I Have a Date with a Zombie

Chapter 47: Killing with a knife

"as you wish?"

What did Mu Ye's words mean?

At that time, Mo Xi and Mu Ye were going to check the captured zombies on a routine basis, and a group of people ran over in front of them. Seeing Mu Ye was like seeing a savior.

"Doctor Mu!" Someone clutched Mu Ye's hand tightly, panicking.

"What's wrong? Have something to say."

"Just...just..." After a long time, I didn't say a complete word, but panicked and pointed at the isolation teaching building where the zombies were held: "Something...something happened!"

Mu Ye frowned slightly, pushing Mo Xi's pace faster: "Let's go and take a look."

When I waited for the past, I only saw it. It was really something wrong. Of the three former Xiaomei who bullied Moxi, two have turned into a pile of bones, and one eye is glowing green, and they keep tapping the window.


Mo Xi frowned slightly as he looked at the situation in front of him. This person turned into a zombie, how did he change it? These three people were kept in a separate room, and their bodies were not injured. Why did the corpses change if they were so good?

Mo Xi turned his head to look at Mu Ye, but he nodded with a smile as if he had expected it a long time ago. "Junior sister, now there is a ready-made test product."

At this moment, Gu Shaoli also came, obviously he also received the notice. He just glanced at the situation inside the window, then turned to look at Mu Ye: "You did it?"

Mu Ye nodded lightly, as if he didn't take such a scene of a living being turned into a zombie in his heart. "Such scum can only be used for research purposes."

Gu Shaoli only frowned slightly, and didn't say much.

The people who came after hearing the news were all a little surprised when they saw this change, and they were all discussing what was going on.

"Why did you suddenly become a zombie?"

"Yeah, it's terrible!"

"Aren't our bases safe? It seems that some people often become zombies recently!"

"That is to say, Gu Shao is too scary, what is going on?"

Gu Shaoli clapped his hands and said in a low voice, "This person may have been injured before, but he concealed all of us, so he will become a zombie now. Please stay safe and restless. Fortunately, we locked him up. Endangering the lives of all of us."

Everyone who got the explanation gradually felt relieved. Gu Shaoli continued to calm down: "It's okay, okay, everyone is gone, let Dr. Mu check what is going on here."

Someone also stood up: "Does Dr. Mu need help?"

Mu Ye nodded lightly and smiled: "If you are willing to help, that would be great."

So Gu Shaoli ordered a few people to stay to help. Although others were curious, they didn't dare to stand here. People were still very afraid of zombies.

At Mu Ye's orders, the remaining two strong men put on protective clothes. They now need to take the blood of this zombie and take it back to study the difference between the original green-eyed zombie and the red-eyed zombie.

As soon as the door opened, the zombie rushed out eagerly, and two strong men from left to right quickly subdued him. Mu Ye put on his gloves, took out the syringe to draw his blood, and then motioned for two strong men to tie him up.

Mu Ye said lightly: "Next, let's see how long he will turn red eyes."

Mo Xi nodded gently, glanced at the **** zombies, a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes.

As I said before, Mo Xi is best at killing people with a knife. Javier must report her, how can she easily let go of her bully? Xiao Mei said that she could forgive them, it was because Xiao Mei was kind.

But Mo Xi was never a kind person. Since he dared to bully her, he had to pay the price of bullying her. So she deliberately told Mu Ye that she wanted to have a newest zombie to study.

Mu Ye is very obsessed with scientific research. Last time he studied red-eyed zombies, he did not sleep almost all night. If there is a zombie who can advance the research progress this time, I believe he will definitely do it.

As for how Mu Ye turned that person into a zombie, Mo Xi didn't want to know.

Mu Ye pushed Mo Xi back, and Gu Shaoli went back with the two of them. Mu Ye and Mo Xi shared some data he knew: "The man was bitten at around ten o'clock last night. About twelve hours, at ten o'clock this morning, he became a zombie and then attacked the same house. The two humans in here."

Gu Shaoli: "Do you have these data?" He looked at Mu Ye in surprise. Could Mu Ye keep recording such accurate data?

"Yeah." Mu Ye nodded: "There is monitoring." He stayed there all the time, and after confirming that the person had become a zombie, he came out.

Gu Shaoli didn't know how to say what his friends did. It can only be summed up in one sentence, all those who engage in scientific research are lunatics. Thinking about this, he looked at Mo Xi, but saw that Mo Xi had a smile on his face from beginning to end.

For some reason, he had the illusion that Mo Xi was an accomplice.

"Next we need to carefully observe the time when he changed from green eyes to red eyes." Mo Xi said: "Although he has green eyes now, the green is very light, completely different from those outside."

"Yes, this process of change is the most worthy of our attention." Mu Ye nodded, expressing his agreement with Mo Xi's point.

"I'll go to the research room and save the samples. Junior sister, do you want to be together?"

Mo Xi shook his head: "No, I'll go back first, I'll go again in the afternoon."

"Well, that's fine."

Gu Shaoli looked at Mo Xi subconsciously, and suddenly said, "Wait, I'll send Mo Xi back to the room. By the way, I have something to ask Mo Xi."

Mo Xi looked at Gu Shaoli, his eyes were crystal clear, without a trace of awkwardness or other expressions.

Mu Ye raised his eyebrows: "What do you want to say?"

Gu Shaoli didn't want to say more, and directly took Mo Xi's wheelchair and pushed her into the room.

There was no one else in the entire room. Gu Shaoli stood behind Mo Xi for a while in silence. Mo Xi turned and looked at him: "Do you... have anything to say?"

Gu Shaoli: "..." He also wanted to ask her, is there nothing to say to himself?

"Ahem, that... Yesterday, I..." Gu Shaoli coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Mo Xi nodded faintly: "Are you trying to say that you kissed me yesterday?"

Gu Shaoli: "?" Why can she ask such a question so calmly as a girl?

"Brother Gu, don't worry, I didn't take it to heart, and I don't need you to be responsible."