I Have a Dimension Street In Marvel

Chapter 133

Su Yue actually blocked his way first!

Extreme speed was slightly stunned, and then changed direction to avoid it, but Su Yue's speed was the same as his, and he seemed to be able to predict his movements.

Su Yue's face was light, and his movements were indescribably chic and comfortable.


No matter which direction the extreme speed wants to go, no matter how fast he increases his speed, Su Yue can be accurate and block him one step ahead.

"Kneel down!"

"Kneel down? What are you kidding me, how could I... poof!"

Before the speedy words were finished, his legs seemed to be out of his control, and he knelt down with a thud.

He knelt down too suddenly.

Catelyn, who was being held by him, didn't have time to react at all, and was dragged and knelt down together.

Su Yue slowly raised his hand, and the shock wave instantly hit Jisu's body.

He involuntarily slipped backwards and glided out at extreme speed, then slammed his head against the wall and stopped.

"Are you all right?" Su Yue bent down and stretched out his hand to help Caitlin up.

Caitlyn shook her head and looked at Extreme Speed ​​not far away with a complicated look. He... turned out to be extremely fast.

Jisui stood up and struggled with his hands on the ground. Just when he got up, Su Yue had come to him and grabbed his neck. Then Jisui's expression suddenly became painful, his skin and flesh began to dent, and his whole person showed a kind of feeling. dead grey color...

This is Jia Ying's ability.

Absorb vitality!

Chapter 0347 Earth 2 and Killer Frost

"Uh...uh...uh..." The extremely fast vitality was fading rapidly, although his hands were tightly grasping Su Yue's wrists, it was of no use at all. He wanted to beg for mercy, but what came out were unconscious moans and roars.

After a while, Jisui's unwilling eyes were completely grayed out, and his spirit was lost. His whole person was more like a dried mummy, and there was no sign of life at all.


This almost ruled Earth 2, beat the Flash Barry Allen without any temper, and turned everyone around at an extreme speed, just like that!

There is no turbulence in death, no force...

Uh, it sounds a little familiar, and it seems like the same for Vandal Savage before. However, Vandal Cevich was arrogant once before he died. The Green Arrow team, Lightning team and Raptor team had no temper, but it was a bit of a joke to die quickly.

The identity of the vest was suddenly revealed, and then Caitlin was kidnapped, and then... the speed was not Su Yue's opponent, and then he was directly led off the assembly line by the absorption of vitality.

How should I put it, for Barry Allen and Caitlin, the speedy death was too sudden.

This is the extreme speed, the extreme speed that ruled Earth 2 and made them feel like a formidable enemy and felt desperate, and ended up dying so easily? Yes, they know that Su Yue is very strong, but it is just a few seconds to kill the speed directly, or is it that kind of ease and ease, as if the state of just pinching an ant kills the speed in seconds, is it too exaggerated?

The extreme speed can make Barry Allen and others feel the difference, but Su Yue's strength is simply unfathomable! What the gap, what pressure, go to hell, Su Yue's strength is simply breaking the cognition, it is unreasonable.

Seeing Su Yue throwing the extremely fast corpses on the ground like he was throwing garbage, whether it was Barry Allen, Caitlin, or Harrison Wells, who was kneeling on the ground with wide-eyed eyes, all of them had a kind of feeling. It's as unreal as a dream.

This sense of unreal shock made them even forget about the shock and anger, and the fear and annoyance that he had been hiding by his fake identity, Jay Garrick.

"Don't you want the corpse?" Su Yue turned around and asked.

Barry Allen shook his head.

"Harrison, take your extremely fast body and follow me to Earth II to find your daughter."

When Su Yue's voice fell, Harrison Wells hurriedly got up and walked over to pick up the extremely fast body.

Taking out the trans-temporal teleporter, Su Yue asked the others, "Who among you wants to go to Earth 2 for a spin?"

"I, I want to go." Sisko Raymond hurriedly stretched out his hand.

"I want to see it too," Caitlin continued.

"I'll go too." Barry Allen finally said. Both Sisko and Caitlin went, and he would definitely follow. Moreover, the speedy died and the crisis was lifted, and he also wanted to see what Earth 2 looked like.

The trans-temporal teleporter opened, and a shock wave appeared. Su Yue was the first to pass through the shock wave, and the others followed closely behind.

Earth 2.

The environment here is not very different from Earth 1. The main reason is that the process of some events is different, and the results are different, so there are different effects on many things.

