too cheap for the three bastards, but the parties involved

After Gu Shaoli and Mu Ye were gone, Mo Yun watched Xiao Mei snorted and left. Xiao Mei blinked a little inexplicably, "Xiao Xi, is Mo Yun angry?"

Mo Xi nodded: "Yes."

Xiao Mei looked at Mo Xi at a loss: "Is my decision wrong? Mo Xi, I..."

Mo Xi gently held Xiaomei's hand: "Don't think too much, just follow your own ideas. After all, everyone has their own ideas. Others can't control you, and you can't control others." Although Mo Xi Really angry at her behavior of the Virgin.

But since Xiaomei didn't care, she could only do things in her own way.

She looked at Xiaomei: "Sister Xiaomei, go back to your room and rest. You haven't recovered from what happened yesterday."

Xiaomei lowered her head: "Then you also have a good rest, I will go back first."

Not long after Xiaomei, Mo Yun came again. He pushed in Moxi's wheelchair: "There are some screws on your wheelchair that are loose. I will help you strengthen it."

Mo Xi was taken aback: "Thank you." Thinking of his annoyed appearance just now, Mo Xi said: "In fact, Sister Xiaomei is kind-hearted, don't be angry with her."

Mo Yun was silent for a while, but changed the subject and said, "There are many mechanisms on the wheelchair, which is good." He put the wheelchair in front of Mo Xi: "Would you like to try it?"

"Okay." Mo Xi raised his eyebrows and stopped mentioning the matter. She stretched out her hand subconsciously, and Mo Yun directly helped Mo Xi into the wheelchair.

Holding Mo Xi's hand, Mo Yun tightened subconsciously, and then gently let go. He made a fist slightly where Mo Xi could not see, leaving the remaining warm in his hand.

After spinning around in the room, Mo Xi tilted his head and looked at Mo Yun: "I didn't expect your computer to be good, and your hands-on skills are also good."

"Mo Xi."


"That...you and Gu Shao..." Mo Yun felt annoyed when he thought of the kiss that day when he watched them. The young man couldn't hide his thoughts, he was entangled whether or not to ask Mo Xi.

He wanted to know, what is the relationship between her and Gu Shaoli? Why does Gu Shaoli take care of them so much?

"Me and him...what's wrong?" Mo Xi didn't understand what Mo Yun was asking.

Mo Yun opened his mouth and suddenly didn't know what to say. He didn't know where he was going to ask Mo Xi. After all, there is nothing between them.

After a long pause, Mo Yun sighed slightly: "It's nothing, you can take a good rest, I won't disturb you, if you have any problems with the wheelchair, just remember to come to me."

Mo Xi smiled slightly: "Okay, thank you."

"You don't have to be polite." Mo Yun's expression was a little sad.

Mo Xi blinked his eyes in confusion as he looked at his back. Why do people always like to hold things in their hearts instead of telling them? If you tell it, it would be great for everyone to solve it together.

After that, Mo Xi and Mu Ye said that they wanted to see the progress of the experimental research. Of course, Mu Ye welcomed Mo Xi to come and help.

Gu Shaoli looked at the back of these two people, a little angry!

On the way to see the zombie, Mu Ye asked, "Junior sister, do you really think those three people are worthy of forgiveness?"

Mo Xi blinked obediently: "I hope the three bad guys get out, they are so bad! Humph... But Sister Xiaomei is kind-hearted. If she wants to forgive, then forgive me."

Mu Ye nodded: "You girls, your heart is always too soft."

Mo Xi just smiled softly, without speaking.

The captured zombie seemed to have no strength to struggle, he was curled up in the corner as if an animal was about to hibernate. If it were not for him to move from time to time, everyone would think he was dead.

Mo Xi sighed suddenly: "Brother, do you say that it will starve to death from time to time?"

"Huh?" Mu Ye smiled and shook his head: "No way." Zombies will die too? No, only a headshot can make a zombie truly die.

"It feels like he's not going to live long." Mo Xi said with some regret: "If there is a human who has just become a zombie, come to study, maybe the effect will be better, but it's a pity that I can't find it now."

Mu Ye looked at Mo Xi with a strange expression: "Junior Sister, do you want to start research from the beginning?"

Mo Xi smiled and nodded: "Yes, if we have certain equipment, maybe we can still work out an antidote."

Mu Ye patted Mo Xi's head gently, and said in a low voice, "As you wish."

Mo Xi raised her head slightly, looking at Mu Ye's warm smile, she also gently curled the corners of her lips.