I Have a Date with a Zombie

Chapter 51: Meng Han is more auspicious

Meng Han may be more ugly than good.

Mo Xi took a deep breath, still unwilling to believe that Brother Meng Han couldn't come back. He promised her that he would come back. He has a gun, so he doesn't need to fight close to the zombies. Why can't he come back?

Seeing Mo Xi bowing his head in silence, Gu Shaoli walked to her and comforted: "If you believe that he is okay, he will be okay." Because there is you thinking about him in this world, he will definitely not be willing. Leave.

Mo Xi went back to his room in despair, feeling a little depressed. Now that the evolved zombies have been discovered, the situation outside must be even more dangerous. Brother Meng Han took a group of people without any experience out, can he really come back alive?

Dong Yao knocked on Mo Xi's door. She looked at Mo Xi, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Did you ask about Meng Han?"

Mo Xi was silent for a while and whispered: "He will definitely be back."

Hearing what Moxi said, Dong Yao stepped back and suddenly sneered: "What do you mean by this? Will you be back? Do you promise? Or is it your expectation?" Dong Yao's words were stabbed and forced to ask Moxi sentence by sentence: " Is he...very unlikely to come back?"

Mo Xi bit her lip, she didn't seem to admit this fact.

"Let me ask you, what have you discovered after studying zombies these days?" Dong Yao suddenly asked something else.

Mo Xi whispered: "We have discovered the evolution of zombies, and the zombies outside are very likely to have evolved."

Dong Yao took a deep breath: "In other words, what Meng Han and the others are facing may be zombies that have evolved?"

Mo Xi nodded: "Yes." That's why she was even more afraid. Outside the base, I don't know how many zombies exist. They can't deal with ordinary green-eyed zombies. Now they have evolved into red eyes. Is it even more terrifying?

Dong Yao chuckled softly: "It's all you, Luo Moxi! Meng Han went out for you!"

Mo Xi looked at Dong Yao puzzledly,

"If it wasn't to save you, he wouldn't be able to reveal that he had a gun on his body. If it was not exposed, then Gu Shaoli would not design to let him out." Because the gun on Meng Han's body is just not the case. Time bomb, if Meng Han wanted to occupy this base, then Gu Shaoli would have nothing to fight back.

So it's better to let Meng Han go out and try his abilities.

"No, Gu Shaoli is not such a person." After so many days of getting along, Mo Xi just blurted out without even thinking about it. Although Gu Shaoli had deep thoughts, he was definitely not such a villain.

"Isn't it?" Dong Yao sneered: "Yes or not, Meng Han won't be able to come back, anyway, he has achieved the goal of getting rid of Meng Han."

Mo Xi: "..." Mo Xi didn't want to argue with her anymore.

"I will make all of you pay the price." Her voice was a little low, even a little weird, Mo Xi was slightly surprised when she listened.

Looking at her somewhat disheartened back, Mo Xi had a bad premonition in her heart.

Mo Xi was thinking about Meng Han so deeply, making Gu Shaoli a little unhappy, but in Mu Ye's words, you are not hers, who is the housekeeper thinking about?

In the end, Mu Ye personally picked a potted plant and gave it to Mo Xi, hoping she would be happy.

"You take good care of it. As long as this little potted plant doesn't die, then Meng Han will definitely come back safely." Mu Ye raised his hand and gently rubbed Mo Xi's head, comforting her in a very gentle voice.

"I hope that my junior sister can smile happily every day, even in the last days, don't despair." Mu Ye's voice is full of magnetism, as if it really comforted Mo Xi's heart.

He had said before that Mo Xi's eyes had a peculiar power, even if he was desperate and suppressed, as long as he looked at her, those sad breaths would disappear.

Even knowing that Mu Ye was comforting himself, Mo Xi looked down at the small potted plant in his hand and nodded gently: "Brother, I will take good care of it. I also believe that Brother Meng Han will be back." Because, he Said it would protect her forever.

Seeing this little face smiled again, Mu Ye also smiled: "So, do you want to continue to study with me this afternoon?"

Mo Xi thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

"Really good."

Gu Shaoli leaned against the wall and watched the loving interaction between them. He looked at Mo Xi who was rejoicing under Mu Ye's comfort. He curled his lips. This stinky girl, why didn't he comfort him? Laugh, now Mu Ye is here, but he is happy.

In addition to doing research with Mu Ye, Mo Xi also took care of the small potted plants sent by Mu Ye. She seems to really believe that as long as the potted plants are still alive, Meng Han must be alive too.

She watered the potted plants almost three times a day, and when the sun was outside, she also moved the potted plants out for photosynthesis. However, what makes people desperate is that when Mo Xi came back from the research room, he found that the potted plant had fallen from her window sill, and the pots were broken.

She hurried downstairs, only to see the small potted plants that had been withered by the sun, turning them into that kind of yellowish color.

The potted plant... is dead, what about Brother Meng Han? Mo Xi's heart chuckled, and his whole body was trembling a little. He looked at the potted plants on the ground stupidly, without saying a word.

Gu Shaoli upstairs had seen this scene long ago, and he hurried over. "Little cute?" He squatted gently in front of her, only to realize that there were indeed tears on her face.

"How does a plant represent a person?" He gently took her into his arms and asked her to wipe the tears on his white shirt. "Meng Han is so great and will come back." Gu Shaoli thought, if this is still a peaceful and prosperous age, he will tie people up to Mo Xi even if he is tied up. He doesn't want to look at her sad at all.

It turns out that after falling in love with someone, the emotions of the other person can really affect oneself.

Obviously he went crazy with jealousy, but he still wanted to comfort Mo Xi, that man is still alive and will definitely come back.

"Brother Gu, can you send someone out to find him?" Mo Xi whispered.

"No." Fortunately, Gu Shaoli's sanity was still there. He just whispered: "Meng Han is a special soldier. If he can't come back if he goes out, then you let these untrained people go out to find someone, not let them. To die?"

This is indeed the truth, Mo Xi knew it herself, she sniffed: "I'm sorry."

"Since he can take you guys who have no power to bind chickens to our base, then you have to believe that he is capable of coming back." Gu Shaoli continued, "He is very powerful, isn't he? "

Mo Xi still has some hesitation in her heart, but she still believes that Meng Han is very powerful. She felt much better when she was comforted by Gu Shaoli.