"Barry, go and find Caitlin on this earth, that is, Killer Frost, and bring her here." Su Yue turned his head and said to Barry Allen.

Barry Allen nodded and disappeared with a swoosh.

They appeared not in the city, but in the suburbs outside the city. Although the environment is a little rough, the scenery is not bad, so Su Yue plans to finish Jesse's affairs here first, and then go back to the city to deal with other things.

Harrison Wells and her daughter Jesse will definitely bring them back to Dimension Street. Harrison Wells is very talented and can work in the scientific research center. Although Jesse is currently just an incompetent little girl, she obtained the speed force in the original plot and became the speeder "Jesse Quick".

Although it seems that the incident that led to her obtaining the speed force should not happen, but who is Su Yue? The top big guy in the Marvel Universe, the transcender, isn't it a matter of hand to modify a setting so that Jesse has the speed force?

In addition to their father and daughter, there are several people Su Yue are going to take along with them. After all, they are all here.

There are still a few people in Earth 2 that he is more interested in, such as Killer Frost, whom Barry Allen went to find, and the Black Siren who later resided on Earth 1 and briefly took over the title of Black Canary, all of which can be brought back. Dimension Street is expanded to regular combat action teams, and their abilities can also have a place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


The sound of breaking the sky sounded, and the lightning bolt of the speed force came to the crowd from far to near in the blink of an eye.

Barry Allen steadied his steps and glanced at Killer Frost who was brought over by him with a strange expression.

"You..." Killer Frost opened his mouth and looked around, but as soon as he said one, you saw the extremely fast corpse carried by Harrison Wells.

Extreme speed... dead? !

"Caitlin, she really looks exactly like you, but her temperament is very different." Sisko Ramon said to Catelyn in surprise as he looked at Killer Frost.

Caitlin didn't respond, and she looked at her doppelganger in surprise at this time.

This is Killer Frost? Will you be like this in the future?

"What do you guys think!" Killer Frost stepped back a little and pulled away, spread his arms, and gradually gathered his cold frost in his hands.

Everyone was silent and looked at Su Yue.

Su Yue said straight to the point: "Extreme Speed ​​died, you can follow me in the future."

Killer Frost sneered: "You? Who do you think you are? I don't even know your name, and I just want me to follow you in one sentence. Are you still awake?"

Killer Frost was really shocked by the death of Extreme Speed. As a subordinate of Extreme Speed, although Killer Frost surrendered because of the threat of Extreme Speed, who is this person in front of him?

What identity? You don't know any strength, and you just want to subdue yourself in one sentence? who do you think You Are!

Killer Frost's reaction is quite normal. After all, he didn't show his strength, and he didn't show his identity. He wanted to recruit success with a single sentence.

But, is Su Yue an ordinary person?

Chapter 0348 Conquer Frost in One Word

"He is the dimensional lord of Dimension Street, and the speed is..." Sisko Raymond just wanted to introduce Su Yue's identity, telling Frost Killer how noble Su Yue's identity is and how unfathomable his strength is, but Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw Su Yue raise his hand, which made him take back what he wanted to say.


Su Yue said nothing, raised his hand and waved gently towards Killer Frost.

The seemingly ordinary action without knowing its meaning made Killer Frost subconsciously vigilant, and then... She was horrified to find that the ice gathered in her hands had melted and disappeared in an instant.

She was stunned, and just wanted to regroup, but found that the ice did not appear, and her ability seemed to be suppressed and did not activate at all. No, no... It's not that her ability has been suppressed, but her ability... is gone!

Killer Frost was horrified to find that everyone looked at him in shock, as if he had seen a ghost, which made her have a bad premonition. She hurriedly grabbed her hair and pulled it up in front of her eyes, the dark hair tips made her completely stunned on the spot.

Hair... turned black!

After becoming the Frost Killer, her hair became as white as frost, but now the white hair is gone, replaced by long black and beautiful hair... This means that she has a bad premonition, her ability... Gone!

"This...how is this possible, my ability...my ability...what have you done to me!!!" Killer Frost took a few steps forward and roared in disbelief.

Su Yue raised the hand he just put down, layers of cold air condensed in his palm, and an ice cone quickly formed.

"This... this is my ability? You stole my ability, you bastard!!!" Killer Frost wanted to pounce on Su Yue angrily, but his mind suddenly went blank for a moment.

When she reacted, she suddenly found herself kneeling in front of Su Yue.

This... what's going on here? How do I get down on my knees? when do i...

