I Have a Dimension Street In Marvel

Chapter 5

"up to you."

Su Yue opened the refrigerator and took out half a bag of bread and two bottles of milk, then closed the refrigerator, turned around and walked out.

"Enter Dimension Street."

Su Yue secretly said, people have come to the empty Dimension Street again.


As soon as he came in, Su Yue saw Feng Baobao lying on the ground and twitching in pain.

Is this epilepsy or rabies? Why did Feng Baobao twitch for no reason? Su Yue secretly looked at Feng Baobao who was suffering in surprise, but he didn't approach him with a calm expression on his face.

He can be sure that Feng Baobao has neither epilepsy nor rabies. There should be no reason or possibility for her convulsions here. Even if she is hungry and uncomfortable, it will definitely not be so severe, so... This should be the punishment of Dimension Street. ?

Any creature in the Dimension Street will be punished when it betrays or is unfavorable to the host's thoughts and actions. Feng Baobao wants to leave the Dimension Street without his own permission. To some extent, it should be regarded as a betrayal, right? It's just that the way of this punishment is really unique, and it actually causes people to twitch?

Feng Baobao is a typical one. Does that mean that she has been twitching since she left last time? God, this kind of punishment is really more terrifying than the tiger stool chili water and the like. You can only smoke, keep pumping, this is simply worse than death!

"If you don't want to smoke all the time, then give up the idea of ​​leaving here. I can promise you that if one day I know how to send you back, I will help you find your family."

Su Yue's voice fell, and Feng Baobao's eyes, which were originally painful and numb, became brighter, and the frequency of convulsions became slower and slower. After a while, Feng Baobao, who had stopped convulsing, sat up from the ground with some difficulty, and looked at Su with his black and bright eyes. cross.

"Can you really help me find my family?"

"I can only promise to help you find your family when I can send you back, not your family. In exchange, before I send you back, you must unconditionally obey any of my orders, and you can no longer want to leave. Otherwise, you will be punished, just like just now." Su Yue handed the bread to Feng Baobao and unscrewed the milk. "Let's eat, I still have some things to deal with outside, and I'll consider how to settle after I'm done..."

Half of the bag of bread disappeared in just a few seconds. Feng Baobao pounded his chest expressionlessly, staring at the milk in Su Yue's hand.

Su Yue's hand moved slightly, and Feng Baobao's eyes followed.


No matter how he moved, Feng Baobao's neck twisted, and his eyes didn't leave for a moment.

"Drink, wait for me to come back here after drinking." Su Yue opened another bottle of milk and handed it over, and then she couldn't bear to see her drinking and left Dimension Street directly.

"Gulu... Gulu... Gulu..." After coming out of Dimension Street, Su Yue seemed to be able to hear Feng Baobao's cow drink.

Chapter 0012 Who am I? You are Carol Danvers!

Since Dimension Street can summon creatures from different time and space and different dimensions, it should also be able to send it back, so Su Yue's promise to Feng Baobao is not a lie, nor is it an expedient measure.

Although there is no option to send summoned creatures so far, this does not mean that there will be no options in the future. The dimension street in the system panel has a level, and a level means that there will inevitably be new modes or functions after the upgrade. Maybe something like If you summon it and send it back directly, maybe Dimension Street will connect to a new dimension of time and space.

Either way, you need to upgrade the dimensional street, and most of the upgrades are dimensional points.

"System, I want to view the panel."

Su Yue tried to shout, and a virtual projection panel suddenly appeared in front of him.

Host: Su Yue

Dimension point: 0

Dimension Street Level: Lv1

Dimensional Ability: Operation Fruit

Dimensional items: none

Dimensional creature: 1/5

Dimension Street Status: Not Opened

(Summon) (Lottery) (Open Dimension Street)

There is no increase in the dimension point, and there is no change in the level of the dimension street. It seems that we can only wait for the end of Captain Marvel's plot to study it slowly.

Feeling the inquiring eyes watching him, Su Yue turned his head and smiled at Nick Fury who was standing at the door.

"Ready to listen to the recording in the black box." Nick Fury said.

Su Yue nodded and walked over. As Nick Fury was about to enter the house, he suddenly asked, "What did you see?"

"I didn't see anything." Nick Fury said.

"If you don't see anything, it means you didn't see me either. You said... Should I let you break the bank and save you from disaster?" Su Yue looked at Nick Fury with a smile, as if he was seriously considering this issue.

