I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 216: 1 battle

Lu Zheng's eyes narrowed.

The Netherworld is full of Netherworld aura, his senses were suppressed to the lowest level, and he didn't find anyone, no, a ghost quietly approached.

Looking around, although the surrounding is still foggy, the way to come and the way to go has been hidden in the fog and disappeared.

Liu Qingyan shrank her neck and hid behind Lu Zheng timidly, but gently released the hand that pulled Lu Zheng.

Hu Zhou pulled out the Embroidered Spring Saber with his backhand, his aura suddenly changed, his whole body was full of blood and energy, and there was a fierce and tyrannical demon power that filled his body.

Lu Zheng stood still, and after looking around with his eyes, he just stared at a strange tree in front of him and remained silent.

"Hee hee, not bad, I actually found out where Ben Gong is." The voice was charming, but it was cold and stiff.

The strange tree shook, disintegrated in an instant, and then turned into a glamorous woman wearing a blue-inlaid gold silk water-patterned gauze skirt.

Lu Zhengning frowned, this woman had black hair like waterfalls reaching her waist, skin as pale as snow, dark eyebrows and black pupils, and red lips like blood. .

Under the almost translucent gauze skirt, the pale skin was looming, and even faintly white light flashed in the aisles.

"Ghost corpse?" Liu Qingyan whispered.

"Yan corpse Bai Yuqing?" Lu Zheng asked word by word.

This is a name that Xin Zhanting mentioned to Lu Zheng at the banquet just now, and it is one of the three leaders of the corpse lake.

Giant Corpse Duhe!

Water corpse Mo Xuanzi!

Yan corpse Bai Yuqing!

Each of them has the strength not weaker than that of the Yelan King.

This ghost can deceive himself, and even set up a maze to block one party's connection. It is definitely not an ordinary hundred-year-old ghost.

"Oh? You know me, and Old Ghost Xin told you?" Bai Yuqing blinked, her pure black pupils looked strange no matter what.

"Well, I just said that."

Lu Zheng nodded, "I don't know what your purpose is to block our way? My disciple has not practiced Taoism for less than ten years. For you, even if you knock him out and **** the marrow out, it shouldn't have any effect, right?"

Hu Zhou was shocked when he heard the words, and couldn't help but glanced at Lu Zheng resentfully.

"Hee hee, that's because you have no vision. The power of the tiger demon in this kid is not an ordinary monster. The origin is pure and the demon power is deep. If you can absorb his blood and integrate it into Ben Gong's heart, it will definitely allow Ben Gong to go further. ."

Bai Yuqing said with a smile, "A mere warrior master and apprentice, Xin Laogui dares to let you walk in the Netherworld with confidence, he is not small, really think that this road is not long, it is completely the territory of the Yin Si? "

"Really?" Lu Zheng wiped the corner of his mouth and wiped Hu Zhou's hand holding the knife, and then put the embroidered spring knife into his hand.


The wrist shook, the tiger roared, blood filled the body, and the phantom of the tiger roared out.

Bai Yuqing walked lightly, took a few steps forward slowly, raised her hand gently, and her ten bright red nails suddenly became longer, thin and straight, three feet long, like a sharp sword.



One hand twisted the long knife in Lu Zheng's hand, and the other hand was like a sword, stabbing Lu Zheng's chest and heart.

"Hee hee, why don't you withdraw your sword? Although you are just an ordinary warrior, as long as your heart is warm enough, Ben Gong will not dislike it."

"Master!" Hu Zhou's eyes were about to split, and he was about to rush forward.

Liu Qingyan's demonic power surged in her body, and she reached out and grabbed Hu Zhou.

Bai Yuqing glanced at Liu Qingyan, but did not expect that the other party was also a monster.

But just when Bai Yuqing's five fingers were about to pierce Lu Zheng's chest, Lu Zheng let go of the knife and twisted the seal in his hand.

"The Supreme Promise, the Edict of the Three Purities, set!"

Bai Yuqing's movements froze instantly.

Lu Zheng grinned, put his hand on the handle of the knife again, and pulled the long knife out of the gap between her fingernails. The blood on the knife swelled and wiped her neck.

"Crack! Zilla-"

"Huh?" Lu Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he was about to add more force.

However, Bai Yuqing had already broken free from the restraint of the Fixing Curse, and her figure retreated sharply, clutching her neck that was almost cut in half.

"Fixing Charm!"

"You are a Taoist priest!"

I made a mistake, I didn't expect her neck to look slender and slender, but it turned out to be comparable to steel!

Lu Zheng's figure was vertical, and he followed. With a swing of the long knife in his hand, he hit him with a spell with his left hand.

"The decree of Taiqing, Feiyun destroys evil, disease!"

"Dao and Wu Shuangxiu! You are hiding so deeply!"

Bai Yuqing flew back, her left hand trembled slightly, and the red nail on her little finger fell off on its own, as if a blood-red three-foot rapier pierced Lu Zheng.


Lu Zheng swung the knife to block, and then the thin sword circled in the air and shot at Lu Zheng again.

"Flying sword?"

Lu Zheng looked solemn, and put his three-point attention on the nail, but his feet still kept on shooting Bai Yuqing.

Bai Yuqing's eyes narrowed, her figure turned, and she turned into a strange tree again.

Lu Zheng's eyes narrowed, and the sword turned, avoiding the strange tree, but swung the sword heavily towards the other side.



Bai Yuqing blocked Lu Zheng's knife, but instead of getting close, she stepped back again and opened the distance from Lu Zheng.

Illusions are useless to Lu Zheng!

The other party is also an expert!

"This son, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I just rude."

Bai Yuqing's red lips were smiling, and she reached out and gently wiped it on her shoulder.

The gauze skirt fell off naturally, revealing a close-fitting translucent gauze underwear. The skin was delicate and tender, and the cost of the pair was not small, and there were two faint hints of blush.

"My son, the concubine knows that he has made a mistake and is willing to pay for it with his own body. UU reading www.uukanshu.com also hopes that the son will give the concubine a chance to atone for her sins. If the son has the heart, the concubine will definitely satisfy the son."

In the distance, Liu Qingyan's eyes widened, and she reached out to cover Hu Zhou's eyes, "Don't look, the president has the eye of a needle!"

The gauze skirt floated in the air, gently floated towards Lu Zheng, and then...

When approaching Lu Zheng, several strands of gold threads fell off the gauze skirt and quickly wrapped around Lu Zheng.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

These golden threads seem to be light as nothing, but they are actually as sharp as knives. Dozens of golden threads rushed up and wiped off Lu Zheng's body in an instant.

The next moment, Lu Zheng was cut into hundreds of pieces, and blood splattered everywhere.

Bai Yuqing just breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes changed immediately.


Why didn't the woman look shocked at all?


Bai Yuqing lucked out his eyes and saw that Lu Zheng, who had been cut into pieces, disappeared out of thin air, and another Lu Zheng had already arrived in front of him.

In order not to frighten Liu Qingyan, Lu Zheng performed illusion without affecting her and Hu Zhou.

Anyway, it only happened in an instant. Even if Bai Yuqing could find out, it would probably be too late.


Bai Yuqing screamed, and immediately two nails fell off on her hand, stabbing Lu Zheng.

"Ding! Ding!"

With two soft clicks, Lu Zheng swung his knife and knocked off two fingernails, and then a palm was printed between the two peaks on Bai Yuqing's chest.

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