"You...you may have misunderstood, he...he didn't steal your abilities, but he could have everyone's abilities. The Flash and the extreme speed force, he will too." Caitlin whispered to the His doppelganger explained.

"Then why is my ability gone?" Killer Frost asked rhetorically.

Caitlin shook her head and glanced at Su Yue secretly.

She didn't know how Su Yue eliminated the ability of the Frost Killer, but she knew that Su Yue could do it.

Su Yue did not explain how she acquired the ability of the Frost Killer, nor how she eliminated her ability, nor how she knelt down. She just kept silent and stared at her playfully.

With the silent atmosphere and staring eyes, Killer Frost gradually felt an invisible pressure enveloped him. She suddenly calmed down from her anger. Although Su Yue didn't say a word, he eliminated his ability and possessed his own ability. This series of actions had only one purpose, and that was to respond to the previous words.

Conquer her in one sentence!

Killer Frost calmly analyzed it. This person seems to be the lord of Dimension Street, and he should be the boss of one of the forces. His strength is very strong, not only kills the speed, but also easily erases his own ability and plays himself in the palm of his hand. Such a person is staring at himself just like he was staring at himself at the first speed, either surrender or die, there is no third choice.

Taking a step back, even if he didn't kill herself, she would not have the capital to survive if she was incapacitated. For the things she did before, if people knew that she was incapacitated, the best outcome would be to be caught by the police and go to jail, and the worst outcome would be death on the street.

Killer Frost didn't want to die, so it was obvious what she could choose.

Taking a deep breath, Killer Frost silently raised one leg, knelt down on one knee, and lowered his head in the direction of Su Yue.


This is her choice!

Su Yue looked at Killer Frost, who bowed his head and surrendered, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He slowly raised his hand to control the metal on Killer Frost and made her stand up involuntarily. At the same time, her hair was rapidly turning white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ability, is back!

Killer Frost looked up at Su Yue, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

You can remove and restore a person's ability by raising your hand. Who the **** is this new master! I hope he won't be as brutal as Extreme Speed, otherwise his life will be difficult in the future.

"Let's lead the way, go to the fast nest." Su Yue said calmly, without any promise or encouragement to the Frost Killer who had just surrendered.

Killer Frost was considered a master on Earth 1 and Earth 2, and he was also one of the most capable soldiers when he was under the speed of extreme speed. Su Yue's ability to subdue him with a single sentence was indeed not something other people could do.

Barry Allen and others were shocked, but Su Yue's reaction was very calm, as if recruiting Killer Frost was nothing worth making his emotions fluctuate.

In fact, it does.

He can accurately summon Killer Frost with just one thought, and modify the settings of Killer Frost with a single thought. In his opinion, subduing Killer Frost is a matter of course. What is there to be excited about?

Besides, Killer Frost didn't really surrender, just because he had to bow his head under the eaves.

Su Yue didn't care whether Killer Frost truly surrendered. Anyway, he had to listen to his words. It didn't matter what he thought, the important thing was to obey himself.

Although Su Yue is happy to have friendship with everyone, it doesn't mean that he has to have friendship with everyone. These can be gradually changed through future interactions, but unless he is particularly heartwarming and obedient, why would he take the initiative to put down his body to please someone who has everything in his hands?

Being friendly doesn't mean licking a dog!

Have you seen the emperor's eclectic friendliness to a certain favorite concubine, have you ever seen the emperor be like this to every concubine? Have you ever seen the emperor do the same to his maids?

Half an hour later, a group of people appeared on the edge of a cliff.

Opposite the cliff, at least a hundred meters away, is also a cliff, a cliff that goes straight up and down without a foothold. In the middle of the cliff, there is a dark, deep mine that can't be seen.

Here, is the speed's lair.

Chapter 0349 Jesse Quick and Earth 3 The Flash

"It's such a long distance, and the opposite side is so steep, how do we get there?" Sisko Raymond looked at the opposite mine at a loss. Unless there was a large transport machine, it would be difficult to reach the mine even if he took a detour.

Jisui regards this place as the old nest of people, and he must have considered various situations.

"Can you run over?" Harrison Wells looked at the Flash Barry Allen. He thought that the speed would definitely not set up a nest that was difficult for him to enter. The biggest possibility was to use the speed to cross the cliffs and cliffs. Run into the horizontal ditch between.

Barry Allen observed the distance and shook his head regretfully. "My speed is not as fast as the extreme speed, I'm afraid I can't run past, but..."

Barry Allen glanced at Su Yue.