Nick Fury waved his hand and begged for mercy: "No, no, my wallet is cleaner than Phil Coulson's."

Su Yue smiled noncommittally and walked in.

Carol Danvers chairs against the door frame inside, Phil Coulson stands aside, Talos and another Skrull stand across from them, and Maria Rambo glances in. Su Yue and Nick Fury, opened the DVD on the computer case and put the disc in.

For Su Yue, it is very ancient, and for today's people, the loading progress is displayed on a high-end flat-screen monitor, and the speed is not much faster than that of a snail. Everyone looked at the monitor silently and solemnly, watching the progress bar load little by little.

Carol Danvers looked at the people who were motionless and snorted, and asked inexplicably, "What happened?"

"It's loading," Nick Fury replied.

The Skrull who didn't know his name subconsciously shook his head secretly. As a scientist among the Skrulls, he was obviously a little helpless to the backward technology of the earth.

The progress bar is loaded to 100%, and an audio jumps out and starts playing.

A woman, it should be Mywell's voice, seemed to be reminding the pilot to enter the coordinates, and then said a series of numbers.

"Enter, where are we going? Doctor." Another woman's voice sounded, this was Carol Danvers' voice.

"My laboratory."

"Your laboratory? What do you mean?"

"Oh no."

"Wait, what is that? It's not on my radar."

"Come on, Carol, fly."

"That's not... Who are they?"

"Those are bad people, fly faster."

"Yes, sir."

The background of the conversation between Maiwell and Carol Danvers is very noisy, and it seems that they are being pursued. At this time, Carol Danvers, who was leaning on the door frame, seemed to remember something along with the dialogue in the audio...

The memory is recovering, the picture is emerging, she remembered what happened that day.

That day, she was in a new type of fighter plane, and Dr. Lawson, who was sitting in the back seat, that is, Mywell, reported a series of coordinates, which was the location of her secret laboratory, but the plane was attacked as soon as it left the earth's atmosphere. The enemy's spaceship, The weapon is extremely advanced, and she can't get rid of it with all her strengths. The plane was hit by the energy beam and crashed to the ground. She struggled to make a forced landing, then took off her helmet and jumped out of the cabin to check the condition of Dr. Lawson in the back seat.

Dr. Lawson's blue blood smeared Carroll's hands. She struggled to climb out of the cabin, saying that she was called Mywell, and she came from Harrah's Star. She also asked Carroll to remember the coordinates she entered before.

A beam of light penetrated Dr. Lawson's body, and a person walked out of the dust not far away.

In the scenes she dreamed of countless times in the past, it was the Skrull who walked out, but this time it was different. It was Yong Rogge, who she regarded as both a teacher and a friend. He wanted a light speed engine and an energy core. , she wouldn't let the doctor's hard work fall into the enemy's hands, she shot and destroyed the engine with the determination to die, and devoured her after the huge energy explosion...

Carol Danvers took a deep breath, and suddenly got up with a dignified expression and walked out of the room quickly. She felt like she was about to suffocate, about to explode.

Everyone hurriedly followed.

"He lied to me, everything I know is a lie." Carol Danvers stopped, turned around, looked at the people who followed and said angrily.

"Now...you understand?" Talos asked.

"What? What can I understand?" Carol Danvers asked in a deep voice.

"Yon Roger killed Marvel, he killed her because she found out she was involved in a wrong, unfair war! Those evil crimes you know should be held by the accuser Ronan, my people lives Refugees and homeless on Torfa, we rebelled against Kerry's rule. Now, we have only a handful of people left, and will be slaughtered unless you help me with the work of Marvel, you know That coordinate could provide the energy for a light-drive ship to take us to a safe place, a new home, a place where the Kree can't find us!"

Taros' expression was sincere and his tone was sincere, but Carol Danvers was hesitant, or she knew the truth, but her reason could not accept the deceived and concealed truth.

"We just want a home. You and I lost everything under Kerry's rule. Don't you understand now? You're not their race!" Talos emphasized.

"You don't know me, you don't know who I am, and I don't even know who I am!" Carol Danvers's voice was hissing, and her emotions were about to collapse.

When you believe in the beliefs and facts for many years and suddenly find out that all these are lies, the pain is enough to make a person's mind collapse.

Su Yue walked in front of her, looked at her angry, confused and sad eyes, and said calmly but firmly. "You are Carol Danvers!"

