I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 187: Come again Italian restaurant

Separated from Yuan Jing, Lu Zheng returned to Tonglin County alone.

He thought he was going to be entangled with Guangyue for a while, but he didn't expect that the other party only stayed at the inn for a day, and was held back by Jiming Temple, and it became once a month.

Think about it, in fact, it has only been a few days since I met Huangfu Xu. I chased and killed the wolf demon all the way, met Guangyue, killed Jiaojiao on the way, and went to Jiming Temple. In just five or six days, I felt like I was completely lost. The fight for the year is over.

Of course, the harvest is also great, and Lu Zheng expressed his satisfaction.

Arranging flowers, wiping the pot, with hundreds of ray of luck in hand, Lu Zheng returned to his daily routine of salted fish.

Well, he has another job, that is, when Shen Ying and Liu Qingyan are playing chess, he will play the piano to add to the fun. Of course, the two women will also give a reward, but the content of the reward is not enough for outsiders. .

In addition, on the modern side, under the diligent guidance of Lu Zheng, Lin Wan has already practiced the twelfth form in "The Eighteen Forms of Danshan", which is much faster than previously expected. Cultivating blood qi, but his strength has already undergone a qualitative change.

"The instructors of the armed police team can't beat me." Lin Wan snickered, in a good mood.

"Of course, I'm a serious martial arts, martial arts, very strong." Lu Zheng said as a matter of course.

"People also practice martial arts, hard qigong, and Xingyiquan." Lin Wan said, "It is said that he also won a place in the army competition before."

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to say you are amazing!"

"Yes! Of course! Awesome! Awesome!"

"Aiya, slow down, don't be so pushy, I'm talking to you." Lin Wan patted Lu Zheng, her figure was up and down, and she changed the subject, "The results of the painting and calligraphy competition have come down."

"How is it?" Lu Zheng asked.

"Excellence Award."

Lu Zheng blinked, "What level is the Excellence Award?"

"It's the participation award." Lin Wan smiled, "The evaluation is very entertaining."

"Oh?" Lu Zheng was startled, "Did you teach him a lesson for how dare you comment on my amazing work?"

"I don't dare." Lin Wan smiled and shook her head, "It's the evaluation of our deputy bureau."

"Forget it." Lu Zheng nodded earnestly, "Actually, my original intention was to have fun. Your Deputy Bureau is worthy of being an old detective, and you can see my heart at a glance."

"Enough is enough, why didn't you see that you were so poor before?" Lin Wan was so amused that the flowers trembled.

"When you're in a good mood and you're relaxed, you're naturally humorous." Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows and told the truth.

After some exercise, Lin Wan went to the kitchen to cook, Lu Zheng turned on the TV, and looked at it casually.

"Do you have a holiday on May 1st?" Lu Zheng asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Of course it's going out to play!" Lu Zheng complained, "We haven't traveled together yet, unless you count the last Disney night."

Lin Wan's face flushed, and she and Lu Zheng had enough for the two-day, one-night Disney package for the white female ticket.

"It's a holiday, how could there not be a holiday, it's just that there must be someone on duty." Lin Wan said.

Lu Zheng nodded, "Okay, tell your Li team that if you dare to arrange for you to be on duty, I will go to him to learn from each other."

"You're quite brave, aren't you afraid that Team Li will sue you for assaulting the police?" Lin Wan laughed.

"Don't be afraid! I won't hurt him!" Lu Zheng smiled and clapped his hands, "Don't say it, it's a good idea, if I want to find you in the weekend, I'll call Team Li, if he doesn't let him go, I'll go to the city bureau to block him!"

"Che, it's like you're quite idle, you're really free financially, practice boxing for a while, calligraphy for a while, disappear mysteriously for a while, and find me on weekends?" Lin Wan walked away with two dishes. Came in, "Go and serve dinner."

"Okay!" Lu Zheng responded, jumped up, and entered the kitchen straight away.

Lin Wan shouted with envy and admiration, "It's amazing to have martial arts!"

"Yeah! It's amazing to have martial arts!"

Lu Zheng came out with two bowls of rice and two pairs of chopsticks, and raised his eyebrows at Lin Wan triumphantly, "If you master the "Eighteen Forms of Danshan", catching thieves on the streets in the future may be more exaggerated than in the movie , Cheng Long is not enough for you to fight."

Lin Wan rolled her eyes, "Then I'll be famous."

"I can still swipe your video from time to time now." Lu Zheng gestured to his mobile phone on the sofa.

"I know why you don't want to use martial arts." Lin Wan took the rice, nodded and said, "It's a bit exaggerated to act, and it's too troublesome to explain, so it's better not to say it.

So even if I practice "Eighteen Danshan Forms" in the future, I definitely won't be so exposed. "

"It seems that you can definitely practice." After Lu Zheng finished speaking, he felt a pain in his calf, but he was kicked by Lin Wan.

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Lu Zheng grabbed his left hand and hooked Lin Wan's ankle, then lifted it up and pulled it a little closer. Lin Wan glared at Lu Zheng, and then hurriedly retracted her foot.

"Why are two dishes so simple today?" Lu Zheng put a chopstick of meat into his mouth, "Is there a big meal in the evening?"

"Smart!" Lin Wan smiled and nodded at Lu Zheng, "I just solved a big case a few days ago, and the bonus has been paid. Let's go have fun tonight."

"Where to?" Lu Zheng asked.

"KASAMUVA." Lin Wan replied.

Lu Zheng blinked, "Or that Italian restaurant?"

"I wasn't happy last time, so I'll go again this time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Lin Wan nodded and said, then her eyes flashed, "Remember to play me another song."

Lu Zheng shook his head.


"However one song is enough, at least three songs must be played in a row." Lu Zheng said solemnly.

"It's almost there."

After lunch was finished quickly, Lu Zheng washed the dishes, and the two packed up and went out.

"How to arrange the afternoon?" Lu Zheng asked.

"No arrangement, you decide." Lin Wan said.

"Then watch a movie?"

"Then watch a movie!"

After a greasy and crooked afternoon, the two took a taxi to Neihe Park and Italian Restaurant.

"Welcome! Do you have an appointment?" The welcoming lady greeted her with a smile, bowed slightly, and smiled without showing her teeth.


Lin Wan called, and the two were led to a window seat. Then the waiter brought two glasses of lemonade and put two menus on the table, "You two, please order."

With the experience last time, the two also flipped through the review website beforehand, so they quickly ordered the food and handed the menu back to the waiter.

"Fortunately, we made an appointment, otherwise we might not have a place." Lu Zheng looked around and said.

It was already past six o'clock at this time, and the restaurant was already 70% full, and most of the seats with no one had a small vertical card, which seemed to be booked out.

"Otherwise, the evaluation would not be so high." Lin Wan saw that the waiter had brought the appetizers, and said to Lu Zheng, "The whole sea city can be ranked in the top three."

Lu Zheng picked up a piece of dry bread, dipped it in the seafood soup, and put it into his mouth, "It's okay." read!