Chapter 0013 I lied to you, lied to a hug!

"You're Carol Danvers, the woman in the black box who risked her life to do the right thing; you're her best friend who supported her to be the A mother, become a pilot; you are a smart, funny, and a great pain person, and a strong person at the same time..."

Su Yue looked at Carol Danvers, whose expression gradually eased, and continued with a chuckle. "It's agreed to drink together when things are over. I don't want to wait too long, so I think of a way, do you hear?"

"Lawson always said that her work on the Tianma Project was not to fight the war, but to end the war." Maria Rambo next to him said softly, but after that, she looked at Su with a strange expression. cross.

Su Yue's words just now gave her a very strange feeling. How did he know that Carol Danvers supported him as a mother and a pilot? Why do I have the feeling that if he doesn't say it, I'll say it too?

A slight smile gradually appeared on Carol Danvers' face, she nodded, and suddenly opened her arms to embrace Su Yue. "Thank you, thank you for calming me down, thank you for what you said before is the truth, no lies!"

"No, I lied to you." Su Yue smiled.

Carol Danvers released Su Yue and looked at him suspiciously. "What did you lie to me about?"

"A hug!" Su Yue turned to look at Maria Rambo. "She should have said those words, and this hug should have been hers."

"What, what do you mean?" Maria Rambo was stunned.

When you know the future, you will naturally know the past.

Thinking of what Su Yue said before, Carol Danvers smiled and asked curiously, "Did we drink alcohol in the future you know?"



"Because you didn't have me in your original future."

"Then there is now!"

Carol Danvers walked up to Maria Rambo and gave her a big hug. After parting, she said to Talos. "That string of numbers is not a coordinate, it's a state vector, which is used to locate orbit and velocity. You can't find a laboratory on Earth because the laboratory is not on Earth."

"I have a way to find the laboratory, but Yong Rogge is coming soon, and we must find the energy core before he comes."

"Going to space?" Nick Fury asked. "Where are you going? Our planes can't get to Earth."

The Skrull scientist said: "It should be fine with a little repair, I'll repair it."

"Then, I need a co-pilot." Carol Danvers looked at Maria Rambo.

Maria Rambo widened her eyes. "Me? No, no, I'm not suitable, I can't leave Monica."

"It's okay, I can stay with my grandma and dad." Monica Rambo came to Maria Rambo and said obediently.

"I can't go, baby, it's too dangerous."

Maria Rambo and Monica Rambo discuss whether or not to go, Talos and his scientists have gone to fix the plane, Nick Fury and Phil Coulson are whispering sky……

Su Yue lightly bumped Carol Danvers on the shoulder, and then reached out and stroked her neck under her surprised and curious gaze.

"I think it's more appropriate to do this kind of thing after drinking, and it's when I'm drunk." Carol Danvers didn't hide, just looked at Su Yue with a smile.

"My opinion is just the opposite. Some things are the most appropriate to do now, which can save a lot of unnecessary trouble." Su Yue's finger touched a cold wafer.

Carol Danvers' expression suddenly became a little embarrassed, and her cheeks gradually turned red.


The space barrier of the surgical fruit instantly unfolded under Su Yue's other hand.

Seeing that Su Yue suddenly used his ability to wrap himself and Carol Danvers in a space barrier, everyone stopped their own affairs in an instant and looked over in confusion.

Su Yue smiled at Carol Danvers while holding the kitchen knife that was hidden somewhere before, and then the cold light of the knife slashed towards her neck.


The cold light flickered, and the wafer separated from Carol Danvers' neck, and was then controlled to fly into Su Yue's hands.

The space barrier disappeared, and Su Yue was about to open her mouth while fiddling with the chip in her hand, but suddenly energy surged on Carol Danvers' body. In the past, her energy could only be concentrated in her hands, but now the golden energy is passing through her. The body diffuses outward.

Her feet slowly floated off the ground, her long golden hair was enveloped in energy, and it floated away automatically without wind.


There was a sudden burst of energy, Carol Danvers' eyes turned golden, and the energy in them was surging!

"This gadget is used by Kerry's supreme wisdom to contain your energy. Without its restraint, your energy can burst out completely, and you can become the real Captain Marvel." Su Yue threw the chip to Carol Dan Firth.

Carol Danvers caught it and smashed it to the ground with a chuckle. "What does Captain Marvel mean, my code name?"